SpaceEngine Version beta STARTING [MT] Scanning data directories [MT] Data directory "data" [MT] Data directory "addons" [MT] Loading script "config/main-def.cfg" [MT] Loading script "config/main-user.cfg" [MT] Loading image "data/textures/common/splash00.jpg" [MT] 20 localizations found DONE INITIALIZING OPENGL [MT] Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc. [MT] Renderer: AMD Radeon HD 6670 [MT] Driver version: Context [MT] OpenGL version: 4.1.11079 Compatibility Profile Context [MT] GLSL version: 4.10 [MT] Extensions: GL_AMDX_debug_output GL_AMDX_vertex_shader_tessellator GL_AMD_conservative_depth GL_AMD_debug_output GL_AMD_depth_clamp_separate GL_AMD_draw_buffers_blend GL_AMD_multi_draw_indirect GL_AMD_name_gen_delete GL_AMD_performance_monitor GL_AMD_pinned_memory GL_AMD_sample_positions GL_AMD_seamless_cubemap_per_texture GL_AMD_shader_stencil_export GL_AMD_shader_trace GL_AMD_texture_cube_map_array GL_AMD_texture_texture4 GL_AMD_transform_feedback3_lines_triangles GL_AMD_vertex_shader_tessellator GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility GL_ARB_blend_func_extended GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_copy_buffer GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_draw_indirect GL_ARB_draw_instanced GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GL_ARB_geometry_shader4 GL_ARB_get_program_binary GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 GL_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64 GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_imaging GL_ARB_instanced_arrays GL_ARB_map_buffer_range GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_occlusion_query2 GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_sample_shading GL_ARB_sampler_objects GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_precision GL_ARB_shader_stencil_export GL_ARB_shader_subroutine GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_shadow_ambient GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_tessellation_shader GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32 GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_compression_bptc GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_gather GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_multisample GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_query_lod GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui GL_ARB_texture_snorm GL_ARB_timer_query GL_ARB_transform_feedback2 GL_ARB_transform_feedback3 GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra GL_ARB_vertex_array_object GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev GL_ARB_viewport_array GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_envmap_bumpmap GL_ATI_fragment_shader GL_ATI_meminfo GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_ATI_texture_compression_3dc GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATI_texture_float GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_bindable_uniform GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_copy_buffer GL_EXT_copy_texture GL_EXT_direct_state_access GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 GL_EXT_draw_instanced GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 GL_EXT_histogram GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_float GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shader_image_load_store GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_subtexture GL_EXT_texgen_reflection GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_array GL_EXT_texture_buffer_object GL_EXT_texture_compression_bptc GL_EXT_texture_compression_latc GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_integer GL_EXT_texture_lod GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent GL_EXT_texture_snorm GL_EXT_texture_storage GL_EXT_texture_swizzle GL_EXT_timer_query GL_EXT_transform_feedback GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra GL_EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_KTX_buffer_region GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_conditional_render GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color GL_NV_explicit_multisample GL_NV_float_buffer GL_NV_half_float GL_NV_primitive_restart GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_texture_barrier GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays GL_WIN_swap_hint WGL_EXT_swap_control [MT] Floating-point pixel format: GL_RGBA16F_ARB [MT] Debug output not supported [MT] Reverse float depth buffer not supported [MT] Half float supported [MT] 3D textures supported [MT] Swap control tear not supported [MT] Stereoscopic draw buffers not supported [MT] Direct state access not supported [MT] Binary shader program supported [MT] Sync objects IGNORED [MT] Max texture image units: 16 [MT] Max vertex texture image units: 16 [MT] Max combined texture image units: 32 [MT] Max texture size: 16384 [MT] Max rectangle texture size: 16384 [MT] Max cubemap texture size: 16384 [MT] Max 3D texture size: 8192 [MT] Max viewport size: 16384 x 16384 [MT] Max anisotropy: 16 [MT] Max multisamples: 8 [MT] Multisampling supported [MT] Draw buffers: 8 [MT] Saving script "config/main-user.cfg" DONE INITIALIZING OPENAL [MT] Vendor: Creative Labs Inc. [MT] Renderer: Software [MT] OpenAL Version: OpenAL 1.0 [MT] OpenAL Extentions: EAX 2.0, EAX 3.0, EAX Unified, and EAX-AC3 [MT] ALC Default device specifier: DirectSound3D [MT] ALC Device specifier: DirectSound [MT] ALC Extensions: [MT] Loading default sounds [MT] Loading sound "data/sounds/button.ogg" [MT] Loading sound "data/sounds/menu.ogg" [MT] Loading sound "data/sounds/rocket_engine.ogg" [MT] Loading sound "data/sounds/rocket_engine_2.ogg" DONE INITIALIZING LOADER [MT] Hardware, driver or SpaceEngine version has been changed - wiping out the cache [MT] Performing full building of the shader cache [MT] Number of CPUs: 4 [MT] Worker threads: 3 [MT] RAM granularty: 4 kb [MT] Total RAM: 4095 Mb [MT] Available RAM: 3908 Mb [MT] Physical VRAM: 2048 Mb [MT] Available VRAM: 1999 Mb [MT] Max. used VRAM: 2048 Mb [MT] Scanning pak files [MT] Loading "data/catalogs/Catalogs0980.pak": 5 folders, 40 files [MT] Loading "data/locale/Fonts.pak": 0 folders, 8 files [MT] Loading "data/models/atmospheres/Atmospheres0980.pak": 0 folders, 11 files [MT] Loading "data/models/galaxies/GalaxiesModels0980.pak": 0 folders, 1 files [MT] Loading "data/models/nebulae/NebulaeModels0980.pak": 0 folders, 4 files [MT] Loading "data/models/spacecraft/ShipsModels0980.pak": 2 folders, 119 files [MT] Loading "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak": 0 folders, 101 files [MT] Loading "data/textures/common/CommonTex0980.pak": 0 folders, 25 files [MT] Loading "data/textures/flares/FlaresTex0980.pak": 0 folders, 41 files [MT] Loading "data/textures/galaxies/GalaxiesTex0980.pak": 0 folders, 171 files [MT] Loading "data/textures/nebulae/NebulaeTex0980.pak": 0 folders, 170 files [MT] Loading "data/textures/planets/PlanetsTex0980.pak": 408 folders, 34217 files [MT] Loading "data/textures/spacecraft/ShipsTex0980.pak": 3 folders, 35 files [MT] Total: 34943 files in 13 paks [MT] Initializing the filesystem data DONE INITIALIZING OCULUS RIFT [MT] Oculus Rift HMD not found, or Oculus Runtime version is not 0.8 DONE INITIALIZING ENGINE [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/hdr_down.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/hdr_down.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/hdr_down.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/hdr_down.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/hdr_gauss_blur.