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COMMUNITY ADDON - Double/Multiple Asteroids fixes for SE
JackDoleDate: Monday, 06.06.2016, 12:07 | Message # 76
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
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Quote Silicon ()
Is there a way to reload modifications made to .sc files without restarting SE?

No, because the internal database and the hierarchy of the objects would have to be rebuild each time by SpaceEngine.

Don't forget to look here.

Lucas0231Date: Monday, 06.06.2016, 16:04 | Message # 77
Group: Users
Messages: 150
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Quote Lucas0231 ()
It's in SolarSys.sc, with Eris, Haumea and the other planets. Eventually if some other big candidate will be declared dwarf planet, it should be moved in SolarSys.sc and from the list as well.

SiliconDate: Monday, 06.06.2016, 17:15 | Message # 78
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 51
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Quote Lucas0231 ()

SurfStyle 0.148692
OceanStyle 0.483344
Randomize (0.384, -0.888, 0.529)
colorDistMagn 0.534739
colorDistFreq 0.00535631
detailScale 81.92
colorConversion true
drivenDarkening -1
seaLevel -1
snowLevel 1
tropicLatitude 0.111391
icecapLatitude 1
icecapHeight 0
climatePole 0.9375
climateTropic 0.3125
climateEquator 0.6875
heightTempGrad 0.625
tropicWidth 0.07
mainFreq 0.667115
venusFreq 0
venusMagn 0
mareFreq -1.#IND
mareDensity 0
terraceProb 0.42133
erosion 0
montesMagn 0.451666
montesFreq 3.32822
montesSpiky 0.935707
montesFraction 0.374968
dunesMagn 0
dunesFreq 0
dunesFraction 0
hillsMagn 0
hillsFreq 0.02634
hillsFraction 0.513837
hills2Fraction 0
riversMagn 0
riversFreq 0
riversSin 0
riversOctaves 0
canyonsMagn 0
canyonsFreq 0
canyonFraction 0
cracksMagn 0
cracksFreq 0
cracksOctaves 0
craterMagn 0.265351
craterFreq 0.230693
craterDensity 0.808872
craterOctaves 9
craterRayedFactor 0
volcanoMagn 0
volcanoFreq 0
volcanoDensity 0
volcanoOctaves 0
volcanoActivity 0
volcanoFlows 0
volcanoRadius 5
volcanoTemp 1737.08
lavaCoverTidal 0
lavaCoverSun 0
lavaCoverYoung 0
twistZones 0
twistMagn 0
cycloneMagn 0
cycloneFreq 0
cycloneDensity 0
cycloneOctaves 0
colorSea (0.553, 0.540, 0.535, 0.000)
colorShelf (0.587, 0.574, 0.568, 0.000)
colorBeach (0.622, 0.608, 0.602, 0.000)
colorDesert (0.656, 0.642, 0.635, 0.000)
colorLowland (0.691, 0.675, 0.668, 0.000)
colorUpland (0.725, 0.709, 0.702, 0.000)
colorRock (0.760, 0.743, 0.735, 0.000)
colorSnow (0.794, 0.777, 0.769, 1.000)
BumpHeight 0.89615
BumpOffset 0.54
SpecBrightWater 0
SpecBrightIce 0.03
SpecularPower 30
Hapke 1
SpotBright 4
SpotWidth 0.05
DayAmbient 0.07

NoClouds true

NoOcean true

NoLava true

NoAtmosphere true

NoAurora true

NoRings true

NoAccretionDisk true

NoCometTail true

You shouldn't include surface features in the .sc. SE generates that itself.

Quote Lucas0231 ()

DwarfMoon "Celle I/S2003 (3782) 1"

It is not know as "Celle I". An "I" is only added to the end of a satellite that has been given a permanent designation, which this has not. Also its should be called "S2001 (3782) 1". The number after the S (Which stands for satellite) is the year it was discovered, not the year it was announced.
Lucas0231Date: Monday, 06.06.2016, 18:46 | Message # 79
Group: Users
Messages: 150
Status: Offline
I use the option "export", is for a relief more "soft". The name "Celle I" is just for simplicity.
MosfetDate: Monday, 06.06.2016, 19:06 | Message # 80
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 754
Status: Offline
Quote Silicon ()
should be called "S2001 (3782) 1". The number after the S (Which stands for satellite) is the year it was discovered, not the year it was announced.

It should be noted though, that all Wikipedia articles are referring to the companion as 2003 (3782) 1. Still looking into this, but papers I've seen don't cite any name, conventions aside. I'd like a confirmation other than Wikipedia sources.

