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360x180degree full equirectangular interactive panorama
mortalDate: Sunday, 19.08.2012, 21:41 | Message # 1
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 13
Status: Offline
Interactive panorama:
Complete panorama of point on RS 8403-118-6-24885-243 4.2

After seeing all the beautiful screenshots in the Image Dump, I thought I might try to make a full panorama for a more immersive sharing of the experience.

(I am aware that the gas giant has something of an underbite. I am sure that this can be corrected with a little orthodontography.)

For this, I used the CubeMap feature of SpaceEngine to export in 2048x2048 resolution. I batch-converted the targa files to PNG with IrfanView. Then, I used Hugin to orient the images. Hugin then stitched them into an equirectangular projection. I hosted Pannellum by Matthew Petroff on a friend's server and uploaded my image, seen at the link above and below unprojected. This does not currently work in any version of Internet Explorer, but it does work in newer versions of most other browsers.

All of these programs are free (all as in beer, some as in speech); I am sure that professional payware programs can replicate the results.

I read someplace that SpaceEngineer wanted to create demonstration material for SpaceEngine in the form of a video, eventually. Full spherical panoramas for me have created lasting memories of real-world locations where I have never been; they are much better than limited perspectives for feeling immersed. I know that it is also possible to create panorama video.

If there is any interest, I could put together a quick tutorial in this post with specific instructions on how to replicate the process that I used, but there is probably some less amateur way to do it that I don't know about.
These are the Hugin orientation settings and the settings that I used in case anyone does try this (it can be confusing):

giftDate: Tuesday, 15.04.2014, 03:00 | Message # 2
Space Pilot
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 108
Status: Offline
can you make a tutorial please?

Edited by gift - Tuesday, 15.04.2014, 03:01
SHWDate: Tuesday, 15.04.2014, 06:54 | Message # 3
Group: SE team
Messages: 76
Status: Offline
Cool, but not very accurate.
I think, this feature could be included into SE natively.

Your mind is software. Program it.
Your body is a shell. Change it.
Death is a disease. Cure it.
Laine115Date: Tuesday, 15.04.2014, 13:05 | Message # 4
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Messages: 26
Status: Offline
How to export?
Never mind i found it

i7 3770K @4Ghz
gtx 660
8Gb ram

Edited by Laine115 - Tuesday, 15.04.2014, 13:12
accursedCursiveDate: Tuesday, 27.01.2015, 23:25 | Message # 5
Group: Newbies
New Zealand
Messages: 5
Status: Offline
Problem when stitching:
***************  Panorama makefile generated by Hugin       ***************
System information
Operating System: Windows 7 (6.1 Service Pack 1)
Architecture: AMD64
Number of logical processors: 8
Physical memory: 16732904 kiB (25% occupied)
Free space on disc: 168566 MiB
Active codepage: 1252 (Western European Windows)
Output options
Hugin Version: 2014.0.0.5da69bc383dd built by Matthew Petroff
Project file: C:\Users\Tye\AppData\Local\Temp\hug8F08.tmp
Output prefix: sky_neg_x - sky_pos_z
Projection: Equirectangular (2)
Field of view: 360 x 180
Canvas dimensions: 19302 x 9651
Crop area: (0,0) - (19302,9651)
Output exposure value: 0.00
Output stacks minimum overlap: 0.700
Output layers maximum Ev difference: 0.50
Selected outputs
Normal panorama
* Blended panorama
Input images
Number of images in project file: 6
Number of active images: 6
Image 0: C:\Games\SpaceEngine 0.972\export\New folder (2)\sky_neg_x.png
Image 0: Size 6144x6144, Exposure: 0.00
Image 1: C:\Games\SpaceEngine 0.972\export\New folder (2)\sky_neg_y.png
Image 1: Size 6144x6144, Exposure: 0.00
Image 2: C:\Games\SpaceEngine 0.972\export\New folder (2)\sky_neg_z.png
Image 2: Size 6144x6144, Exposure: 0.00
Image 3: C:\Games\SpaceEngine 0.972\export\New folder (2)\sky_pos_x.png
Image 3: Size 6144x6144, Exposure: 0.00
Image 4: C:\Games\SpaceEngine 0.972\export\New folder (2)\sky_pos_y.png
Image 4: Size 6144x6144, Exposure: 0.00
Image 5: C:\Games\SpaceEngine 0.972\export\New folder (2)\sky_pos_z.png
Image 5: Size 6144x6144, Exposure: 0.00
Testing programs
Checking nona...
nona is ok   
Checking enblend...
enblend is ok   
Checking enfuse...
enfuse is ok   
Checking hugin_hdrmerge...
hugin_hdrmerge is ok   
Checking exiftool...
exiftool is ok   
Stitching panorama
make: *** No rule to make target `2)/sky_neg_x.png)', needed by `sky_neg_x - sky_pos_z0000.tif'.  Stop.

Found a workaround.
Enabled the HDR thing for the stitching.

Edited by accursedCursive - Wednesday, 28.01.2015, 06:30
SolarLinerDate: Wednesday, 28.01.2015, 12:42 | Message # 6
Group: Users
Messages: 267
Status: Offline
Quote accursedCursive ()
Enabled the HDR thing for the stitching.

HDR won't do anything better for panorama stitching, because the original images are LDR. You use HDR when you have stacks of different exposures, or an already HDR image.

custom landing page to share: http://bit.ly/spaceengine
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