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Religiosity poll
Are you a religious person?
1. I am a religious theist [ 14 ] [16.67%]
2. I am a non-religious theist [ 6 ] [7.14%]
3. I am a deist [ 4 ] [4.76%]
4. I am a religious atheist [ 2 ] [2.38%]
5. I am a non-religious atheist with supernatural beliefs [ 7 ] [8.33%]
6. I am a non-religious atheist with no supernatural beliefs [ 51 ] [60.71%]
Answers total: 84
SalvoDate: Saturday, 30.11.2013, 14:58 | Message # 1
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1400
Status: Offline
("updated" version of the old poll)

I had a discussion with my friends about this, and I decided to start this poll, just to get an idea smile


  • theism - having a belief in a deity/god that does or has intervened in the universe
  • deism - having a belief in a deity/god that created the universe but has not intervened in it
  • atheism - lacking a belief in a deity/god
  • religion - a framework of tenets and traditions related to supernatural and/or spiritual beliefs
  • supernatural - elements of existence beyond those that are known to exist in nature (e.g. souls, reincarnation, afterlife, incorporeal consciousness, ghosts, extraterrestrial visitations)

Examples of...
...theistic religions - Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Sikhism
...atheistic religions - Buddhism, Scientology, Raëlism, many aboriginal religions

The universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human ambition.

CPU: Intel Core i7 4770 GPU: ASUS Radeon R9 270 RAM: 8 GBs

(still don't know why everyone is doing this...)

Edited by Salvo - Saturday, 30.11.2013, 15:00
DiscovererOfWorldsDate: Thursday, 25.06.2015, 09:41 | Message # 61
Space Pilot
Group: Users
Messages: 120
Status: Offline
first of all I would say that most of the random mutations are harmful, such as mutations in the fruit flies were born with deformed wings or body parts with different colors but are still fruit flies, or viruses that are becoming increasingly resistant to treatment alls calculated as evolution but viruses are always virus, when it comes to diseases we are talking about is a malfunction of organs but the organs remain organs do not turn, also how you can explain that if the majority of mutations are pejorative in millions of years the monkey has evolved into man according to that mutations are random ?, I have seen on youtube many deformed animals victims of genetic mutations, in films and programs mutations are seen as horrendous body alterations instead of something constructive is also the difference between the more species are such huge reptiles have scales bird feathers, birds have a keen sight, however no reptiles, reptiles lay eggs but only birds must hatch, birds are warm-blooded reptiles blooded cold as you believe in millions of years fortuitous mutations of DNA, considering the majority of mutations are pejorative, how can you have such a sudden change with so few beneficial mutations? Mendel also has check through which generations of flowers brought only new features like color as possible? DNA mutations seen as a form of threat and as we see from the test of fruit flies many of them after several generations they returned to be normal fruit flies. it is true that there is not any evidence that God created the universe as it is not completely certain that the universe is born from the bing bang what was the energy that has resulted in this explosion ?, also has shown that after the bingbang the universe had a high temperature. Here you will find all the evidence against evolution PS translate it into Italian My WebPageThe universe is made up of groups of galaxies (grapes) and loved (grapes) that is the universe (the tree) How can you believe that something as complex and orderly was formed by chance?
Quote DoctorOfSpace ()
Where does the bible accurately predict the future?
in another type of bible

the universe is made to be explored, but no one will ever visit it all

Edited by DiscovererOfWorlds - Thursday, 25.06.2015, 09:42
WatsisnameDate: Thursday, 25.06.2015, 12:32 | Message # 62
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
United States
Messages: 2613
Status: Offline
DiscovererOfWorlds, if you have a lot to write, use the return key a few times and follow the basic rules of sentence structure. Nobody wants to read a giant block of poorly formatted text. wink

Added: I'm also not yet seeing much indication that you're actually making effort of reading, comprehending, and addressing other people's responses to you. You're making a large number of arguments without addressing the flaws that were pointed out in your prior arguments, or answering questions that were specifically directed to you. This is not how a debate works, and I suggest you make an improved effort if you want to continue.

