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The Universe's Edge
VoekoevakaDate: Monday, 14.01.2013, 16:50 | Message # 46
World Builder
Group: SE team
Messages: 1016
Status: Offline
Did you have ever heard about the theory of the inhomogeneous universe ?

The firsts models of this theory were made after the discover of the inflation. The inflation model was made to explain why there is no big-scale structures bigger than galactics hyperclusters in the universe. The solution is to suppose that, 10⁻³⁵ seconds after the big-bang, the density of energy in the universe was almost constant, and the small disparities were due to quantic perturbations. Then the inflation occurs, and the result is a big universe, that is almost homogeneous.

If there was no inflation, the gravity could have gathered energy and matter in black holes, and the nowadays's universe won't exist today.

The origin of the inflation can be explained by the splitting between the strong interaction and the electroweak interaction, predicted by the great unification theory, which is a symmetry breaking and liberate a lot of energy. As an image, you can think about the frozing water : the ice is a cristal, with a certain structure (called its symmetry). The water have a simple symmetry : it have the same behavior when you turn it (spherical symmetry).
When the water freezes, it is getting colder, so its energy is liberated. The strong/electroweak matter have a more rudimentary symmetry than the unified matter, so, during the splitting of the forces, lots and lots of energy is liberated, and the universe grows.

Some scientists thought that the inflation could be a permanent phenomenon, maybe self-sustaining, and that is exist today some very distant regions of the universe where the inflation is still running. So, the univers can be seen like a big cheese of inflating energy, where, sometimes and somewhere, some universe-bubbles grows, slowly.

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R136a1Date: Saturday, 19.01.2013, 20:22 | Message # 47
Group: Newbies
United States
Messages: 8
Status: Offline
The universe is vast. the "Edge of space" has a mass of 0. (Expansion happens faster then the speed of light) so the universe I believe doesn't have boundaries because if the edge has a mass of 0, there is no "edge" (There may be an edge. though its probably moving so fast that it doesn't even matter. (The universe expands at around 1.2*10^16 miles per hour (12 Quadrillion miles per hour), Light travels at 6.7068*10^8 miles per hour (about 67 million miles per hour)))

Aliens, heh. Who would've thought? One day were Causing wars and another day were finding earths!
WatsisnameDate: Sunday, 20.01.2013, 08:21 | Message # 48
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
United States
Messages: 2613
Status: Offline
I'm not sure if I understood you correctly, but you appear to be under the impression that things can't go faster than the speed of light, therefore regions of the universe receding faster than c are devoid of matter. This is not so. When looking at cosmic expansion, it is not that matter is moving through space, rather it is space that is expanding, so there is no violation of relativity.

Furthermore, statements about cosmic expansion velocity are meaningless if they do not include a distance measurement. The rate at which two points in the universe move away from each other is proportional to the distance separating them, in accordance to Hubble's Law (v=HD). I'm not sure where you got 1.2x1016 mph (and why mph???) from, but that seems ridiculously large for any distance within the Hubble Volume. Consider that the recession velocity of the particle horizon (14.6Gpc away) is only barely more than 3 times the speed of light. (A lot of people get this wrong and think it's equal to c, but they are forgetting that cosmic redshift is a general relativistic effect, not special relativistic. See this paper for a good description.)
