During one of my random routine milky way galaxy scans I found something quite interesting.
A system with 12 gas giants. That's the most I've ever seen. And out of all the possible places for habitable moons there is only one with life, and it's an ocean world.
Here's the location code:
Place "12 gas giant system" { Body "RS 8404-141-7-1479840-224 A" Parent "" Pos (2.309118180532431e-008, -3.202794982216305e-008, 4.653068192852742e-008) Rot (0.569692136256814, 0.3298261957608728, -0.0998711643379445, 0.7461174847239819) Date "2015.04.01 09:05:34.32" Vel 2.5143163e-009 Mode 1 }