// This file contains the orbital elements for the "C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy)" comet
// The information was obtained from:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C/2014_Q2_%28Lovejoy%29 - WP
// http://www.minorplanetcenter.net/mpec/K14/K14Q10.html - MP
// http://scully.cfa.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/returnprepeph.cgi?d=c&o=CK14Q020 - HV
// http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?ID=dK14Q020 - NS
// http://theskylive.com/c2014q2-info - SL
Comet "C2014 Q2 (Lovejoy)"
ParentBody "Sol"
CometType "C" //?
AbsMagn 9.4 // NS, also in MPC database?
SlopeParam 12 // NS - comet total magnitude slope??
Radius //
Mass //
Obliquity //
EqAscendNode //
RotationPeriod //
Epoch 2457000.5 // HV
Period 11000 // WP
MeanMotion 7.034183924934905 // NS, degrees/day
PericenterDist //
SemiMajorAxis 581.2017359072839 // NS
Eccentricity 0.99811 // WP
Inclination 79.60067 // MP
AscendingNode 94.97547266770687 // NS, 94.9937 at HV
ArgOfPericenter 12.39522949341186 // NS
MeanAnomaly 359.9969704001868 // NS
MaxLength //
Bright 1.0 //
GasToDust 0.2 // ? "PANSTARRS/C2011 L4 (PANSTARRS)"
Particles 2000 // ? "PANSTARRS/C2011 L4 (PANSTARRS)"
GasColor (0.003 0.009 0.015) // ? halley
DustColor (0.050 0.050 0.050) // ? halley