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Space anomalies
TheOutsiderDate: Thursday, 18.06.2015, 19:31 | Message # 421
Group: Users
Messages: 12
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Sorry, I didn't notice that)
It's not a mod. This planet is a real place and its strange orbital period probably just a result of incorrect catalog data...
SpacepetcompanyDate: Friday, 24.07.2015, 17:18 | Message # 422
Group: Newbies
United States
Messages: 7
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I found this huge 300km comet in a far off system. Can't say I've seen anything like it before so I thought I should post it in this thread.

Location: "RS 8409-1407-8-3048411-560 AC11"

To consider the Earth as the only populated world in infinite space is as absurd as to assert that in an entire field sown with millet, only one grain will grow.

— Metrodorus of Chios, 4th century BCE.
VilfateDate: Saturday, 25.07.2015, 06:21 | Message # 423
Group: Users
Messages: 49
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captured moon with huge orbit a value

Attachments: 4755707.jpg (142.5 Kb) · 4849057.jpg (212.3 Kb)

TheGreatAttractorDate: Sunday, 26.07.2015, 00:04 | Message # 424
Space Tourist
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United States
Messages: 24
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I found a quasar!!!
CanapinDate: Monday, 27.07.2015, 22:59 | Message # 425
Group: Users
Messages: 52
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Hi. This moon is 1765°C, however the closest planet and asteroids are all around 200°C
Any idea how this is possible ?

Place "very warm"
Body "RS 0-8-12883045-1027-0-6-242509-739 B3"
Parent "RS 0-8-12883045-1027-0-6-242509-739 B"
Pos (-1.777664189478597e-007, 8.788772102276887e-007, 8.973206132096212e-007)
Rot (0.566372285681007, -0.2569534527273432, -0.6004377466353229, 0.502664768567944)
Date "-5402.00.30 22:51:25.69"
Vel 1.6081726e-008
Mode 1

Attachments: 8063509.jpg (263.0 Kb)
apenpaapDate: Monday, 27.07.2015, 23:08 | Message # 426
World Builder
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Runaway tidal heating, the same thing that causes Io's volcanism! However, taking a look at the location myself, the moon is "only" 726 degrees. Are you perhaps using version It had a bug where tidal heating was way stronger than it should be.

I occasionally stream at http://www.twitch.tv/magistermystax. Sometimes SE, sometimes other games.
CanapinDate: Tuesday, 28.07.2015, 08:46 | Message # 427
Group: Users
Messages: 52
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I am. Thank you for the explanation(s) smile
KaiShin98Date: Sunday, 23.08.2015, 17:30 | Message # 428
Group: Newbies
United States
Messages: 1
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In, I found a planet with 837 moons. Is this a bug or can it happen normally?

It's at RS 0-8-11084947-460-46-5-8240-241 A4
UnnamedDate: Sunday, 23.08.2015, 20:22 | Message # 429
Space Pilot
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Messages: 116
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I just found a cold titan with life.. orbiting a white dwarf!

The white dwarf has a brown dwarf companion but its around 350 AU away so it doesnt affect anything, which means the White dwarf heats it up.
Its the first time i have ever seen this, so im not sure if its actually that rare

EDIT: apparently those planets arent THAT rare, i already found another cold titan with life orbiting another White dwarf, so ill try to find a terra with life orbiting one.

Intel® Core™ i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz 2.50 GHz 750 GB hard drive 4 GB RAM intel ®HD Graphics 4000 1GB video; oh and i use a lot of commas

Edited by Unnamed - Sunday, 23.08.2015, 20:34
AlekDate: Monday, 24.08.2015, 00:10 | Message # 430
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 326
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Quote Unnamed ()
EDIT: apparently those planets arent THAT rare, i already found another cold titan with life orbiting another White dwarf, so ill try to find a terra with life orbiting one.

Cold Titans around white dwarves aren't that rare but Terras...Never found one in all the time I've searched.

Living among the stars, I find my way. I grow in strength through knowledge of the space I occupy, until I become the ruler of my own interstellar empire of sorts. Though The world was made for the day, I was made for the night, and thus, the universe itself is within my destiny.
HimselfDate: Monday, 21.09.2015, 00:54 | Message # 431
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 45
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I found this odd little moon in a distant galaxy. It has the most eccentric orbit of anything I've seen in a tidally locked system.

Apologies for the video quality.

Attachments: 1944573.jpg (117.7 Kb) · 7816571.jpg (278.8 Kb)

Edited by Himself - Monday, 21.09.2015, 00:57
dudeguy371Date: Thursday, 15.10.2015, 19:40 | Message # 432
Group: Newbies
United States
Messages: 2
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Planet RS-0-6-231458-387-4-0-0-52 A2

This is the most badass planet I've ever seen. It's got a huge red hypergiant orbiting it.
Wicker1MDate: Monday, 30.11.2015, 23:17 | Message # 433
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 57
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A planetary system consisting of circumbinary worlds orbiting both a hypergiant star and a black hole. Coordinates: RS 9173-4040-0-0-57. One of the worlds is a oceania world. Another of the worlds is a hot gas giant with an oceania moon.
Game version is .973 beta.

Is this even possible?? I would think that the planets would have been vaporized or scorched by the hypergiant.

Attachments: 6443926.jpg (224.7 Kb) · 1120745.jpg (128.4 Kb)

Edited by Wicker1M - Monday, 30.11.2015, 23:21
WatsisnameDate: Tuesday, 01.12.2015, 01:42 | Message # 434
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
United States
Messages: 2613
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Very nice find! Amazing how small a stellar-mass black hole is compared to a hypergiant. :)

Quote Wicker1M ()
Is this even possible??

Certainly. The hypergiant is very big and bright, but the planets are very far away from it. The intensity of sunlight at the warm Oceania is only ~16% as strong as sunlight here on Earth. It would actually be frozen if not for the strong greenhouse effect from its atmosphere.

Wicker1MDate: Tuesday, 01.12.2015, 02:11 | Message # 435
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 57
Status: Offline
I think it is rare to find a gas giant planet orbiting both a black hole and a hypergiant star. One would think that the tidal forces and the radiation from the hypergiant would vaporize the planet when the planet was forming.