DiscovererOfWorldsDate: Thursday, 25.06.2015, 13:41 | Message # 63
Space Pilot
Group: Users
Messages: 120
Status: Offline
no I do not want to continue, I think this debate is pointless, I just wanted to speak my mind, I believe that everyone should believe in what he wants, the debate between evolution and creation will never end because everyone believes in one of two things, those who believe that life arose by chance well, then life has no meaning,It is even if the truth is another matter not least I will cultivate a lot of happiness in worshiping God, this gives me a purpose in life, a sense that's all.

the universe is made to be explored, but no one will ever visit it all

Edited by DiscovererOfWorlds - Thursday, 25.06.2015, 13:45
HarbingerDawnDate: Thursday, 25.06.2015, 15:22 | Message # 64
Cosmic Curator
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United States
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Quote DiscovererOfWorlds ()
no I do not want to continue

What he means is that if you're going to write a post, please make an effort to be easily understandable. Use capital letters, punctuation, spacing, and paragraphs. It's not courteous to other forum members if you don't format your text.

And of course, you're right, everyone does and should have the right to believe whatever they want. But it is also good to be open to discussing those beliefs. That is how we learn and grow as people.

All forum users, please read this!
My SE mods and addons
Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
DiscovererOfWorldsDate: Thursday, 25.06.2015, 17:54 | Message # 65
Space Pilot
Group: Users
Messages: 120
Status: Offline
Quote HarbingerDawn ()
What he means is that if you're going to write a post, please make an effort to be easily understandable. Use capital letters, punctuation, spacing, and paragraphs. It's not courteous to other forum members if you don't format your text.

And of course, you're right, everyone does and should have the right to believe whatever they want. But it is also good to be open to discussing those beliefs. That is how we learn and grow as people.
you're right, I will not continue as it would surely be an endless debate, next time I will try to understand me better, I apologize

the universe is made to be explored, but no one will ever visit it all
DoctorOfSpaceDate: Thursday, 25.06.2015, 20:02 | Message # 66
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
Messages: 3600
Status: Offline
I am mainly posting this for those who may, by some unlikely chance, be convinced by the questions DiscovererOfWorlds has put forward.

Quote DiscovererOfWorlds ()
most of the random mutations are harmful

This is not true, your cells mutate all the time but the vast majority of mutations are benign.

Quote DiscovererOfWorlds ()
how you can explain that if the majority of mutations are pejorative in millions of years the monkey has evolved into man according to that mutations are random ?

On the genetic level the mutations are "random". In an individual usually the mutations do nothing beneficial or harmful, in some cases the mutations cause a beneficial trait. When a beneficial trait mutates it tends to spread in a population, bad traits tend to kill individuals. Random mutation with natural selection drives evolution, it just takes a lot of time and a lot of mutations.

Rather than even attempt to go in depth, I would recommend watching this basic explanation

Quote DiscovererOfWorlds ()
in another type of bible

Care to link to this? I am genuinely curious about such a book.

Quote DiscovererOfWorlds ()
because everyone believes in one of two things

Evolution is not a belief system, it is supported by real testable evidence.

Quote DiscovererOfWorlds ()
those who believe that life arose by chance well, then life has no meaning

Nonsense. Meaning is given by the individual. I know plenty of individuals who do not believe in a god, think life happened by chance, but they believe in all kinds of new age religions.

Quote DiscovererOfWorlds ()
I will not continue as it would surely be an endless debate

This is all well and good but it isn't really a debate.

Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor
G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory
WatsisnameDate: Friday, 26.06.2015, 00:45 | Message # 67
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
United States
Messages: 2613
Status: Offline
I understand you don't wish to participate anymore, and that's fine. This is mostly for the benefit of other readers, though I do hope you'll read it as well and at least think about it yourself, because I think this is a really important line to go over:

Quote DiscovererOfWorlds ()
the debate between evolution and creation will never end because everyone believes in one of two things

Is the idea that God created the universe testable by the scientific method? Can we use it to make potentially falsifiable predictions?

