SpaceEngine Version beta STARTING Loading script "config/main.cfg" Loading script "config/universe.cfg" Loading script "config/user.cfg" Loading image "textures/common/splash09.jpg" DONE INITIALIZING OPENGL Vendor: Intel Renderer: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4400 OpenGL version: 4.3.0 - Build GLSL version: 4.30 - Build Saving script "config/main.cfg" Extensions: GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_map_buffer_alignment GL_ARB_conservative_depth GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_internalformat_query GL_ARB_internalformat_query2 GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays GL_NV_blend_square GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_window_pos GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_draw_instanced GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_occlusion_query2 GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 GL_WIN_swap_hint GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_ARB_multisample GL_EXT_packed_float GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc GL_NV_conditional_render GL_ARB_texture_swizzle GL_EXT_texture_swizzle GL_ARB_texture_gather GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_cl_event GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float GL_EXT_transform_feedback GL_ARB_transform_feedback2 GL_ARB_draw_indirect GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments GL_EXT_texture_array GL_EXT_texture_integer GL_ARB_map_buffer_range GL_ARB_texture_buffer_range GL_EXT_texture_snorm GL_ARB_blend_func_extended GL_INTEL_performance_queries GL_INTEL_performance_query GL_ARB_copy_buffer GL_ARB_sampler_objects GL_NV_primitive_restart GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend GL_ARB_geometry_shader4 GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 GL_ARB_texture_query_lod GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_instanced_arrays GL_ARB_base_instance GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32 GL_ARB_compatibility GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui GL_ARB_texture_multisample GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev GL_ARB_timer_query GL_ARB_tessellation_shader GL_ARB_vertex_array_object GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_sample_shading GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 GL_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64 GL_INTEL_fragment_shader_ordering GL_EXT_clip_control GL_ARB_shader_subroutine GL_ARB_transform_feedback3 GL_ARB_get_program_binary GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_precision GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit GL_ARB_viewport_array GL_ARB_transform_feedback_instanced GL_ARB_compressed_texture_pixel_storage GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counters GL_ARB_shading_language_packing GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store GL_EXT_shader_image_load_store GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack GL_ARB_texture_storage GL_EXT_texture_storage GL_ARB_compute_shader GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_binding GL_ARB_texture_view GL_ARB_fragment_layer_viewport GL_ARB_multi_draw_indirect GL_ARB_program_interface_query GL_ARB_shader_image_size GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object GL_ARB_texture_storage_multisample GL_ARB_buffer_storage GL_AMD_vertex_shader_layer GL_AMD_vertex_shader_viewport_index GL_ARB_debug_output GL_KHR_debug GL_ARB_arrays_of_arrays GL_ARB_texture_query_levels GL_ARB_invalidate_subdata GL_ARB_clear_buffer_object GL_ARB_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge GL_INTEL_map_texture GL_ARB_texture_compression_bptc GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility GL_ARB_ES3_compatibility GL_ARB_robustness GL_ARB_robust_buffer_access_behavior GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_ARB_copy_image GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced GL_EXT_direct_state_access GL_ARB_stencil_texturing GL_ARB_texture_stencil8 GL_ARB_explicit_uniform_location Framebuffer objects supported Half float supported Floating-point pixel format: GL_RGBA16F_ARB 3D textures supported Binary shader program IGNORED Max combined texture image units: 192 Max texture size: 16384 Max rectangle texture size: 16384 Max cubemap texture size: 16384 Max 3D texture size: 2048 Max viewport size: 16384 x 16384 Max anisotropy: 16 Draw buffers: 8 DONE INITIALIZING OPENAL Vendor: Creative Labs Inc. Renderer: Software OpenAL Version: OpenAL 1.0 OpenAL Extentions: EAX 2.0, EAX 3.0, EAX Unified, and EAX-AC3 ALC Default device specifier: DirectSound3D ALC Device specifier: DirectSound ALC Extensions: Loading default sounds Loading sound "sounds/default_button.ogg" DONE INITIALIZING LOADER Number of CPUs: 4 Loader threads: 3 RAM granularty: 4 kb Total RAM: 4095 Mb Available RAM: 3913 Mb Total VRAM: 0 Mb Available VRAM: 0 Mb ERROR: Can't determine total video memory size ERROR: Can't determine available video memory size Dedicated VRAM: 1536 Mb (from main.cfg) DONE INITIALIZING ENGINE Loading shader "system/shaders/hdr_down4.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/hdr_bloom.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/hdr_tone_alpha.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/hdr_tone.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/hdr_tone_luma.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/hdr_tone_bloom.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/hdr_tone_bloom_luma.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/proj_fisheye.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/fxaa.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/fxaa_lum.glsl" Loading script "config/user.cfg" Loading script "models/galaxies/Models.cfg" Initializing galaxies models Loading script "models/nebulae/Models.cfg" Initializing nebulae models Loading script "models/atmospheres/atmospheres.cfg" Loading shader "system/shaders/atmo_transm.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/get_pixel.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/billboard.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/blackhole.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/ship_warp.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/sun_flare_conv.