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How much time do you spend using Space Engine?
In an average week, how many hours do you spend using Space Engine?
1. 30+ [ 9 ] [15.25%]
2. 25-29 [ 0 ] [0.00%]
3. 20-24 [ 3 ] [5.08%]
4. 15-19 [ 0 ] [0.00%]
5. 10-14 [ 4 ] [6.78%]
6. 5-9 [ 21 ] [35.59%]
7. 3-4 [ 8 ] [13.56%]
8. 1-2 [ 9 ] [15.25%]
9. <1 [ 5 ] [8.47%]
Answers total: 59
AndmyaxeDate: Sunday, 21.04.2013, 22:09 | Message # 16
Group: Newbies
Messages: 6
Status: Offline
45-90 minutes a day I'd say. Depends on boredom levels and available time.
midtskogenDate: Monday, 22.04.2013, 07:31 | Message # 17
Star Engineer
Group: Users
Messages: 1674
Status: Offline
You mean playing or on this forum? smile

Playing, a couple of hours once in a fortnight would be the most accurate way to put it, so 1-2 in this poll. I am no student anymore, so dedicated, unbroken time is hard to find.

On the forum, hard to quantify, since it's done in between other things while at the computer and rarely dedicated time, but accumulated surely much more than playing.

simonecinque1992Date: Saturday, 16.07.2016, 21:43 | Message # 18
Group: Users
Messages: 470
Status: Offline
Festival days/weeks/months = 30+ Hours
Working time = 3-4 Hours

My Mods and Addons

Packard Bell
Windows 10 Pro
Intel® Celeron® CPU 1000M @ 1.80GHz 1.80 GHz
4 GB
64 bit Operative System
OstariskDate: Tuesday, 19.07.2016, 03:09 | Message # 19
Group: Users
Messages: 451
Status: Offline
Depends on what you mean. if you mean by playing it in general then maybe ~4-5 hours, mostly just to waste my time, but sometimes I multitask with other things. if you mean by coding for space engine, then I devote a total of >6 hours overall.

My mods
Nils-MoodyDate: Tuesday, 19.07.2016, 10:09 | Message # 20
Group: Newbies
Messages: 1
Status: Offline
On an average week? Well below one hour but I've spent like 12 hours of space engine in one weekend. It was beautiful!
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