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Your SpaceEngine Videos
ViktorDate: Wednesday, 28.09.2016, 10:04 | Message # 406
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Czech Republic
Messages: 33
Status: Offline
These are mine so far. I like to make dramatic videos with epic music (usually movie soundtracks) and i like to use ships for realistic feeling.

Falling into a black hole Sagittarius A

Journey to the world in distant double galaxy

And this one i made yesterday. Took the challenge from Space Engineer and tried the acceleration using gravity assist of a black hole. But i did only the acceleration. Didn't do the breaking. Need to learn that more. It looks pretty scary anyway. I used central black hole of IC 1101 galaxy. That black hole is total monster. While orbiting it, i was basically bellow event horizon in the closest point. There, i had physical velocity 0,71c and there i started the warp drive. Flying away from galaxy that is 6 million light years in diameter (meaning about 3 million ly from the central black hole) in about 5 minutes without using time machine is something i guess biggrin Why to aim for getting to nearest stars in real life? Once we develop Alccubiere drive, just use black hole's gravity and fly to different galaxy biggrin

Edited by Viktor - Wednesday, 28.09.2016, 10:16
DoctorOfSpaceDate: Wednesday, 28.09.2016, 21:24 | Message # 407
Galaxy Architect
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Viktor, very nice videos. On my own trials I only ever got to around 60% the speed of light.

When/if relativistic effects are implemented those kind of flights will be really cool to see.

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ViktorDate: Thursday, 29.09.2016, 00:25 | Message # 408
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Czech Republic
Messages: 33
Status: Offline
Quote DoctorOfSpace ()
Viktor, very nice videos. On my own trials I only ever got to around 60% the speed of light.

Thanks. I did this 3 times and second time i managed to get to 100% of speed of light. My physical velocity was really 1c. But the video wasn't so smooth. I screwed few things up and it didn't look good. So i uploaded this one with 0.71c. Also success i think smile

Quote DoctorOfSpace ()
When/if relativistic effects are implemented those kind of flights will be really cool to see.


Edited by Viktor - Thursday, 29.09.2016, 00:51
MegaUnitDate: Sunday, 02.10.2016, 04:13 | Message # 409
Group: Newbies
Messages: 5
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Music Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDCp6x2Vx0g
arbelrocksDate: Sunday, 02.10.2016, 13:41 | Message # 410
Space Tourist
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Messages: 24
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I've collected the entire space engine soundtrack into a single video. View it here:
chaitanyakhoje9Date: Tuesday, 04.10.2016, 17:25 | Message # 411
Group: Newbies
Messages: 7
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Hello people I would like you guys to check some of the videos I made using Space Engine!








RebelDate: Sunday, 09.10.2016, 19:29 | Message # 412
Space Tourist
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United Kingdom
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A slightly longer video this time around...just a little over 8 minutes.

Edited by Rebel - Sunday, 09.10.2016, 19:30
Destructor1701Date: Monday, 10.10.2016, 00:59 | Message # 413
Group: Users
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Just dropped into the thread and watched one video at random: chaitanyakhoje9's "Serenity", because that's the mood I was in.

Lovely video, chaitanyakhoje9! Really conveys that feeling.

El_Kocurro1992Date: Monday, 10.10.2016, 18:44 | Message # 414
Group: Newbies
Messages: 7
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Prawdziwe dzieła sztuki, i doskonale dobrana muzyka .
robi wrażenie .
MatsoftwareDate: Thursday, 13.10.2016, 15:38 | Message # 415
Space Pilot
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Messages: 86
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I created this video in which I try to find earth-like planets:

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If I'm not replying to a PM, my account is hacked!
RebelDate: Tuesday, 25.10.2016, 15:58 | Message # 416
Space Tourist
Group: Users
United Kingdom
Messages: 20
Status: Offline
I took on board comments on my YT channel and have made this latest video using different transitions. I seemed to have fallen in love with the usual shots so a change was in order. I hope you enjoy this. Just remember to change the settings to 480p or higher as YT seems to drop to it's lowest settings sometimes.

Edited by Rebel - Tuesday, 25.10.2016, 16:01
tRetro-VisorDate: Friday, 28.10.2016, 23:57 | Message # 417
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Messages: 28
Status: Offline
Posting again in a more organized way since I have more videos now


Edited by tRetro-Visor - Saturday, 29.10.2016, 00:01
RebelDate: Wednesday, 02.11.2016, 20:01 | Message # 418
Space Tourist
Group: Users
United Kingdom
Messages: 20
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Quote tRetro-Visor ()

I'd take the time to give you some good/bad feed back, but seeing as you can't even be bothered to reply to me on your YT channel, I'll pass angry
Manners cost nothing you know. Plus you'd have been notified of any updates on there.

Edited by Rebel - Wednesday, 02.11.2016, 20:04
conroy7040Date: Tuesday, 15.11.2016, 18:33 | Message # 419
Group: Newbies
Messages: 2
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Hello, I recently made a film that combines live action (real actors) with footage from inside Space Engine, to use a visual effects for the movie. The result is pretty different, and I hope you guys enjoy it.

Edited by conroy7040 - Tuesday, 15.11.2016, 18:35
MosfetDate: Tuesday, 15.11.2016, 21:44 | Message # 420
World Builder
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Messages: 754
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Very interesting!

"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
Douglas N. Adams
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