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Polish localization for SE
borek555Date: Friday, 09.01.2015, 23:54 | Message # 1
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Messages: 31
Status: Offline
Polska wersja znajduje się pod angielską

So, I decided that it's a high time to update the old polish location made by EventHorizon for the latest SpaceEngine. It may not be 100% perfect, it's still a little bit work in progress, however I tried to do that as best I could, I couldn't translate some words ( I left them as they are in english), but it's mostly finished. You need to copy that to the /locale folder. Any provided help is apriciated smile

Pomyślałem sobie ostatnio żeby zaktualizować polskie tłumaczenie zrobione przez EventHorizon dla większej wygody polskich użytkowników. Praktycznie wszystko jest przetłumaczone, choć nie wiedziałem jak przetłumaczyć niektóre słowa. Gdyby ktoś mógłby pomóc i poradziłby w tych słowach lub znalazł błędy w tłumaczeniu, proszę pisać tu w temacie smile . Czego nie przetłumaczyłem, zostawiłem po angielsku.
Potrzebna pomoc w przetłumaczeniu następujących słów:

Transit timing variations
Orbital light variations
Eclipsing binary timing
Variable star timing
Apocentric distance
Prograde, retrograde
radial, antiradial (nie znam kontekstu)
Points scale
Correct chromaticism
Interpup. distance

Dziękuję z góry wszystkim za jakąkolwiek pomoc wink
Aby zainstalować to tłumaczenie, wystarczy przekopiować do folderu /locale i podmienić plik

Edit: The lastest version of the translation uploaded

Attachments: pol-gui.cfg (36.3 Kb)

Edited by borek555 - Monday, 12.01.2015, 14:41
SpaceEngineerDate: Saturday, 10.01.2015, 13:19 | Message # 2
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
borek555, did you checked the se.log for errors?

[MT] ERROR: "locale/pol-gui.cfg" line 728: Syntax error '№dowe"'

... and a lot of translations was not loaded due to this error. Also, it have many duplicate or obsolete translations. Please fix these errors.

borek555Date: Saturday, 10.01.2015, 21:16 | Message # 3
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Messages: 31
Status: Offline
I'm sorry, I'll try to fix all those errors, however there is literally no way to cut the length of the polish words meaning apparent and absolute magnitude without loosing the meaning. If I cut those words in any way that could make them not longer than 8 signs, nobody would make out what does it mean. It says some strings aren't translated even thought I have written the translation of them.

Added (10.01.2015, 20:16)
Ok, I cannot find out what's about those errors from the log. Any help is appreciated.
The location section from the SE log is in the spoiler. I also updated the new version of the pol-gui.cfg file for anybody who wants to download it.

Edited by borek555 - Saturday, 10.01.2015, 21:19
Trollol123Date: Sunday, 11.01.2015, 03:03 | Message # 4
Space Tourist
Group: Translators
Messages: 33
Status: Offline
borek555, the errors are caused by missing qutation marks on many lines.
Many strings end with a question mark instead of a quotation mark.

Edited by Trollol123 - Monday, 12.01.2015, 15:15
borek555Date: Sunday, 11.01.2015, 09:46 | Message # 5
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Messages: 31
Status: Offline
Trollol123, Thank You very much for your help wink . Without that I may have not been able to finish that translation biggrin . Now I will just look for the spelling errors if any of them occured.
SpaceEngineerDate: Monday, 12.01.2015, 09:34 | Message # 6
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
I renamed this thread to Polish localization for SE

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