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/sun_flare_post.glsl" Loading image "textures/common/notex.png" Loading image "textures/common/cursor.png" Loading image "textures/common/interface.png" Loading image "locale/win1252-font.png" Loading script "locale/win1252-font.cfg" Loading image "locale/eng-menu.png" Loading image "config/exitscreen.jpg" Loading shader "system/shaders/mipmap_copy.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/mipmap_down.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/mipmap_down_norm.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/bump_to_normal.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/bump_to_packed_normal.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/tg_spiral_galaxy.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/tg_sun_height.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/tg_sun_color.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/tg_terra_height.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/tg_terra_color.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/tg_selena_height.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/tg_selena_color.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/tg_asteroid_height.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/tg_asteroid_color.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/tg_clouds_height.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/tg_clouds_color.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/tg_gasgiant_height.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/tg_gasgiant_color.glsl" Procedural generator shaders loaded in 5515.645 ms Loading image "textures/common/planet_atlas.png" Loading script "textures/common/planet_atlas.cfg" Loading script "textures/common/planet_palette.cfg" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_light0.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_light0.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light1.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light1.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light1.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_atm_light1.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light1.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_ice_light1.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light1.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_ice_atm_light1.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light1.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_water_light1.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light1.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_water_atm_light1.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light1.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_transp_light1.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light1.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_transp_atm_light1.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light1.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_sun_light1.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light1.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_atm_sun_light1.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/water_light1.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/water_light1.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/water_light1.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/water_atm_light1.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/sky_light1.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/sky_light1.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/rings_light1.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/rings_light1.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light2.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light2.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light2.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_atm_light2.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light2.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_ice_light2.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light2.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_ice_atm_light2.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light2.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_water_light2.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light2.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_water_atm_light2.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light2.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_transp_light2.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light2.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_transp_atm_light2.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light2.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_sun_light2.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light2.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_atm_sun_light2.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/water_light2.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/water_light2.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/water_light2.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/water_atm_light2.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/sky_light2.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/sky_light2.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/rings_light2.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/rings_light2.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light3.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light3.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light3.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_atm_light3.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light3.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_ice_light3.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light3.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_ice_atm_light3.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light3.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_water_light3.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light3.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_water_atm_light3.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light3.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_transp_light3.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light3.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_transp_atm_light3.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light3.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_sun_light3.