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/hdr_gauss_blur.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/hdr_gauss_blur.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/hdr_gauss_blur.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/hdr_tone.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/hdr_tone.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/hdr_tone.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/hdr_tone.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/hdr_tone.glsl" (defines: LUMA) [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/hdr_tone.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/hdr_tone.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/hdr_tone.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/hdr_tone.glsl" (defines: ALPHA) [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/hdr_tone.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/hdr_tone.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/hdr_tone.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/hdr_add_bloom.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/hdr_add_bloom.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/hdr_add_bloom.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/hdr_add_bloom.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/hdr_add_bloom.glsl" (defines: REVERSE) [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/hdr_add_bloom.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/hdr_add_bloom.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/hdr_add_bloom.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/hdr_add_bloom.glsl" (defines: DITHERING) [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/hdr_add_bloom.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/hdr_add_bloom.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/hdr_add_bloom.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/hdr_add_bloom.glsl" (defines: DITHERING, REVERSE) [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/hdr_add_bloom.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/hdr_add_bloom.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/hdr_add_bloom.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/proj_fisheye.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/proj_fisheye.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/proj_fisheye.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/proj_fisheye.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/proj_fisheye_gui.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/proj_fisheye_gui.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/proj_fisheye_gui.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/proj_fisheye_gui.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/proj_cylinder.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/proj_cylinder.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/proj_cylinder.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/proj_cylinder.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/3D_interlace.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/3D_interlace.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/3D_interlace.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/3D_interlace.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/3D_interlace.glsl" (defines: HOR) [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/3D_interlace.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/3D_interlace.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/3D_interlace.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/3D_anaglyph.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/3D_anaglyph.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/3D_anaglyph.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/3D_anaglyph.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/hdr_copy.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/hdr_copy.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/hdr_copy.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/hdr_copy.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/hdr_copy_cube.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/hdr_copy_cube.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/hdr_copy_cube.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/hdr_copy_cube.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/fxaa.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/fxaa.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/fxaa.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/fxaa.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/fxaa_lum.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/fxaa_lum.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/fxaa_lum.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/fxaa_lum.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/prim_fill_obj.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/prim_fill_obj.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/prim_fill_obj.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/prim_fill_obj.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/prim_fill_obj.glsl" (defines: UNIFORM_VERTEXES) [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/prim_fill_obj.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/prim_fill_obj.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/prim_fill_obj.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/prim_tex_obj.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/prim_tex_obj.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/prim_tex_obj.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/prim_tex_obj.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/prim_tex_obj.glsl" (defines: CUBEMAP) [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/prim_tex_obj.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/prim_tex_obj.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/prim_tex_obj.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/prim_tex_obj.glsl" (defines: TEXCOORD) [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/prim_tex_obj.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/prim_tex_obj.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/prim_tex_obj.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Initializing galaxies models cache [MT] Loading script "data/models/galaxies/GalaxiesModels0980.pak/Default.cfg" [MT] Initializing nebulae models cache [MT] Loading script "data/models/nebulae/NebulaeModels0980.pak/Astroniki.cfg" [MT] Loading script "data/models/nebulae/NebulaeModels0980.pak/Bambusman.cfg" [MT] Loading script "data/models/nebulae/NebulaeModels0980.pak/Default.cfg" [MT] Loading script "data/models/nebulae/NebulaeModels0980.pak/Voekoevaka.cfg" [MT] Loading script "data/models/atmospheres/Atmospheres0980.pak/atmospheres.cfg" [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/atmo_transm.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/atmo_transm.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/atmo_transm.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/atmo_transm.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/blackhole.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/blackhole.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/blackhole.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/blackhole.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/blackhole.glsl" (defines: ENV_MAP) [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/blackhole.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/blackhole.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/blackhole.