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Warm Terra in Omega Nebula
NeonDate: Wednesday, 15.06.2011, 20:02 | Message # 1
Group: SE team
Messages: 208
Status: Offline
Was out exploring Nebula today, n stumbled upon the Omega Nebula,
only a few light years from Trifid Nebula. In the Omega Nebula,
there are two dwarf stars, a red & orange. I find I've become
quite fond of dwarf stars. lol

This is a stunning red world with two small deep green seas. On one
pole, there's a steep range of mountains, full of craggy tops. The temperate
regions are much flatter, but near the seas, there are some lovely views.

(wishlist, the game needs an analyser to determine geology and liquid types).

This world is definitely my new favourite. smile

Gravity is bet less than Earth at .8, Atm is bit less than 3/4 Earths
at .7. Rotaton & Orbital period are locked at 42.5 days. At only 1b yrs old,
odd that it's tidally locked, would've thought it'd had a moon at some point.
I think I take this too seriosly tongue lol.

Showing Warm Terra, Red Dwarf Star & Trifid Nebula in distance.

Mountains near one of the poles - wish I could tell north from south. lol

The sky here gives everything in the sky a red tinge, this is the orange dward + a moon.

Binary setting. Two moons precede it & two trail it tinged red.

Omega Nebula, couldn't help adding a flare from second binary smile

Since we can easily share journal entries now, I figured rather than give you the coords,
it'd be better to just give you the journal entry so you can add it to your journal (journal.cfg).

Enjoy smile

Body "RS 8404-1572-9-76573088-4 B3"
Parent ""
DateUniv "2012.11.12 06:31:23.43"
DateSys "2011.06.15 18:36:41.09"
Descr "Planet Warm terra"
NeonDate: Wednesday, 15.06.2011, 21:25 | Message # 2
Group: SE team
Messages: 208
Status: Offline
Here's a couple of others from the same system around a Gas Giant & Selene & Desert Moon (really a Venus like world).


Very Sci Fi shot.

ThursDate: Thursday, 16.06.2011, 18:52 | Message # 3
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 49
Status: Offline
That gas giant is beautiful in that lighting. I really like how sharp the textures get rendered.
NeonDate: Thursday, 16.06.2011, 22:40 | Message # 4
Group: SE team
Messages: 208
Status: Offline
Yeh, I thought so too. Originally I hadn't noticed that (how could I miss it wacko lol),
I was trying to work out the shot with the nebula when I noticed it. Took me
awhile of fiddling with my position to get them both in the right spot.

The one above with the green sea, red dwarf + 2 moons took 6 months of game
time to make happen. lol Had it running on 10 ^9th time advance. lol
GabrielDate: Friday, 17.06.2011, 00:56 | Message # 5
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Messages: 20
Status: Offline
That last shot is awesome!
AaronDate: Wednesday, 22.06.2011, 17:10 | Message # 6
Space Tourist
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 39
Status: Offline
Another thing I noticed is that the whole system has a cloud of asteroids around the same distance that the oort cloud would be in the Sol system. Here's a screenshot with orbits turned on. The sold gray ring mass are hundreds (thousands?) of asteroids.
Attachments: 6972956.jpg (96.0 Kb)
NeonDate: Wednesday, 22.06.2011, 21:41 | Message # 7
Group: SE team
Messages: 208
Status: Offline
Wow, I'd noticed the roids, but hadn't turned on the orbits. Seriously
impressive density of those roid orbits.
Tac1017Date: Saturday, 07.03.2015, 14:51 | Message # 8
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 167
Status: Offline
Sorry to disturb an archive, but this planet is truly beautiful smile

The Terra Hunter of the Milky Way!

(By the way, I was born in 2001, NOT 1972 XD)
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