Is the idea that what we observe today is the product of billions of years of natural processes testable by the scientific method? Can we use it to make potentially falsifiable predictions?

That's the difference. It is enormous. This is why one is a belief system and one is not. They are not two competing models of reality. If this is unclear, then we need to backtrack a lot, and understand what the scientific method is, and what a theory is.

I still hold to what I said earlier: you are absolutely free to believe that God or some sort of intelligence set up the universe and let it unfold by its own processes. This is a belief system, not evidence based but faith based. It's obvious that this belief is comfortable for you, that it gives you a sense of meaning and purpose to life, and I think that is great. I honestly do not think that anyone here wishes to dissuade you from that (and if anyone tries I will personally put an end to it immediately). Just please be aware that we don't all share that belief, and we are able to live happy and satisfying lives without it.

But if you are of the view that the history of life on Earth is not explained by evolutionary biology, or that there is anything in this universe we know of that requires an intelligent creator rather than being a result of natural processes, then you are wrong, and you should expect people to try to educate you. smile I've seen these discussions more times than I can remember and always it comes down to an incomplete understanding of the science in question. (Notice all the misunderstandings and corrections that Doc and I have pointed out for you previously.) Again, I'm not trying to dissuade you from belief in God, or even creationism in the sense of God starting the universe with the Big Bang, but I would like to help you understand more accurately what we know about how the universe works since that event, if you want to.

That's all for now, I hope this isn't unreasonable. smile

Bells_TheoremDate: Friday, 26.06.2015, 23:22 | Message # 68
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 188
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Most mutations do not result in physiological changes, and of those that do are not so severe as to render the subject incapable of survival and procreation, but merely give them a slightly lesser chance at doing so. Those rare cases where a mutation is actually beneficial give them a slightly better advantage at doing so and therefore are more likely to be passed on and spread through each generation of a population.

The net result is the slightly beneficial mutations will win out over the vast majority of slightly non-beneficial or noneffective mutations. Bad mutations filter out of a population, good ones collect in a population.

Given a few millions of years you get new species.

Edited by Bells_Theorem - Friday, 26.06.2015, 23:25
DiscovererOfWorldsDate: Sunday, 28.06.2015, 14:27 | Message # 69
Space Pilot
Group: Users
Messages: 120
Status: Offline
Quote DoctorOfSpace ()
Care to link to this? I am genuinely curious about such a book.
It's called the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, and is a revision of the original Bible.https://it.m.wikipedia.org/wiki....ritture

the universe is made to be explored, but no one will ever visit it all
WatsisnameDate: Thursday, 02.07.2015, 08:49 | Message # 70
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
United States
Messages: 2613
Status: Offline
I was thinking about this question again:

Quote midtskogen ()
For instance, perhaps dark matter is nothing physical at all in our directly observable universe, but something outside just interacting with it?

This is interesting, but I'm unsure of the utility. Can you think of ways in which these two scenarios are different in a testable sense? As the theorist, what kind of unique predictions would you be making in order to distinguish between the two? As an observational astronomer or experimental physicist, what evidence would you be looking for?

I can say that all the observations we have are perfectly consistent with the existence of additional gravitating mass in the universe but of a form which doesn't interact (at least significantly) with light. I.e. 'dark matter'. This is testable and has so far been highly successful. To me, considering stuff "outside" the universe seems unnecessary for this purpose, and as a scientist I wouldn't know how to proceed down that route.

julio_illyrianDate: Saturday, 22.08.2015, 11:14 | Message # 71
Group: Newbies
Messages: 7
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I choose "religious theist", I believe there is a god, but that does not look, a form, that they have time and I think he stretches the universe (or universes) as we do with a simulator (type SE, or the video game "The SIMS")

Edited by julio_illyrian - Sunday, 23.08.2015, 13:23