1: Must be outside of milky way. 2: Triples, quads and so on are worth double. 3: Post a screenshot (or a link to one) here as proof. 4: The pair can orbit any object. 5: 10 points for each brown dwarf. (20 if 3 etc.) 6: 10 points per planet in a stable orbit. 7: 100 points for a life bearing planet. 8: NO PLANET EDITOR!
Happy hunting! Can't wait to see what pops up.
Along with fezes and bowties, brown dwarves are cool.
I just found quadruple brown dwarfs with 2 black holes. ill post pics soon Got no planets tho :/
Added (07.05.2014, 04:07) --------------------------------------------- actually, just found an octuple star system with 6 brown dwarfs! will get pics soon, gotta post a candidate on another challenge
Added (07.05.2014, 04:17) --------------------------------------------- Ok, Here are the pics! Approaching the system i decided to name "8 Stars"
A pic of a red dwarf and a brown dwarf
A pic of another Red Dwarf - Brown Dwarf Couple
A pic of a tidally locked Terra With Life around 2 Brown Dwarfs
A pic of 2 lonely brown dwarfs
And a pic of most of the system from a Gas Giant with 5 Moons with life
I think i just won this challenge!
Intel® Core i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz 2.50 GHz 750 GB hard drive 4 GB RAM intel ®HD Graphics 4000 1GB video; oh and i use a lot of commas