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light3.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_atm_sun_light3.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/water_light3.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/water_light3.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/water_light3.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/water_atm_light3.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/sky_light3.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/sky_light3.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/rings_light3.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/rings_light3.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light4.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light4.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light4.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_atm_light4.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light4.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_ice_light4.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light4.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_ice_atm_light4.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light4.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_water_light4.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light4.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_water_atm_light4.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light4.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_transp_light4.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light4.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_transp_atm_light4.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light4.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_sun_light4.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_light4.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/planet_diff_bump_atm_sun_light4.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/water_light4.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/water_light4.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/water_light4.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/water_atm_light4.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/sky_light4.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/sky_light4.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/rings_light4.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/rings_light4.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/spacecraft.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/spacecraft_light0.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/spacecraft.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/spacecraft_diff_light0.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/spacecraft.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/spacecraft_light1.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/spacecraft.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/spacecraft_diff_light1.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/spacecraft.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/spacecraft_bump_light1.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/spacecraft.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/spacecraft_diff_bump_light1.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/spacecraft.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/spacecraft_diff_asp_light1.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/spacecraft.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/spacecraft_diff_asp_bump_light1.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/spacecraft.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/spacecraft_diff_spec_light1.glf" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/spacecraft.glv" Loading shader "cache/shaders/glsl/spacecraft_diff_bump_spec_light1.glf" Loading shader "system/shaders/particle.glsl" DONE LOADING GALAXIES Loading image "textures/common/gal_part.png" Loading image "textures/common/galaxy_bulge.png" Loading image "textures/common/sprites_gal.png" Loading image "textures/common/sprites_neb.png" Loading shader "system/shaders/clusneb_particle.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/clusneb_particle_point.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/galaxy_particle.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/galaxy_particle_point.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/galaxy_map.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/galaxy_map_line.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/galaxy_plane.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/galaxy_plane_map.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/galaxy_bulge.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/galaxy_bulge_map.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/galaxy_model.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/galaxy_model_map.glsl" Loading galaxies catalogs Loading script "catalogs/galaxies/" Building galaxies octree DONE LOADING CLUSTERS Loading clusters catalogs Loading script "catalogs/clusters/" Loading script "catalogs/clusters/" Loading script "catalogs/clusters/" Loading script "catalogs/clusters/" DONE LOADING NEBULAE Loading nebulae catalogs Loading script "catalogs/nebulae/" Loading script "catalogs/nebulae/" DONE LOADING STARS Loading image "textures/common/star_part.png" Loading image "textures/common/star_flare.png" Loading image "textures/common/" Loading image "textures/common/" Loading image "textures/common/" Loading image "textures/common/" Loading image "textures/common/" Loading image "textures/common/" Loading image "textures/common/" Loading image "textures/common/" Loading image "textures/common/" Loading image "textures/common/" Loading shader "system/shaders/star.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/star_blur.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/star_point.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/star_point_blur.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/star_flare.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/star_map.