Ikeya-Seki As seen at perihelion. This is the brightest comet ever recorded. Unfortunately, it is affected by the lack of sungrazer tail support so you won't be seeing it.
It passed perihelion in 1965.
West Passed perihelion in 1975. Things that I may need to improve are: 1. Orbit 2. I think that the ion tail should be a bit fainter, but that may be just me
Kirch(Great comet of 1680) Above, seen as approaching perihelion. Not visible from Earth for the same reason as Ikeya-Seki
Hyakutake Passed extremely close to Earth in 1996 (0.1 AU). You can easily distinguish between the Moon and Earth in the background
Donati Currently the brightest on the list. Passed perihelion in 1858. It doesn't have the characteristic curved shape in this picture, but I think it does come close at one point. I will still need to figure out the right ascension node and argument of pericenter though.