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Systems & Discoveries Database
AlessiaCristalloooDate: Monday, 26.01.2015, 16:35 | Message # 31
Group: Users
Messages: 44
Status: Offline
Would be awesome if in the next version the names was into the list, a lot of times i write italian name for things and i close the window for mistake biggrin
QuontexDate: Friday, 30.01.2015, 08:40 | Message # 32
Group: Users
Messages: 155
Status: Offline
This is awesome, Can't wait until people start sharing things.

My world is Ioth Xia,

It is in the database xD.

I also have a backstory for it,
Ioth Xia is the new home world of the Moltinian Empire after the cataclysm on their original home world, After searching many galaxies and even more stars they finally found a world they can call home. The world was chosen due to it being very similar to their original home world(earth), It was also chosen to start researching the continuous void nearby(Edge of the universe) after discovering it during their search. They are attempting to rebuild their civilisation and once again grow to become a dominant force in their space.

I have a problem with SDD, I can't seem to edit the "descr" in the code block, Could that be fixed? I have no idea about java or how the program works. Other than that its actually an awesome idea and can't wait to see it fruition.

EDIT: I have also named each planet in the system, I'm working on naming ever major object and then recreating it in Universe Sandbox.

Attachments: 2661125.png (514.2 Kb)

Edited by Quontex - Friday, 30.01.2015, 08:44
DenebStarFTWDate: Friday, 30.01.2015, 19:13 | Message # 33
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Messages: 25
Status: Offline
Ok so this is a "test" if this works

Name of the planet is EPS 77 Salari

INFO (NOTE: All the info is made of speculation based on the color of the planet)

Edit: Please, verify if you can see the planet in your Space Engine game

Attachments: 7452185.jpg (204.4 Kb) · 9370201.jpg (240.6 Kb)

- S T A Y -

Edited by DenebStarFTW - Friday, 30.01.2015, 19:16
QuontexDate: Saturday, 31.01.2015, 02:25 | Message # 34
Group: Users
Messages: 155
Status: Offline
I got it showing up but it seems we have differing pallets, This is what I see

I also have a new world, This is an interesting one. The parent star is a brown dwarf in orbit of 2 larger stars, However the brown dwarf in my opinion doesn't classify as a brown dwarf and just a overly warm gas giant. The image is of 2 planets evaporating around the brown dwarf and creating beautiful red clouds.

Ioth Mikiek,

I also plan to write a story about the Moltinian Empire in this galaxy and save the location in SDD.

Edited by Quontex - Saturday, 31.01.2015, 02:30
DenebStarFTWDate: Saturday, 31.01.2015, 04:48 | Message # 35
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Messages: 25
Status: Offline
Quote Quontex ()
it seems we have differing pallets

Yes, I have DoctorOfSpace's pallets. Still looks like a desert though.

- S T A Y -
SalvoDate: Sunday, 08.03.2015, 10:06 | Message # 36
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1400
Status: Offline
I actually found one of your planets just wandering around wacko

It's awesome because i rarely use Star Browser and I didn't used it in this situation.

Its name is Dahlak, who found it? happy

The universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human ambition.

CPU: Intel Core i7 4770 GPU: ASUS Radeon R9 270 RAM: 8 GBs

(still don't know why everyone is doing this...)

Edited by Salvo - Sunday, 08.03.2015, 10:06
KirkoDate: Thursday, 25.06.2015, 03:31 | Message # 37
Group: Newbies
United States
Messages: 3
Status: Offline
So are we sharing intresting discoveries here or what? wacko

Anyways, I made an instresting find today. It's a Hot Selena (Dwarf Planet) trapped between a Bright Red Giant and a Blue Main Sequence Star. The planet has no orbit but spins clockwise which causes the Red Giant to heat the bottom to a desert like climate. However the side illuminated by the Blue Star and the shaded side stay frozen. Now I'm a complete nub to Space Engine but this is a pretty dank discovery is it not?

