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Green atmosphere planets
siriusdDate: Monday, 09.07.2012, 04:58 | Message # 16
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Messages: 21
Status: Offline

What fantastic and unknown wonders await us on this brave new world?

Apparently nothing.


Edited by siriusd - Monday, 09.07.2012, 05:04
siriusdDate: Monday, 09.07.2012, 23:28 | Message # 17
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Messages: 21
Status: Offline
Here's another one: a cold desert orbiting a binary pair.

Edited by siriusd - Monday, 09.07.2012, 23:28
apenpaapDate: Wednesday, 11.07.2012, 18:57 | Message # 18
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 1063
Status: Offline
The blue supergiant Alnitak (the leftmost star of Orion's belt) has a beautiful green atmosphere desert, where the green atmosphere and the blue sun make a nice combination:

(Incidentally, there's a moon of almost four Earth masses further in the system! And it's a real moon, not a double planet)

And I found a gas giant with a green atmosphere: here's a view from under the clouds:

Attachments: 8960502.jpg (240.8 Kb) · 3022212.jpg (212.3 Kb) · 3094864.jpg (147.7 Kb)

I occasionally stream at http://www.twitch.tv/magistermystax. Sometimes SE, sometimes other games.

Edited by apenpaap - Wednesday, 11.07.2012, 19:00
TJCacherDate: Sunday, 29.06.2014, 21:52 | Message # 19
Group: Newbies
United States
Messages: 6
Status: Offline
Hi - new to forum and SE. I hope it's OK to post to this older thread. I'm a collector of green-themed wallpapers, especially anything space-related, and found this thread. I couldn't find the objects listed in this thread, which I assume is because they were in an older version of the engine, whereas I'm using the latest beta.

Anyway, I found this green planet, and thought I'd post it here. Apologies if this is frowned on.

Attachments: 0334301.jpg (173.0 Kb)
EnforcerDaveDate: Monday, 30.06.2014, 17:36 | Message # 20
Group: Newbies
Messages: 5
Status: Offline
I went to Alnitak and there were no planets in that system. All these space journey threads must be before 0.9.7
Tangle10Date: Monday, 30.06.2014, 19:57 | Message # 21
Space Pilot
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United States
Messages: 129
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...And they're a fair bit over 1 year old.

Tips for finding Earth-Like planets: Look for F, G, or K Class stars. M class habitables will almost always be tidelocked. Oceanias can, of course, also be habitable, they just have tiny amounts of land.
TJCacherDate: Tuesday, 01.07.2014, 16:55 | Message # 22
Group: Newbies
United States
Messages: 6
Status: Offline
Well, if nobody minds resurrecting this thread, I'll post another find. I particularly like this one. It's actually got rings, but I composed the screenshot dead edge-on to them so they wouldn't show up.

SE Beta: RS 8409-1794-8-1871427-1 5

Attachments: 6382658.jpg (244.3 Kb)
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