Lucas0231, I assume you used some data from french Wikipedia article and their sources, since Mean Anomaly and other orbital parameters are corresponding. Nonetheless radius and other parameters are not quite the same.
Did you use SE Editor to input some data, perhaps?

Quote Lucas0231 ()
I use the option "export", is for a relief more "soft". The name "Celle I" is just for simplicity.

Ow, I'm too slow to post. I see, now I think I know why the RefPlane is "Extrasolar".

"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
Douglas N. Adams
My mods
Asus x555ub: cpu i5-6200u - ram 4gb - gpu nvidia geforce 940m 2gb vram

Edited by Mosfet - Monday, 06.06.2016, 19:11
Lucas0231Date: Monday, 06.06.2016, 19:19 | Message # 81
Group: Users
Messages: 150
Status: Offline
No, I use the JPL, but I use Wikipedia in French for few data (radius and semi major axis of the satellite).
MosfetDate: Monday, 06.06.2016, 19:33 | Message # 82
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 754
Status: Offline
Ok, thanks, I'll try to merge your data.
There are a couple of mistakes, you used days for Period value instead of years, and "Extrasolar" must be changed in "Ecliptic".
Also the semimajor axis of the companion is 30 km instead of 18 like in wikipedia, that's why I asked.

It turns out that nobody cared even for a provisional name, at least it seems by IAU circulars, because still investigating as "chip" member of Vesta family.
Then we'll go by convention, and we'll use the year of discovery, ignoring Wikipedia (those articles are stub anyway) which probably based the name on the date of the announce. Unless someone else has more recent data.

"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
Douglas N. Adams
My mods
Asus x555ub: cpu i5-6200u - ram 4gb - gpu nvidia geforce 940m 2gb vram

Edited by Mosfet - Monday, 06.06.2016, 20:08
SiliconDate: Tuesday, 07.06.2016, 23:19 | Message # 83
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 51
Status: Offline
Quote Mosfet ()
Then we'll go by convention, and we'll use the year of discovery

I got this from just looking at the names of moons on Johnson's Archive which seem to be based on the date of discovery.
MosfetDate: Wednesday, 08.06.2016, 10:44 | Message # 84
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 754
Status: Offline
Yeah, me too, sources sometimes can be unclear or there could be exceptions anyway.

Asteroid Celle added, barycenter calculated from data provided.

"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
Douglas N. Adams
My mods
Asus x555ub: cpu i5-6200u - ram 4gb - gpu nvidia geforce 940m 2gb vram

Edited by Mosfet - Wednesday, 08.06.2016, 10:49
Lucas0231Date: Wednesday, 08.06.2016, 11:04 | Message # 85
Group: Users
Messages: 150
Status: Offline
Thank !
MosfetDate: Monday, 13.06.2016, 22:00 | Message # 86
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 754
Status: Offline
1089 Tama, main belt binary:

Barycenter "Tama System"
    ParentBody  "Sol"

  Epoch   2457600.5
  SemiMajorAxis    2.213775091
  Period   3.293885112
  MeanAnomaly  323.1902651
  ArgOfPericenter    354.353642
  Eccentricity    0.12750272
  Inclination  3.7266981
  AscendingNode    71.49098987
  PericenterDist    1.931512745
  RefPlane  "Ecliptic"

Asteroid "Tama/(1089) Tama"
    ParentBody   "Tama System"
    Radius   5.35
    AbsMagn   11.7
    SlopeParam  0.15
    Albedo   0.242
    RotationPeriod    16.444
    RotationOffset  -100
    Obliquity  5 // no data
  Randomize      (-0.190, -0.117, -0.527)

    SemiMajorAxis    3.36622635921822E-08 // 20.7  km
    Period   0.0018760155 // 0.6852  days
    MeanAnomaly  0
    ArgOfPericenter    0
    Eccentricity    0
    Inclination  5 // no data
    AscendingNode    0
    RefPlane  "Equator"

Asteroid "S2003 (1089) 1"
    ParentBody    "Tama System"
    Radius  3.665
    TidalLocked    true
  SemiMajorAxis    1.04708689838775E-07 // 20.7  km
  Period   0.0018760155 // 0.6852  days
  MeanAnomaly  0
  ArgOfPericenter    180
  Eccentricity    0
  Inclination  5 // no data
  AscendingNode    0
  RefPlane  "Equator"