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/blackhole.glsl" (defines: ACCR_DISK) [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/blackhole.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/blackhole.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/blackhole.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/blackhole.glsl" (defines: ACCR_DISK,ENV_MAP) [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/blackhole.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/blackhole.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/blackhole.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/blackhole.glsl" (defines: STAR) [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/blackhole.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/blackhole.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/blackhole.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/blackhole.glsl" (defines: STAR,ENV_MAP) [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/blackhole.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/blackhole.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/blackhole.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/blackhole.glsl" (defines: STAR,ACCR_DISK) [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/blackhole.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/blackhole.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/blackhole.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/blackhole.glsl" (defines: STAR,ACCR_DISK,ENV_MAP) [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/blackhole.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/blackhole.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/blackhole.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/blackhole.glsl" (defines: WORMHOLE) [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/blackhole.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/blackhole.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/blackhole.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/blackhole.glsl" (defines: WORMHOLE,ENV_MAP) [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/blackhole.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/blackhole.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/blackhole.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/ship_warp.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/ship_warp.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/ship_warp.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/ship_warp.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/ship_warp.glsl" (defines: ENV_MAP) [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/ship_warp.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/ship_warp.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/ship_warp.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/get_pixel.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/get_pixel.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/get_pixel.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/get_pixel.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/get_pixel.glsl" (defines: MSAA) [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/get_pixel.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/get_pixel.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/get_pixel.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/sun_flare_mark.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/sun_flare_mark.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/sun_flare_mark.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/sun_flare_mark.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/sun_flare_conv.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/sun_flare_conv.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/sun_flare_conv.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/sun_flare_conv.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/sun_flare_ghost.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/sun_flare_ghost.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/sun_flare_ghost.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/sun_flare_ghost.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/sun_flare_ghost.glsl" (defines: MODULATE) [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/sun_flare_ghost.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/sun_flare_ghost.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/sun_flare_ghost.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/mipmap_down.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/mipmap_down.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/mipmap_down.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/mipmap_down.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/mipmap_down_glow.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/mipmap_down_glow.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/mipmap_down_glow.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/mipmap_down_glow.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/mipmap_down_norm.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/mipmap_down_norm.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/mipmap_down_norm.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/mipmap_down_norm.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/mipmap_down_packed_norm.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/mipmap_down_packed_norm.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/mipmap_down_packed_norm.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/mipmap_down_packed_norm.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/bump_to_normal.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/bump_to_normal.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/bump_to_normal.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/bump_to_normal.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/bump_to_packed_normal.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/bump_to_packed_normal.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/bump_to_packed_normal.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/bump_to_packed_normal.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/tg_spiral_galaxy.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_spiral_galaxy.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_spiral_galaxy.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/tg_spiral_galaxy.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/tg_sun_height.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_sun_height.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_sun_height.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/tg_sun_height.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Saving shader "cache/shaders/AMD_Context_4.1.11079_4.10/bin/tg_sun_height.bin" [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/tg_sun_color.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_sun_color.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_sun_color.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/tg_sun_color.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Saving shader "cache/shaders/AMD_Context_4.1.11079_4.10/bin/tg_sun_color.bin" [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/tg_sun_glow.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_sun_glow.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_sun_glow.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/tg_sun_glow.