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Beautiful terras with life
FiahOwlDate: Friday, 18.01.2013, 02:56 | Message # 46
Space Tourist
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United States
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Edited by FiahOwl - Friday, 18.01.2013, 02:58
DoctorOfSpaceDate: Friday, 18.01.2013, 05:36 | Message # 47
Galaxy Architect
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Quote (FiahOwl)

That is a really nice find. I think, to me at least, thats the best one yet.

Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor
G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory
LiveLife42Date: Sunday, 20.01.2013, 09:40 | Message # 48
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 272
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This planet looks very like earth the only thing different is more deserts and less polar ice.
Place: RSC 0-4-3286-1379-6382-2-28-573 A4

This planet has a very nice view of a blue gas planet.
Place: RS 0-5-17221-548-18301-6-146799-4 3.1

Attachments: 7584309.jpg (414.9 Kb) · 7128460.jpg (264.1 Kb) · 2492900.jpg (427.8 Kb) · 8045311.jpg (320.8 Kb) · 5240508.jpg (326.5 Kb) · 8788049.jpg (217.9 Kb)

PC: Intel Core i7-3770K o/c 4.6 Ghz Quad Core, 16GB DDR3 o/c 1866 Mhz, EVGA GeForce 980Ti with 6GB VRAM

Edited by LiveLife42 - Sunday, 20.01.2013, 09:49
TimDate: Sunday, 20.01.2013, 10:15 | Message # 49
Group: Users
Messages: 296
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I like how the last one's oceans are seemingly green. Could that be the cause of plant-like life in the water? Or has it something to do with the chemistry of the water?
spacerDate: Monday, 21.01.2013, 13:31 | Message # 50
Star Engineer
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Nice LiveLife42, I think it's most beautiful here. happy

"we began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still"
-carl sagan

-space engine photographer
anonymousgamerDate: Monday, 21.01.2013, 17:44 | Message # 51
World Builder
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I win

Attachments: 8901876.jpg (190.0 Kb) · 1006820.jpg (193.9 Kb)

Desktop: FX-8350 4.0 GHz, 8 GB DDR3 RAM, EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 FTW 8 GB, 2 TB HDD, 24 inch 1920x1080 screen
Laptop: Core i5 480M 2.66 GHz (turbo 2.93), 8 GB DDR3 RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6550m 1 GB, 640 GB HDD, 17.3 inch 1600x900 screen
SalvoDate: Monday, 21.01.2013, 18:04 | Message # 52
Star Engineer
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Quote (anonymousgamer)
I win

I prefer FiahOwl's anyway biggrin

The universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human ambition.

CPU: Intel Core i7 4770 GPU: ASUS Radeon R9 270 RAM: 8 GBs

(still don't know why everyone is doing this...)
LiveLife42Date: Monday, 21.01.2013, 21:10 | Message # 53
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 272
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That is an interesting planet anonymous it's purple and brown which I don't see very often.

PC: Intel Core i7-3770K o/c 4.6 Ghz Quad Core, 16GB DDR3 o/c 1866 Mhz, EVGA GeForce 980Ti with 6GB VRAM
VoekoevakaDate: Friday, 25.01.2013, 14:34 | Message # 54
World Builder
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This one :

On the same system :

Attachments: 4306320.jpg (486.3 Kb) · 9492477.jpg (322.8 Kb) · 0123503.jpg (434.8 Kb)

Want some music of mine ? Please go here !

Edited by Voekoevaka - Friday, 25.01.2013, 14:40
InfinityseedDate: Thursday, 31.01.2013, 08:27 | Message # 55
Group: Users
United States
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Quote (LiveLife42)
I submit this one
RS 0-7-485804-230-3-7-690934-37
From Space

Very nice.

Quote (LiveLife42)
This planet looks very like earth the only thing different is more deserts and less polar ice.
Place: RSC 0-4-3286-1379-6382-2-28-573 A4

This one, too.

Edited by Infinityseed - Thursday, 31.01.2013, 08:29
AycemanDate: Thursday, 31.01.2013, 18:27 | Message # 56
Space Tourist
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Messages: 24
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Quote (Frostbreath)
This terra with life was found orbiting s brown dwarf, which on his turn orbits a yellow dwarf (I thought). When the planet is in between the two stars, you get some strange results:

Location code?
LiNGeNDate: Saturday, 02.02.2013, 18:45 | Message # 57
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Messages: 11
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Here is my gem: RS 0-9-33751206-2613-1-9-19673723-0 3

It is a tidal locked warm terra with life, with a dark frozen hemisphere on one side and a bright desert in and around the other pole with a slightly mixed landscape of mountains, oceans and planes inbetween.

I found this planet in one of my experiments flying as far away from the Milky Way Galaxy as I could, ending up at the very edge of SpaceEngine's simulated universe. Unfortunately, this place is very glitchy. I have had SpaceEngine crash more than 15 times trying to navigate this planet. (Will give a brief description below, but a tip is to turn off auto exposure and be careful with the LOD setting.)

This planet seems to have two major issues (atleast that I've experienced on my setup):
1. I have found that if you have Auto Exposure activated and having the camera facing the parent galaxy core (while being on or near the surface of this planet), the screen glitches making the planet disappear and reappear continuously in a loop.
2. It also randomly blips (the planet disappears for a split second) while navigating to some areas of the planet, regenerating all the planetary objects (surface, water, atmosphere and clouds). I have found lowering the LOD to help fight off this issue, but it hinders me from viewing certain areas with highest detail. sad

Attachments: 6570864.jpg (329.8 Kb) · 1527128.jpg (598.9 Kb)

Edited by LiNGeN - Saturday, 02.02.2013, 21:12
midtskogenDate: Saturday, 02.02.2013, 20:25 | Message # 58
Star Engineer
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Messages: 1674
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Quote (LiNGeN)
This planet seems to have two major issues (atleast that I've experienced on my setup):
1. I have found that if you have Auto Exposure activated and having the camera facing the parent galaxy core (while being on or near the surface of this planet), the screen glitches making the planet disappear and reappear continuously in a loop.
2. It also randomly blips (the planet disappears for a split second) while navigating to some areas of the planet, regenerating all the planetary objects (surface, water, atmosphere and clouds). I have found lowering the LOD to help fight off this issue, but it hinders me from viewing certain areas with highest detail.

In addition to disappearing and reappearing, and crashing, I've also experience to the system to disappear permanently. That is, I have to restart Space Engine.

A pretty place!

UnnamedDate: Monday, 04.02.2013, 18:11 | Message # 59
Space Pilot
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My entry: HD 138302 1

Intel® Core™ i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz 2.50 GHz 750 GB hard drive 4 GB RAM intel ®HD Graphics 4000 1GB video; oh and i use a lot of commas
DisasterpieceDate: Monday, 04.02.2013, 23:43 | Message # 60
World Builder
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United States
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Quote (LiNGeN)
I have had SpaceEngine crash more than 15 times trying to navigate this planet.

The further you get from sol the more glitchy it gets? I have never noticed a difference in the number of crashes based on the distance from sol and I have been so far from sol that one side of the sky on a planet has no galaxies in it and the other does.

I play teh spase engien