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The Space Race Forum Roleplay
DeathStarDate: Thursday, 17.10.2013, 10:59 | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 515
Status: Offline
So, I assume most people here have at least heard of Kerbal Space Program, since this RP is heavily inspired by it and another very similar thread on the MC forums, which I may even link because of the excellent idea.

The point of this RP is basically space exploration. Not the later, very advanced intergalactic exploration, but the humble beginnings of every space-faring race: from the first satellites in orbit to the colonization of the most distant planets in the star system.

So basically, how it works?

Well, the game works via a turn system.

Each turn, every player can do several actions: manufacture new parts, assemble spacecraft, describe it's plans to the public, trade/donate/sell parts to other players, interact with other players etc.


Now, the actual gameplay.

The currency system

Public opinion




Finally, your application

The Cimmer-Waldikan star system (NOTE: The list posted here is only of known planets in the systems, as new planets are discovered, the list will be updated):

Edited by DeathStar - Sunday, 20.10.2013, 18:59
DeathStarDate: Sunday, 20.10.2013, 16:05 | Message # 16
Group: Users
Messages: 515
Status: Offline
Quote Billy_Mayes ()
Build: Small dipole radio antenna (20,000$) Produce: Large solid booster(5000$) Large solid booster(5000$)

Building and part production is seperated, so you can make 3 parts per turn.
Quote Billy_Mayes ()
Can you launch and do other stuff in the same turn?

Of course
Quote Billy_Mayes ()
I'm a little confused by the fuel tanks and engines, since it's apparently impossible to advance with just a normal fuel tank and liquid engine. Care to explain?

Oops, my mistake, I am fixing the weight-propulsion ratio right now

Added (20.10.2013, 19:05)
Also, I have changed a rule for flying in orbit and above, which makes it possible to fly in orbit even if you have more weight than PP. (take a look at the rule, the only problem currently is the fact that having 1 more PP than weight is the same as having -1)

anonymousgamerDate: Sunday, 20.10.2013, 17:23 | Message # 17
World Builder
Group: Global Moderators
United States
Messages: 1011
Status: Offline
Produce: Small rocket booster, Set of fins (total $7500)

Buy: Parachute, relayed processor, small battery (total $7000)

Remaining funds: $85500

(question: is buying and production separated? Because it seems so.)

The test for today is quite simple: can we control a rocket's trajectory more easily by using fins? We'll use the computer to control the fins using a rudimentary steering system (very early prototype - not sure if will work) and conduct a series of tests while the rocket is accelerating upward. If anything goes wrong, the parachute will automatically deploy.

Note: Rocket emptied of most fuel. Planned for estimated 30 seconds of flight. We ain't goin' to space today.

Log: Rocket launched fine. It went up nearly perfectly. At 15 seconds, executed 45 degree turn south as planned. Rocket held stable flight at 45 degrees for 6 more seconds. At 21 seconds, Rocket jerked violently west and went into a tumble.
Rocket started spiraling for 10 more seconds, then the fuel cut out and the parachute deployed. Rocket landed (relatively) unharmed.

Results: Computer recovered and logs analyzed. At 21 seconds, a bug caused an unplanned maneuver, jerking the rocket violently and as a result dislodging the computer, disconnecting it from the rest of the systems. The fins worked fine, however. Additional testing required...

We need more screws. -Dr. Nonmous

Meta post: Am I doing this right? I may be doing a lot of things wrong in this post.

I also stickied the first post for convenience. I recommend more spoilers so it doesn't take up too much space.

Desktop: FX-8350 4.0 GHz, 8 GB DDR3 RAM, EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 FTW 8 GB, 2 TB HDD, 24 inch 1920x1080 screen
Laptop: Core i5 480M 2.66 GHz (turbo 2.93), 8 GB DDR3 RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6550m 1 GB, 640 GB HDD, 17.3 inch 1600x900 screen
RockoRocksDate: Sunday, 20.10.2013, 17:45 | Message # 18
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 674
Status: Offline
Build: Small ground telescope ($20,000)

Produce: Solid rocket booster ($2,500), Liquid fuel tank ($5,000)

Buy: Relayed processor, Radio transmitting unit, Small silver-zinc battery,) thermometer ($9,000 in total)

In stock: None

Current funds: $63,500

Current buildings: Small ground telescope

I will be inactive on this forum for the time being. Might come back eventually

AMD AR-3305M APU w/ Radeon HD 1.90 GHz 6,00 GB RAM

Edited by RockoRocks - Sunday, 20.10.2013, 17:46
DeathStarDate: Monday, 21.10.2013, 19:22 | Message # 19
Group: Users
Messages: 515
Status: Offline
Quote anonymousgamer ()
question: is buying and production separated? Because it seems so

Buying and production are for two different things. Production is used for non-payload items (Fuel, engines, look in the OP), you still have to pay production costs (placed in brackets) and have to wait 1 turn until it is produced (you do not get it the same turn you announce its production).