Edited by Kirko - Thursday, 25.06.2015, 15:31
parameciumkidDate: Thursday, 25.06.2015, 19:54 | Message # 38
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 277
Status: Offline
Mind sharing the system code number or posting a screenshot with the GUI so the rest of us can find it?

Intel HD Graphics 4000 ;P
HeliosiahDate: Thursday, 22.10.2015, 13:51 | Message # 39
Group: Newbies
United States
Messages: 5
Status: Offline
This is planet Sugei. From the Japanese sugei or sugoi, for Amazing.
This planet has life; terrestrial and marine, and 1 moon.
The moon is named Meek, for its stature compared to Sugei.
This world appears to be tidally locked, with a single massive storm on the bright side of the planet, dominating most of the surface, and a very vibrant shade of green. The rear of the planet appears to be encased in ice.

RS 8409-1792-7-1068334-869 4

The giant storm.

You can see the divide.

In this image you can see its moon Meek, and the star Polaris.

Sugei from Meek.

I haven't done the database thing yet.
parameciumkidDate: Thursday, 22.10.2015, 20:49 | Message # 40
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 277
Status: Offline
The database might well need to be redone from scratch thanks to the change in the generation parameters in 0.974 Patch 7.

Intel HD Graphics 4000 ;P
RagnarokDate: Thursday, 26.11.2015, 02:56 | Message # 41
Group: Newbies
United States
Messages: 3
Status: Offline
Wow... I just found a system that evolved life on 2 celestial bodies, a planet and a moon of another planet!

Attachments: 3216097.jpg (288.3 Kb)
Timo3681Date: Thursday, 21.01.2016, 17:45 | Message # 42
Group: Users
Messages: 40
Status: Offline
How can i see all planets and systems from database in game? I can´t see Alpha Vannel System or other planets in game.


Star Systems: 11
Planets: 55
Moons: 153
Terra: 3
Water: 6
Desert: 23
Titan: 8
Giants: 27
Selena: 73
Ice: 82
Stars without Planets: 2
SalvoDate: Saturday, 23.01.2016, 09:31 | Message # 43
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1400
Status: Offline
Quote Timo3681 ()
Alpha Vannel

Oh, it seems like in the version you're using that planet doesn't exists... I've tried to type in the search box some other names like Dallaxela and when I press Enter it gets selected just fine.

I don't know, if you really wanna see that planet you can use the older version of SE, and tell us if you can find it.

Quote parameciumkid ()
The database might well need to be redone from scratch thanks to the change in the generation parameters in 0.974 Patch 7.

Yeah, you're so right. But now there are 467 object in the database, I don't know... If everyone agrees with resetting the database it's just fine. smile

The universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human ambition.

CPU: Intel Core i7 4770 GPU: ASUS Radeon R9 270 RAM: 8 GBs

(still don't know why everyone is doing this...)
Timo3681Date: Saturday, 23.01.2016, 11:57 | Message # 44
Group: Users
Messages: 40
Status: Offline
if i open sesdd.jar with Java™ Platform SE binary, does not work.

Impossible reading SpaceEngine data. Put these files into your ./system folder.

Can you update it for Version


Star Systems: 11
Planets: 55
Moons: 153
Terra: 3
Water: 6
Desert: 23
Titan: 8
Giants: 27
Selena: 73
Ice: 82
Stars without Planets: 2
SalvoDate: Saturday, 23.01.2016, 18:35 | Message # 45
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1400
Status: Offline
Quote Timo3681 ()
Impossible reading SpaceEngine data. Put these files into your ./system folder.

Can you update it for Version

I don't know what's the problem there, I always use it with Version and it works normally.

Could you make a screen of your "system" folder into SE install folder?

The universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human ambition.

CPU: Intel Core i7 4770 GPU: ASUS Radeon R9 270 RAM: 8 GBs

(still don't know why everyone is doing this...)