// SpaceEngine Universe configuration file //
// binary stars catalog
StarsCatalogBin "catalogs/stars/stars120k.dat"
StarsCatalogs // stars catalogs
GalaxiesCatalogs // galaxies catalogs
ClustersCatalogs // star clusters catalogs
NebulaeCatalogs // nebulae catalogs
PlanetsCatalogs // planets catalogs
"data/catalogs/planets/SolarSys3000.sc" // Bonus:) Comment out SolarSys.sc and uncomment this
// our home address (switched with Shift-h)
HomeGalaxy "Milky Way"
HomeStar "Sol"
HomePlanet "Earth"
//HomeCluster // we have no home star cluster
// planetry system generator probabilities settings
ProbBinaryStar 0.50 // binary system probability - 50% of all systems
ProbTripleStar 0.11 // triple system probability - 11% of binary systems
ProbQuadrupleStar 0.22 // quadruple system probability - 22% of triple systems
ProbStellarRemnantSys 0.10 // stellar remnant system probability - 10% of all stars at latest galactic octree level
ProbStellarRemnantBin 0.05 // stellar remnant as binary system companion probability - 5% of all binary systems
ProbBrownDwarf 0.025 // brown dwarf probability
ProbGasGiant 0.36 // gas giant probability
ProbHotGasGiant 0.012 // hot gas giant probability
ProbOceania 0.50 // Oceania to Terra probability
ProbVenusClouds 0.66 // probability of opaque cloud layer on Hot and Warm Deserts
ProbTitanClouds 0.66 // probability of opaque cloud layer on Titans and Ice Worlds
ProbLife 0.30 // probability of Life on Terra and Oceania
LifeMinAge 0.10 // minimum age of system to handle life (in billion years)
// stars settings
StarMaxAppMagn 10.0 // max apparent magnitude of procedural stars while looking from Solar system
StarGalaxyDensity 1.0 // procedural stars density in galaxies
StarClusterDensity 1.0 // procedural stars density in clusters
StarProcBifurcation true // enable procedural bifurcation of catalog stars
StarSilentLoading true // do not log warnings while star catalogs loading
StarNCoronaTextures 10 // number of star corona textures
// procedural star clusters settings
ClusterCatMaxAppMagn 8.1 // max apparent magnitude of catalog clusters while looking from Solar system
ClusterMaxAppMagn 8.1 // max apparent magnitude of procedural clusters while looking from Solar system
ClusterGlobDensity 1.0 // globular clusters density in galaxies
ClusterOpenDensity 70.0 // open clusters density in galaxies
ClusterGlobRadius 30.0 // globular clusters mean radius
ClusterGlobRadiusDisp 30.0 // globular clusters radius dispersion
ClusterOpenRadius 7.0 // open clusters mean radius
ClusterOpenRadiusDisp 5.0 // open clusters radius dispersion
ClusterGlobLum 60000.0 // globular clusters mean luminosity
ClusterGlobLumDisp 10000.0 // globular clusters luminosity dispersion
ClusterOpenLum 25000.0 // open clusters mean luminosity
ClusterOpenLumDisp 4000.0 // open clusters luminosity dispersion
// procedural nebulae settings
NebulaMaxAppMagn 8.1 // max apparent magnitude of procedural nebulae while looking from Solar system
NebulaDiffDensity 1.5 // diffuse nebulae density in galaxies
NebulaPlanDensity 2.0 // planetary nebulae density in galaxies
NebulaSNRDensity 3.0 // SNR nebulae density in galaxies
NebulaDiffRadius 3.0 // diffuse nebulae mean radius
NebulaDiffRadiusDisp 1.5 // diffuse nebulae radius dispersion
NebulaPlanRadius 0.001 // planetary nebulae mean radius
NebulaPlanRadiusDisp 0.01 // planetary nebulae radius dispersion
NebulaSNRRadius 0.1 // SNR nebulae mean radius
NebulaSNRRadiusDisp 0.2 // SNR nebulae radius dispersion
NebulaDiffLum 10000 // diffuse nebulae mean luminosity
NebulaDiffLumDisp 2000 // diffuse nebulae luminosity dispersion
NebulaPlanLum 10.0 // planetary nebulae mean luminosity
NebulaPlanLumDisp 2.5 // planetary nebulae luminosity dispersion
NebulaSNRLum 5.0 // SNR nebulae mean luminosity
NebulaSNRLumDisp 1.2 // SNR nebulae luminosity dispersion
// galaxies settings
GalaxyProceduralOrient true // procedurally generate orientation angles if them are missing in the catalog