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Creatures in the game
Did you vote for model creatures in the game?
1. Yes [ 62 ] [41.61%]
2. No [ 14 ] [9.40%]
3. Maybe [ 15 ] [10.07%]
4. If possible [ 58 ] [38.93%]
Answers total: 149
InariusDate: Friday, 07.10.2016, 21:03 | Message # 61
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 237
Status: Offline
Just think of how No man's sky failed by trying to much. And they were much more than 1.
I don't think you guys realise how HARD is coding even the smallest thing,

So no creatures, no grass, and no procedural biosphere. No things like this before two or three eternities.

For now, Space Engine is quite good space simulator, but transforming this in a game (even the game concept is not even clear, and I'm not sure even space engine know if the "game" will even be "fun" and thrilling !) is I think at least 3-4 years from now.

After that, there will be a lot of work to maintain the system and a big financial challenge to earn enough to maintain the system.
All we have is to be patient, help SE to debug the game if we can, make mods, and support the game financially if we can. Eventually we will have the game. And, after the game, perhaps, grass and beautiful trees smile