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My system is not showing up in 0.9.8!
DiakonovDate: Monday, 15.08.2016, 12:45 | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 69
Status: Offline
Hi, I recently installed the latest version, but my system is not showing up. The entire system! I try, but looks like the program refuses to recognise my system. I tried editing universe.cfg, but nothing. I even tried to include the file TeranStar.sc in the packs, but nothing! I tried to create a new star file in the stars folder because I tried to include the barycenter in stars.sc but failed.

Edited by Diakonov - Monday, 15.08.2016, 12:47
JackDoleDate: Monday, 15.08.2016, 13:54 | Message # 2
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
If you still have the 'universe.cfg', you've done something wrong. There is no longer this file.

Scripts with single 'Stars' or 'StarBarycenter' belong in the folder 'SpaceEngine\addons\catalogs\stars'.
Scripts with planets or multiple stars belong to the folder 'SpaceEngine\addons\catalogs\planets'

If the folders does not exist, they must be created.

If there are no errors in the scripts that should work.

Don't forget to look here.

RoswellDate: Monday, 15.08.2016, 19:22 | Message # 3
Group: Users
Messages: 500
Status: Offline
I had more difficult last time when I want to make 2 stars in the same system, you need to make à new fils for barycenter. If you want to make 2 stars, you will put the barycenter files in Addons/catalogs/stars and the stars puts in the same planets files (addons/catalogs/planets).

I tested with barycenter if I want to make 2 different Star like blue star type and yellow star type and it's worked fine biggrin

Edited by Roswell - Monday, 15.08.2016, 19:23
DiakonovDate: Tuesday, 16.08.2016, 04:48 | Message # 4
Group: Users
Messages: 69
Status: Offline
There's something that looks like to be messed up! I put values of greenhouse, air pressure and looks like the values in the program are never the same as I put in the .sc file! What's wrong! And what determines the composition of air? Atmosphere model, temperature, type of planet? Is there a way I can put a custom air composition?
JackDoleDate: Tuesday, 16.08.2016, 09:10 | Message # 5
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
Quote Diakonov ()
I put values of greenhouse, air pressure and looks like the values in the program are never the same as I put in the .sc file!

Sometimes 'SpaceEngine' ignores these values when there is no 'Composition' section.

It should look similar to this:

        Model "Earth"
        Pressure        0.78
        Greenhouse      123.81
            N2  76.27811
            O2  22.74715
            Ar  0.201600
            H2O 0.446418
            CO2 0.326718

Especially if there is life on the planet.

Quote Diakonov ()
Is there a way I can put a custom air composition?

Yes, you can always create your own 'Composition'.

These are the elements that you can use:

He Ne Ar Kr Xe
O2 N2 CO CO2 SO2 Cl2 H2S H2O NH3 CH4 C2H2 C2H4 C2H6 C3H8 SO NaCl

Don't forget to look here.

DiakonovDate: Tuesday, 16.08.2016, 13:46 | Message # 6
Group: Users
Messages: 69
Status: Offline
I used that but the program ignored greenhouse value and also the percentage of gases I put. T think this new version is bugged. I put nitrogen to be predominant, but the program makes CO2 predominant. Bugged.

If greenhouse don't work, I found that adding lavaCoverYoung will make the planet as if it was more heated.

Also found that sometimes the program ignores the value of air pressure, making it lower!

Edited by Diakonov - Tuesday, 16.08.2016, 14:21
JackDoleDate: Tuesday, 16.08.2016, 16:17 | Message # 7
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
As I see it, SpaceEngine ignored some values if certain other values are missing, or may be inappropriate.
Or perhaps are inappropriate, I have not tested it in more detail.

But it would be logical.

Because the values for 'Greenhouse', 'Density' and 'Pressure' are dependent on the 'Composition' of the 'Atmosphere', as well as these values are dependent on each other.

I believe, however, this dependence is not yet fully integrated into SE.

But if you are using a complete 'Atmosphere' section, then it should work! For me it always does.

Like this:

        Model          "Earth"
        Height          10
        Density         1
        Pressure        1
        Greenhouse      276.19
        Bright          10.1587
        Opacity         1
        SkyLight        9.7619
        Hue             0
        Saturation      1

            N2     76.9347
            O2     22.5726
            CO2    0.228293
            H2O    0.159968
            Ar     0.104472

(The high Greenhouse value in the example is for an object in the Intergalactic space.)

Don't forget to look here.

JackDoleDate: Tuesday, 16.08.2016, 18:23 | Message # 8
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
The 'Composition' section must be INSIDE the 'Atmospheres' section!

        Model "Thick"
        Height 100
        Pressure 7.01
        Density 7
        Greenhouse 132
        Bright 25
        Opacity 1
        SkyLight 1
        Hue 0
        Saturation 1
        // Inside of the 'Atmosphere' tag !
            N2 80
            O2 18
            CO2 1
            H2O 0.5
            Ar 0.5

Attachments: 3900677.jpg (234.9 Kb) · Lamak.sc (2.5 Kb)

Don't forget to look here.

DiakonovDate: Tuesday, 16.08.2016, 18:58 | Message # 9
Group: Users
Messages: 69
Status: Offline
Ah, ok.
DiakonovDate: Thursday, 01.09.2016, 13:37 | Message # 10
Group: Users
Messages: 69
Status: Offline
Also the greenhouse values, according to Space Engine appear to be too low. For example, I created a planet with 3 atm pressure and put a lot of methane (7% of the atmosphere) to test and still the greenhouse value is about 9ºC, even lower than Earth's. Methane is a very strong greenhouse gas. I presume a greenhouse value of at least 100ºC or more, according to the previous version.
JackDoleDate: Thursday, 01.09.2016, 13:49 | Message # 11
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
as I said here:
Quote JackDole ()
I believe, however, this dependence is not yet fully integrated into SE.

Maybe even not at all. Basically, these values are probably completely random!

Don't forget to look here.

ShadowRaikouDate: Thursday, 01.09.2016, 17:10 | Message # 12
Group: Users
Messages: 53
Status: Offline
Well, I find Terras with Life having 92% CO2 and greenhouse effect lower than Earth's, so it's almost certainly not integrated.
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