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Main » 2013 » March » 19 » Real asteroids catalog
Real asteroids catalog
I make a small program that processes the asteroids database from the Minor Planets Center. It have 600,000+ asteroids, Kuiper belt objects and other small bodies. Currently SE can't handle such great amount of objects, so program makes a selection of Main belt asteroids greater than 10 km, Juiper belt objects greater than 50 km etc. Resulting catalog consists of 2000+ objects:

Inner Solar System with Main belt, Jupiter trojans, and NEOs (Near-Earth Objects).

Outer Solar System with Kiuper belt, Centaturs, Plutinos, Resonant TNOs and Scattered disk objects. Note the gaps caused by Milky Way.

There is a great problem with such big catalog - loading time is soo big. I must improve performance of the script reader, or implement new format of the catalog. I think of a table format, that can be used for asteroids, exoplanets and exoplanets parent stars. It may looked like this:

This format is more compact and easy to load, but don't allow using parameters that a missing in the header. Objects that uses additional parameters must be excluded from the table catalog and added to the usual script catalog.
Views: 1469 | Added by: SpaceEngineer | Rating: 5.0/1
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