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Questions About SDK
form_d_kDate: Wednesday, 30.03.2016, 21:46 | Message # 1
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 68
Status: Offline
I'm looking forward to the eventual $150,000 goal being met as I highly desire a Space Engine SDK. It's the #1 reason I would donate to the project. I have some questions though.

- What is your goal for the SDK?
- What languages would the SDK support (fingers crossed for C#!)?
- Will the SDK utilize the .NET framework?
- I assume Space Engine's codebase is in C++. I'm also assuming you don't want .NET as a dependency. However, would you be able to utilize .NET to leverage custom attributes for SDK auto-generation? Maybe Swagger could do the same (https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/documentation/articles/app-service-api-dotnet-get-started/#use-swagger-metadata-and-ui)?
- In the future, if you need any assistance in writing SDK documentation (API reference, tutorials, example code, installation guides, etc.), I'd be happy to volunteer. I went from being a software developer to a programmer writer; worked on the Microsoft Surface SDK, Visual Studio SDK, Halo 5 internal docs, Disney, & Amazon Web Services SDKs (mainly Java & .NET).

I'm sure I have a ton of other questions but I'd rather not take up too much of your time. Any insight would be much appreciated!

p.s. The Halo 5 team looked at Space Engine for reference!

Edited by form_d_k - Wednesday, 30.03.2016, 22:07
SpaceEngineerDate: Thursday, 31.03.2016, 04:31 | Message # 2
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
SDK will more resemble graphics engine such as Unity or Unreal Engine, although not so complex and "universal" (ie it will be focused on rendering of Space). It probably will be distributed as static or dynamic library with header files. So it will be possible to write headers for C# and other languages. The assets what engine use could be fully configurable (change directory structure, use native SE pak files or connect to other file manager, etc), as long as rendering pipeline (ie developer could insert his rendering code into SE pipeline, or vice versa, insert SE rendering functions into his own pipeline). Other SE subsystems such as sound, physics etc will be a part of SDK, and developer could or could not use them, at his discretion.

form_d_kDate: Thursday, 31.03.2016, 13:21 | Message # 3
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 68
Status: Offline
Awesome! Thanks for the insight. smile
form_d_kDate: Thursday, 31.03.2016, 19:20 | Message # 4
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 68
Status: Offline
Quote SpaceEngineer ()
ie it will be focused on rendering of Space

The atmospherics in Space Engine are handled really well. When volumetric clouds, waves, & mm detail are implemented, I could see a variety of 'non-space' applications, such as flight simulators.
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