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Editing the atmospheric conditions of existing planets
TorianDate: Friday, 20.07.2012, 01:27 | Message # 1
Group: Newbies
Messages: 9
Status: Offline
Hey everyone,

I've been lurking around the forums trying to find a way to allow for some more customization in planets and their atmospheric conditions. For instance, I'm trying to "terraform" Gliese 581 c or d into a temperate terra world with more or less blueish skies and such. So far I've been checking the exoplanets.sc file and have found the planet I was looking for, but I'm not very educated when it comes to coding stuff, so I don't want to just plop some lines down there and hope it works, for fear that I might mess something up.

I've also checked some tutorials here that show how to create new planets and their atmospheric conditions, but what I'm really looking for is being able to edit planets that already exist. I'm aware of the fact that terraforming is an upcoming feature of the already existing planet editor, but is it not possible to change existing planets right now using code?

Thanks in advance!
KvikiDate: Friday, 20.07.2012, 01:59 | Message # 2
Group: SE team
Messages: 289
Status: Offline
Currently there is no way to edit the atmosphere ingame, nor can you save the planets.
However, if you want make gliese 581 c a custom planet, you can change it's atmosphere permanently (the planet will also have identical terrain as the actual gliese 581 c).
For creating planets see here.

If you want gliese 581 c as a custom planet, I suggest you export the original planet's script first.
If you wish to edit the atmosphere, feel free to tinker with the atmosphere parameters in the planet's script. Simple text editing software should open the script (i suggest notepad++).
Once you're satisfied with whatever you changed, just assign the planet to a custom star (star tutorial here).

It's quite simple if you follow the tuts.

Edit: Also, if you find a planet's atmosphere that you particularly like, export it's script and copy-paste it's atmosphere paremeters over the gliese 581 c's (the custom planet you made) atmosphere parameters.

Edited by Kviki - Friday, 20.07.2012, 02:01
TorianDate: Friday, 20.07.2012, 11:20 | Message # 3
Group: Newbies
Messages: 9
Status: Offline
Where would I find the script for the planet? As said I've looked in ExoPlanets.sc and found it mentioned there, but all it says is:

Planet "Gliese 581 c"
ParentBody "Gliese 581"
Mass 5.4094
Epoch 54763
Period 0.03536886033
SemiMajorAxis 0.073
Eccentricity 0.07
ArgOfPericen 235

Now obviously this code changes some aspects of the planet but not the desired ones. Is there perhaps another script somewhere else that handles the properties of this planet?

PS: Please keep in mind I'm extremely bad at code, the highest level of programming I've ever done was program a really simple pacman-like game in flash actionscript (I'm studying videogame design)
HarbingerDawnDate: Friday, 20.07.2012, 13:09 | Message # 4
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
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Torian, that is where the planet is defined in the catalog, but what you want to do is select the planet and then go to the menu and click Editor > Edit Planet, then in the interface select export script. Then find the file that created (you specify the name while creating it) in the cache/export folder. Then, edit the Atmosphere tag to your liking according to the instructions in the tutorial Kviki linked you. Replace the Gliese 581 c entry in the catalog with your exported and modified script.

Alternately, you can simply add the atmosphere parameters directly into the existing catalog script (this would be easier if you already know what kind of atmosphere you want). As Kviki said, if you find another planet that has an atmosphere that you would like for Gl 581 c, you can export the script of that planet as I described above, copy its Atmosphere tag, and paste it into the existing catalog entry for Gliese 581 c.

I hope that makes sense to you.

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KvikiDate: Friday, 20.07.2012, 13:11 | Message # 5
Group: SE team
Messages: 289
Status: Offline
Hey again. Once you're in space engine, get to the original Gliese 581 c planet, click on it, then go ESC -> Editor -> Edit planet if you want to do some terrain/clouds changes to it OR just go export planet if you want to export it as it currently is. It will export the planet's script to spaceengine0.96\cache\export.

If you do want to edit the planet a bit, after you're done just click the export script located on top of the editor window.

Edit: Ninja'd!

Edited by Kviki - Friday, 20.07.2012, 13:13
TorianDate: Friday, 20.07.2012, 13:58 | Message # 6
Group: Newbies
Messages: 9
Status: Offline
Ahh I see! I fiddled around with the editor already but didn't know it had that kind of functionality. I'll be trying that out, thanks alot!
quarior14Date: Wednesday, 27.01.2016, 11:25 | Message # 7
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 649
Status: Offline
I found on SpaceEngineers a tutorial on atmospheres and have the same techniques for configuration (at least the name), below is an example of code :
Atmosphere "Blueworld"
    RadiusGround    4253.26
    Height   60.0
    RayleighH  8.0 //Rayleigh Height Surface – Controls the thickness of the atmospheric layer when you’re on or near planet’s Surface
    MieH   8.0 //Mie Height – Controls the size of the outer glow effect of the Sun
    MieG   2.0 //"Sun size"
    MieFade   0.02
    RayleighBeta    (0.188,  0.188,   0.616)  //Rayleigh Scattering R,G and B – Edit the colour for atmosphere
    MieScaBeta  (0.0058, 0.05,    0.1) //Mie Scattering R, G and B – Group of three sliders to control the color of the Sun glow
    MieExtBeta  (0.0058, 0.00927, 0.005)
    RayleighScale    0.25
    MieScaScale  1.0
    MieExtScale  1.0

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