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Challenge: The Photodetective Game
JackDoleDate: Wednesday, 17.08.2016, 01:46 | Message # 796
Star Engineer
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Quote Ostarisk ()
JackDole, Did you turn down the exposure?


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steeljaw354Date: Wednesday, 17.08.2016, 02:06 | Message # 797
World Builder
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A nebula? Eta carina Nebula?
JackDoleDate: Wednesday, 17.08.2016, 02:17 | Message # 798
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
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Quote steeljaw354 ()
A nebula? Eta carina Nebula?


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OstariskDate: Wednesday, 17.08.2016, 02:30 | Message # 799
Group: Users
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It's either a really high FOV picture taken outside of a galaxy, where the galaxies become red, or it is a large lava planet, or a small one taken with high FOV. Otherwise, it is a Class M star with a low luminosity, or it is a brown dwarf.

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steeljaw354Date: Wednesday, 17.08.2016, 02:39 | Message # 800
World Builder
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Space station orbiting a Y dwarf star, impossible to tell which Y dwarf star.
simonecinque1992Date: Wednesday, 17.08.2016, 08:26 | Message # 801
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JackDole, An invisible planet with a yellow ball, red tiles, gray and black things up and down, and a red background

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JackDoleDate: Wednesday, 17.08.2016, 09:58 | Message # 802
Star Engineer
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Messages: 1742
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Quote Ostarisk ()
It's either a really high FOV picture taken outside of a galaxy, where the galaxies become red, or it is a large lava planet, or a small one taken with high FOV. Otherwise, it is a Class M star with a low luminosity, or it is a brown dwarf.

That with the redshift is correct. But that's not enough.
I'm looking for a specific term, a specific location, as well known, or even more known as the Ares 3 landing site from the novel / movie 'The Martian'. Ofcourse this is my own interpretation of this place!
No lave planet, no hight FOV, no M Star, no brown dwarf.

Quote steeljaw354 ()
Space station orbiting a Y dwarf star, impossible to tell which Y dwarf star.

No Y dwarf star!

Quote simonecinque1992 ()
An invisible planet with a yellow ball, red tiles, gray and black things up and down, and a red background

No invisible planet. While the rest is true somehow, but it's not the answer I'm looking for! biggrin

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OstariskDate: Wednesday, 17.08.2016, 22:26 | Message # 803
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JackDole, is it not on/next to mars?

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JackDoleDate: Wednesday, 17.08.2016, 23:01 | Message # 804
Star Engineer
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Quote Ostarisk ()
is it not on/next to mars?

It is far, far away!

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DeathStarDate: Wednesday, 17.08.2016, 23:20 | Message # 805
Group: Users
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Outside of the universe cube, with exposure/max magnitude turned way up so all the distant galaxies are visible, albeit redshifted.
JackDoleDate: Wednesday, 17.08.2016, 23:52 | Message # 806
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
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Quote DeathStar ()
Outside of the universe cube, with exposure/max magnitude turned way up so all the distant galaxies are visible, albeit redshifted.

That's right.

But what is this place?

I'm looking for a specific term.

Of course, this is - as I said already here:
Quote JackDole ()
Ofcourse this is my own interpretation of this place!
- my own interpretation of this location. dry

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simonecinque1992Date: Thursday, 18.08.2016, 11:29 | Message # 807
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JackDole, How you get out from the Universe Cube? o_O

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JackDoleDate: Thursday, 18.08.2016, 12:25 | Message # 808
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
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Quote simonecinque1992 ()
JackDole, How you get out from the Universe Cube? o_O

Go as far away from the earth, until you're outside of the universe! cool

Of course, the galaxies magnitude needs to be increased. But carefully! If the magnitude is increased too fast and too much, the program often crashes with me.

Place    "The Edge"
    Ver  980
    Body    "RG 0-8-0-664"
    Parent    ""
    Date    "2016.08.17 21:13:35.00"
    Pos  (+000000012B7E8982DBE0E43D0E7488F6 +0000000124F1C4F8A031177A3A63B7C2 +000000012FDD284272EAAF24755C52FD)
    Rot  (-0.1612198291186885 0.2406207978574568 -0.227831447589285 0.9296249941921487)
    Vel  87.013512
    Mode    1

Place    "Redshift"
    Ver  980
    Body    "RG 0-8-0-664"
    Parent    ""
    Date    "2016.08.17 21:13:35.00"
    Pos  (+000000015AE9FBCA5A558C851180A496 +000000011505F69A2BF12B9ED82086E6 +000000015555FE78FE67B2A57C7F2849)
    Rot  (-0.2335531613328589 0.4290859337767002 -0.07452745682602234 0.8693582923314474)
    Vel  87.013512
    Mode    1

Attachments: 8541001.jpg (322.7 Kb) · 9305826.jpg (231.8 Kb)

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simonecinque1992Date: Thursday, 18.08.2016, 13:21 | Message # 809
Group: Users
Messages: 470
Status: Offline
JackDole, Oh, Thanks buddy! smile

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Packard Bell
Windows 10 Pro
Intel® Celeron® CPU 1000M @ 1.80GHz 1.80 GHz
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64 bit Operative System
OstariskDate: Wednesday, 14.09.2016, 23:17 | Message # 810
Group: Users
Messages: 451
Status: Offline
Hate to bump an old thread, but who's going to solve?

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