I did a search, and i can't find anything similar to this.
I made a brown dwarf star a few versions of space engine ago. 0.971 i think. I'm not sure. I made a planet around that brown dwarf in the habitable zone for liquid water ( it was very close, like ~0.002 AU or something), but when i updated Space Engine some time after the brown dwarf stars were much hotter and i had to move my planet much farther from the brown dwarf to have water on its surface. (had to move it to about ~0.02 AU)
I just want to know, are the brown dwarfs accurate in the old version of space engine or the new one? What should i trust? I try to use this calculator http://depts.washington.edu/naivpl/sites/default/files/index.shtml to find the habitable zone and it shows it is much closer then what the new space engine says so i dont know. but maybe brown dwarfs work different?
One last little question. does the class of brown dwarf change with age? If so how old of a brown dwarf would you say is ok to use to have a planet with water for a billion years or so before it freezes. its hard to find things on the topic.
I think brown dwarfs are still bugged in space engine as an M9 dwarf holds terras in 5-10 day orbits while the cooler and smaller brown dwarfs are holding them around 20+ day orbits which doesnt make sense. Brown dwarf should hold them closer to what you are calculating.
Second part: As of right now brown dwarf class is only determined by its mass. The higher the mass the hotter it's generated. Their temperature will probably be affected by their age at a later date.
Lastly, its possible but only with the highest massed brown dwarfs as the lower massed ones will radiate most of their heat after a few million years. Note: If the planet is mildly eccentric, it can stay warm almost indefinitely through tidal heating alone.
If the planet is mildly eccentric, it can stay warm almost indefinitely through tidal heating alone.
But it would be a very uncomfortable planet, constantly earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, if at all, only a nomadic civilization would there probably possible.