Buying is for payload items (comms, scientific stuff, it is in the OP). You obviously have to pay for the items, but unlike production, you get the parts immedietly and can use them the same turn you buy it. You can also buy things that need to be produced to get them right away, albeit for a 50% higher price. Since it is my fault that I did not mention that earlier, you do not need to pay the extra money for getting the parts you used for the launch instantly this time.

Players can also trade/donate/sell parts to each other for unlimited times and all changes happen instantly.

Quote anonymousgamer ()
Meta post: Am I doing this right? I may be doing a lot of things wrong in this post.

I think we should put meta-posts in double brackets ((like this)) to avoid confusion. Anyways, you are doing everything exactly as you should be. Detailed and in-depth posts are appreciated, since this is an RP which really depends on those kind of posts.

Quote anonymousgamer ()
I also stickied the first post for convenience. I recommend more spoilers so it doesn't take up too much space.

Thank you. I am going to go and put the different categories into spoilers, fix any typos and update some of the descriptions.

On a side note, you have gotten 1 research points towards getting the 'Set of fins Mk2' (when researching deeper into some parts, you will get new 'marks', these give better effects than the last mark, and are more expensive). Currently the set of fins decreases required generated PP to leave the atmosphere of planets with one by 10%. Upon getting the set of fins mk2, the required PP is reduced by 15%.

Current progress on 'set of fins mk2': 1/3.

Update coming later today

Added (20.10.2013, 23:47)

All parts are 20% less expensive to buy (production cost is still the same), due to a major manufacturer reopening it's biggest wing of production

Funds: 83,500$(59,500$ + 25,000$ (20,000$ from the government + 5000$ from investors) - 1000$ (b. maintanance))
Public opinion: 5 (remained stagnant since last time)
Investor support: Moderate (No major negative nor major positive events)
Current missions: None
Current research progress: None

Funds: 84,500$(60,500$ + 25,000$ (20,000$ from the governments + 5000$ from investors) - 1000$ (b. maintanance))
Public opinion: 5 (remained stagnant since last time)
Investor support: Moderate (No major negative nor major positive events)
Current missions: None
Current research progress: None

Funds: 110,000$(85,000$ + 25,000$ (25,000$ from investors))
Investor support: Moderate (Reduced from moderately high due to rumors of a failed launch)
Current missions: None (Rocket test completed last turn)
Current research progress: Set of fins MK2 - 1/3

Funds: 87,500$(63,000$ + 25,000$ (25,000$ from investors) - 1,000$(b. maintanance))
Investor support: Moderately high (No major negative nor major positive events)
Current missions: None
Current research progress: None

Also, when you are having a launch, you also need to make a name for the mission unless it is simply a test

Added (21.10.2013, 22:11)
Build: Small radio dipole antenna

Current Buildings: Public launchpad

Produce: None (I will buy the things I want to produce this turn, anyone can do that if they want to, but for a 50% higher price, or only 30% for the next 3 turns (because of a recent event))

Buy: 2x Solid rocket boosters (2*2500 + 2*900 = 7000$ (it is really 6800$, but I want to keep the numbers round))

In stock: Liquid fuel engine, liquid fuel tank, solid rocket booster, Radio transmitting unit, Relayed processor, Small silver-zinc battery, Small black-white camera, Small military parachute

Launching: Limit Breaker I

Goal: Take pictures of Haelga from the stratosphere or above

Parts: 3x Solid rocket boosters, liquid fuel engine, liquid fuel tank, Radio transmitting unit, Relayed processor, Small silver-zinc battery, Small black-white camera, Small military parachute


Phase 1 (launch until entering sub-orbit)

3x Solid Rocket Boosters (Total 3 PP)
Liquid fuel engine (Total 4 PP)

7 PP - 3 W = 4 GPP

Phase 2 (ship leaves atmosphere, takes pictures)

Small black-white camera: Take picture

Phase 3 (atmospheric re-entry, time to deploy parachute and recover the craft):

Small military parachute: Deploy

Log: Phase 1 and Phase 2 pass without any major complications, Phase 3 represented a problem as the small military parachute could not slow down the craft properly. The craft fell into an ocean, and seemed mostly intact upon recovery. However, it was almost instantly noticed that a structural joint between the payload and rest of the craft broke and most of the craft was barely dangling from the payload. Time of damage unknown.