"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
Douglas N. Adams
My mods
Asus x555ub: cpu i5-6200u - ram 4gb - gpu nvidia geforce 940m 2gb vram
SiliconDate: Thursday, 16.06.2016, 14:34 | Message # 87
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 51
Status: Offline
9069 Hovland and 15268 Wendelinefroger.
Asteroid "Hovland/(9069) Hovland"
    ParentBody  "Sol"
    Class       "Asteroid"
    Radius      1.5

    RotationPeriod    4.2175

  Epoch   2457400.5
  SemiMajorAxis    1.9132
  Period   2.6464
  Eccentricity    0.1182
  Inclination  19.572
  AscendingNode    247.94
  ArgOfPericenter    171.04
  MeanAnomaly  200.24
  RefPlane  "Ecliptic"

Asteroid "S2004 (9069) 1"
    ParentBody  "Hovland"
    Class       "Asteroid"
    Radius      0.45

  Epoch   2457400.5
  SemiMajorAxis    5.21E-8
  Period   0.003461
  Eccentricity    0
  Inclination  0
  RefPlane  "Equator"

Asteroid "Wendelinefroger/(15268) Wendelinefroger"
    ParentBody  "Sol"
    Class       "Asteroid"
    Radius      1.915

    RotationPeriod    2.4224

  Epoch   2457400.5
  SemiMajorAxis    2.3651
  Period   3.6374
  Eccentricity    0.23509
  Inclination  2.7541
  AscendingNode    144.06
  ArgOfPericenter    210.39
  MeanAnomaly  205.83
  RefPlane  "Ecliptic"

Asteroid "S2008 (15268) 1"
    ParentBody  "Wendelinefroger"
    Class       "Asteroid"
    Radius      0.515

  Epoch   2457400.5
  SemiMajorAxis    5.82E-8
  Period   0.002861
  Eccentricity    0
  Inclination  0
  RefPlane  "Equator"
SpaceEngineerDate: Saturday, 18.06.2016, 11:10 | Message # 88
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
2004 BP108 system have wrong rotational axes. Fix:

Asteroid "2004 PB108"
    ParentBody  "2004 PB108 System"
    Class       "Asteroid"
    Radius      121.5 //Volume 7.51E6 = 87%
    Mass    1.586E-6
    AsterType  "Cubewano"
    AbsMagn     6.6
    SlopeParam  0.15
    Albedo      0.08
    Obliquity   106.55

  Epoch     2457400.5
  SemiMajorAxis    9.0376E-6 // 10400 km
  Period   0.265632
  Eccentricity    0.438
  Inclination  106.55
  ArgOfPericenter    180
  MeanAnomaly   0
  RefPlane    "Ecliptic"

Asteroid "S2006 (2004 PB108) 1"
    ParentBody  "2004 PB108 System"
    Class       "Asteroid"
    Radius      64.5 //Volume 1.12E6 = 13%
    Obliquity   106.55

  Epoch     2457400.5
  SemiMajorAxis    6.048E-5 // 10400 km
  Period   0.265632
  Eccentricity    0.438
  Inclination   106.55
  ArgOfPericenter    0
  MeanAnomaly   0
  RefPlane    "Ecliptic"

Please copy these parameters from old astroids/Kuiper belt catalogs:


    AsterType  "Cubewano"
    AbsMagn     6.6
    SlopeParam  0.15

AbsMagn and SlopeParam are used to calculate apparent stellar magnitude of asteroid, AsterType will be used in future.

MosfetDate: Saturday, 18.06.2016, 16:56 | Message # 89
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 754
Status: Offline
Done, thanks, updated in OP.

"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
Douglas N. Adams
My mods
Asus x555ub: cpu i5-6200u - ram 4gb - gpu nvidia geforce 940m 2gb vram
SiliconDate: Sunday, 19.06.2016, 20:38 | Message # 90
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 51
Status: Offline
Made a catalog correction to 317 Roxane, Primary had the wrong radius.
Asteroid "Roxane/(317) Roxane"
    ParentBody  "Sol"
    Class       "Asteroid"
    Radius      9.93
    RotationPeriod  8.169

  Epoch   2457400.5
  SemiMajorAxis    2.2867
  Period   3.4581
  Eccentricity    0.085548
  Inclination  1.7653
  AscendingNode    151.38
  ArgOfPericenter    187.09
  MeanAnomaly  171.1
  RefPlane  "Ecliptic"

DwarfMoon "S2009 (317) 1"
    ParentBody  "Roxane"
    Class       "Asteroid"
    Radius      2.65

  SemiMajorAxis    1.718E-6 // 257 km
  Period   0.038331
  Eccentricity    0
  Inclination  0
  RefPlane  "Equator"