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Main » 2013 » March » 02
I made a "Star browser", it gets a list of stars in a certain radius from the camera (your current location). Some properties like distance, spectral class and luminosity are returned by engine immediately. But most interest properties - number of stars in a system, number of planets, and presence of life - are not available until planetary system is being generated. SE generates a systems relatively slowly - 0.1 - 1 seconds per system. So last 3 columns of the table are filled gradually, taking up to several minutes to be finished (depending on number of stars found, it is limited to 1024). Systems are generated one by one per frame, multithreading is not used, so FPS are dropped significantly, until search finishes.
Views: 1282 | Added by: SpaceEngineer | Date: 02.03.2013 | Comments (0)