This is something I have been thinking about to actually reward players for their discoveries and achievements. Every time your mission does something very important for the first time in the RP, you get an achievement for that. Achievements can also be gotten for being profitable, discovering exoplanets, etc.

First craft to leave atmosphere

I will post some pictures later

Added (21.10.2013, 22:22)

Edited by DeathStar - Monday, 21.10.2013, 13:09
Billy_MayesDate: Wednesday, 23.10.2013, 18:05 | Message # 20
Group: Users
Messages: 485
Status: Offline
Build: Public launchpad (15,000$)

Produce: Liquid fuel tank + Liquid fuel engine (12,000$)

Buy: Small military parachute (1000$)

Launching: Tartaros Space Probe I

Goal: Investigate conditions in vacuum in preparation for future manned spacecraft.

Parts: 2x Large solid fuel boosters, radio transmitting unit, relayed processor, thermometer, radiometer, small silver-zinc battery, small military parachute.

Flight: 2x2 PP from 2x Large solid boosters. Craft reaches sub-orbit. Thermometer and radiometer activated.
Craft re-enters. Small military parachute deployed.

Log: A large crowd gathered near the launchpad, and the launch went as expected. Once the craft reached space, the crew at the small dipole antenna only barely managed to contact the craft. The radio transmitting unit was slightly damaged by the launch, though it did manage to send the data back to the ground.

After about 15 minutes in space, the craft re-entered.
The radio transmitter completely broke off the ship and was disintegrated. Luckily, the parachute was deployed before that, the other parts survived the re-entry and were recovered 32 km from the planned landing site.

The info the thermometer and radiometer had gathered was kept tightly secret and details of the ship were not released to the public.

Current funds: 57,000$

((I think this is really fun, and I hope I did this right.))

AMD Phenom II X4 955 3.2 GHz Quad-Core - AMD Radeon HD 6950 2GB VRAM - 4GB RAM - 1680x1050 75 Hz Samsung screen
DeathStarDate: Wednesday, 23.10.2013, 20:59 | Message # 21
Group: Users
Messages: 515
Status: Offline
((Billy Mayes- You are doing everything right, dont worry))

Tartaros Space Probe gets an achievement!

First craft to measure conditions in vacuum

I am going to add all of the current achievement into the OP
DisasterpieceDate: Saturday, 26.10.2013, 15:30 | Message # 22
World Builder
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 640
Status: Offline
Application (Sorry it's so late)

Name: The Space and Stuff Agency
Type: Space Agency

Build: Small Dipole Antenna ($20000)

Produce: Liquid fuel tank($5000), Liquid fuel engine($7500), Solid booster($2500)

Buy: Radio Transmitter, thermometer, small battery ($4000)

In stock: Nothing

Current Funds: $61,000

I play teh spase engien
DeathStarDate: Sunday, 03.11.2013, 10:34 | Message # 23
Group: Users
Messages: 515
Status: Offline
Quote Disasterpiece ()
Name: The Space and Stuff Agency Type: Space Agency


Added (03.11.2013, 13:34)
((Just wanted to bump this))

Billy_MayesDate: Wednesday, 18.12.2013, 17:00 | Message # 24
Group: Users
Messages: 485
Status: Offline
((Are we still doing this? This was really fun, I don't want this to be buried. sad ))

AMD Phenom II X4 955 3.2 GHz Quad-Core - AMD Radeon HD 6950 2GB VRAM - 4GB RAM - 1680x1050 75 Hz Samsung screen

Edited by Billy_Mayes - Wednesday, 18.12.2013, 17:01
DeathStarDate: Saturday, 21.12.2013, 23:14 | Message # 25
Group: Users
Messages: 515
Status: Offline
Quote Billy_Mayes ()
((Are we still doing this? This was really fun, I don't want this to be buried. ))

((I would love for this to continue, but there is a lack of interest right now. I will try and revive it sooner or later, but I will change the rules. I think that people left so early is mainly because of the sheer amount of rules which made the whole thing feel like a very rigorous RTS))
asdf3011Date: Sunday, 05.01.2014, 16:35 | Message # 26
Group: Newbies
United States
Messages: 2
Status: Offline
I would like in if your going to redo it
DeathStarDate: Sunday, 05.01.2014, 17:06 | Message # 27
Group: Users
Messages: 515
Status: Offline
Quote asdf3011 ()
I would like in if your going to redo it

I will, but probably not soon.
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