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Saving shader "cache/shaders/AMD_Context_4.1.11079_4.10/bin/tg_sun_glow.bin" [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/tg_terra_height.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_terra_height.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_terra_height.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/tg_terra_height.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Saving shader "cache/shaders/AMD_Context_4.1.11079_4.10/bin/tg_terra_height.bin" [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/tg_terra_color.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_terra_color.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_terra_color.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/tg_terra_color.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Saving shader "cache/shaders/AMD_Context_4.1.11079_4.10/bin/tg_terra_color.bin" [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/tg_terra_glow.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_terra_glow.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_terra_glow.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/tg_terra_glow.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Saving shader "cache/shaders/AMD_Context_4.1.11079_4.10/bin/tg_terra_glow.bin" [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/tg_selena_height.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_selena_height.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_selena_height.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/tg_selena_height.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Saving shader "cache/shaders/AMD_Context_4.1.11079_4.10/bin/tg_selena_height.bin" [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/tg_selena_color.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_selena_color.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_selena_color.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/tg_selena_color.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Saving shader "cache/shaders/AMD_Context_4.1.11079_4.10/bin/tg_selena_color.bin" [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/tg_selena_glow.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_selena_glow.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_selena_glow.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/tg_selena_glow.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Saving shader "cache/shaders/AMD_Context_4.1.11079_4.10/bin/tg_selena_glow.bin" [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/tg_asteroid_height.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_asteroid_height.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_asteroid_height.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/tg_asteroid_height.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Saving shader "cache/shaders/AMD_Context_4.1.11079_4.10/bin/tg_asteroid_height.bin" [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/tg_asteroid_color.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_asteroid_color.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_asteroid_color.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/tg_asteroid_color.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Saving shader "cache/shaders/AMD_Context_4.1.11079_4.10/bin/tg_asteroid_color.bin" [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/tg_asteroid_glow.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_asteroid_glow.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_asteroid_glow.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/tg_asteroid_glow.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Saving shader "cache/shaders/AMD_Context_4.1.11079_4.10/bin/tg_asteroid_glow.bin" [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/tg_clouds_height.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_clouds_height.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_clouds_height.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/tg_clouds_height.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Saving shader "cache/shaders/AMD_Context_4.1.11079_4.10/bin/tg_clouds_height.bin" [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/tg_clouds_color.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_clouds_color.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_clouds_color.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/tg_clouds_color.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Saving shader "cache/shaders/AMD_Context_4.1.11079_4.10/bin/tg_clouds_color.bin" [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/tg_clouds_glow.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_clouds_glow.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_clouds_glow.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/tg_clouds_glow.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Saving shader "cache/shaders/AMD_Context_4.1.11079_4.10/bin/tg_clouds_glow.bin" [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/tg_gasgiant_height.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_gasgiant_height.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_gasgiant_height.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/tg_gasgiant_height.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Saving shader "cache/shaders/AMD_Context_4.1.11079_4.10/bin/tg_gasgiant_height.bin" [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/tg_gasgiant_color.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_gasgiant_color.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_gasgiant_color.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/tg_gasgiant_color.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Saving shader "cache/shaders/AMD_Context_4.1.11079_4.10/bin/tg_gasgiant_color.bin" [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/tg_gasgiant_glow.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_gasgiant_glow.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_gasgiant_glow.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/tg_gasgiant_glow.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Saving shader "cache/shaders/AMD_Context_4.1.11079_4.10/bin/tg_gasgiant_glow.bin" [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/tg_browndwarf_height.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_browndwarf_height.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_browndwarf_height.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/tg_browndwarf_height.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Saving shader "cache/shaders/AMD_Context_4.1.11079_4.10/bin/tg_browndwarf_height.bin" [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/tg_browndwarf_color.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_browndwarf_color.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_browndwarf_color.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/tg_browndwarf_color.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Saving shader "cache/shaders/AMD_Context_4.1.11079_4.10/bin/tg_browndwarf_color.bin" [MT] Loading shader "data/shaders/Shaders0980.pak/tg_browndwarf_glow.glsl" [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_browndwarf_glow.glsl": Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Compiling shader "#/shaders/tg_browndwarf_glow.glsl": Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware. [MT] WARNING: Linking shader "#/shaders/tg_browndwarf_glow.glsl": Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked. [MT] Saving shader "cache/shaders/AMD_Context_4.1.11079_4.10/bin/tg_browndwarf_glow.bin" [MT] Procedural generator shaders loaded in 9722.873 ms