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/star_map_line.glsl" Loading star catalogs Loading stars catalogs Loading script "catalogs/stars/" Loading script "catalogs/stars/" Loading script "catalogs/stars/" Loading script "catalogs/stars/" Loading script "catalogs/stars/" Loading script "catalogs/stars/" WARNING: Star "WISE 1741+2553/WISEPA J174124.26+255319.5" spectral class "T9" changed to "T9 V" because of luminosity 6.60313e-006 WARNING: Star "11 Com/HD 107383/HIP 60202" spectral class "K0" changed to "K0 Ia" because of radius 19.5 Rsol WARNING: Star "11 UMi/HD 136726/HIP 74793" spectral class "K0" changed to "K0 Ia" because of radius 24.08 Rsol WARNING: Star "14 And/HD 221345/HIP 116076" spectral class "K0" changed to "K0 III" because of radius 11 Rsol WARNING: Star "18 Del/HD 199665/HIP 103527" spectral class "K0" changed to "K0 III" because of radius 8.5 Rsol WARNING: Star "2MASS J01225093–2439505/2M 0122-2439" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.0102802 assumed for spectral class "M3" WARNING: Star "2MASS J01225093–2439505/2M 0122-2439" spectral class "M3" changed to "M3 V" because of luminosity 0.0102802 WARNING: Star "2MASS J04414489+2301513/2M 0441+23" spectral class "M8" changed to "M8 V" because of luminosity 0.0886862 WARNING: Star "2MASS J07464256+2000321 A/2M 0746+20 A" spectral class "M9 V" assumed for temperature 2205K WARNING: Star "2MASS J21402931+1625183 A/2M 2140+16 A" spectral class "M9 V" assumed for temperature 2300K WARNING: Star "2MASS J22062280-2047058 A/2M 2206-20 A" spectral class "M9 V" assumed for temperature 2350K WARNING: Star "30 Ari B/HD 16232/HIP 12184" spectral class "F5" changed to "F5 V" because of radius 1.13 Rsol WARNING: Star "4 UMa/HD 73108/HIP 42527" spectral class "K0" changed to "K0 Ia" because of radius 18.11 Rsol WARNING: Star "42 Dra/HD 170693/HIP 90344" spectral class "K0" changed to "K0 Ia" because of radius 22.03 Rsol WARNING: Star "47 UMa/HD 95128/HIP 53721" spectral class "G0" changed to "G0 V" because of radius 1.23 Rsol WARNING: Star "6 Lyn/HD 45410/HIP 31039" spectral class "G5" changed to "G5 III" because of radius 5.2 Rsol WARNING: Star "70 Vir/HD 117176/HIP 65721" spectral class "G0" changed to "G0 V" because of radius 1.968 Rsol WARNING: Star "BD+15 2940/HIP 78407" spectral class "K0" changed to "K0 III" because of radius 14.7 Rsol WARNING: Star "BD+20 274" spectral class "K5" changed to "K5 III" because of radius 17.3 Rsol WARNING: Star "BD+20 274" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "BD+20 274" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 42.8548 assumed for spectral class "K5 III" WARNING: Star "BD+20 274" distance 122.97 assumed for apparent magnitude 6.169 and luminosity 42.8548 WARNING: Star "BD+48 738" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "BD+48 738" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 21.4783 assumed for spectral class "K0 III" WARNING: Star "BD+48 738" distance 77.0549 assumed for apparent magnitude 5.904 and luminosity 21.4783 WARNING: Star "BD-13 2130" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "BD-13 2130" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 6.79204 assumed for spectral class "G5 IV" WARNING: Star "BD-13 2130" distance 256.685 assumed for apparent magnitude 9.767 and luminosity 6.79204 WARNING: Star "CHXR 73" have no distance and AppMagn value, random distance value 801.384 assumed WARNING: Star "CHXR 73" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.0102802 assumed for spectral class "M3 V" WARNING: Star "CT Cha" spectral class "K7" changed to "K7 III" because of luminosity 7.77263 WARNING: Star "CoRoT-21" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "CoRoT-21" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 7.7983 assumed for spectral class "F8 IV" WARNING: Star "CoRoT-21" distance 4852.89 assumed for apparent magnitude 16 and luminosity 7.7983 WARNING: Star "CoRoT-4" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "CoRoT-4" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 3.10456 assumed for spectral class "F8 V" WARNING: Star "CoRoT-4" distance 554.115 assumed for apparent magnitude 12.288 and luminosity 3.10456 WARNING: Star "CoRoT-6" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "CoRoT-6" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 2.58226 assumed for spectral class "F9 V" WARNING: Star "CoRoT-6" distance 1061.7 assumed for apparent magnitude 13.9 and luminosity 2.58226 WARNING: Star "DENIS-P J082303.1-491201" spectral class "L1" changed to "L1 V" because of luminosity 0.00537122 WARNING: Star "DH Tau" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "DH Tau" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.0539511 assumed for spectral class "M0 V" WARNING: Star "DH Tau" distance 140.605 assumed for apparent magnitude 13.71 and luminosity 0.0539511 WARNING: Star "GSC 06214-00210" spectral class "M1" changed to "M1 III" because of luminosity 3.81888 WARNING: Star "Gliese 1214" spectral class "M4" changed to "M4 V" because of radius 0.21 Rsol WARNING: Star "Gliese 179/HIP 22627" spectral class "M3" changed to "M3 V" because of radius 0.38 Rsol WARNING: Star "Gliese 328/HIP 43790" spectral class "M1" changed to "M1 V" because of luminosity 0.0343054 WARNING: Star "Gliese 3470" spectral class "M1" changed to "M1 V" because of radius 0.5 Rsol WARNING: Star "Gliese 3634" spectral class "M2" changed to "M2 V" because of radius 0.43 Rsol WARNING: Star "Gliese 433/HIP 56528" spectral class "M1" changed to "M1 V" because of luminosity 0.00805536 WARNING: Star "Gliese 649/HIP 83043" spectral class "M1" changed to "M1 V" because of luminosity 0.0118315 WARNING: Star "HAT-P-1" spectral class "F8" changed to "F8 V" because of radius 1.11 Rsol WARNING: Star "HAT-P-11/HIP 97657" spectral class "K4" changed to "K4 V" because of radius 0.75 Rsol WARNING: Star "HAT-P-12" spectral class "K3 V" assumed for temperature 4650K WARNING: Star "HAT-P-13" spectral class "G4" changed to "G4 V" because of radius 1.56 Rsol WARNING: Star "HAT-P-14" spectral class "F" changed to "F V" because of radius 1.47 Rsol WARNING: Star "HAT-P-15" spectral class "G5" changed to "G5 V" because of radius 1.08 Rsol WARNING: Star "HAT-P-16" spectral class "F8" changed to "F8 V" because of radius 1.24 Rsol WARNING: Star "HAT-P-17" spectral class "K" changed to "K V" because of radius 0.84 Rsol WARNING: Star "HAT-P-18" spectral class "K" changed to "K V" because of radius 0.75 Rsol WARNING: Star "HAT-P-19" spectral class "K" changed to "K V" because of radius 0.82 Rsol WARNING: Star "HAT-P-2/HD 147506/HIP 80076" spectral class "F8" changed to "F8 V" because of radius 1.64 Rsol WARNING: Star "HAT-P-20" spectral class "K7" changed to "K7 V" because of radius 0.69 Rsol WARNING: Star "HAT-P-21" spectral class "G3" changed to "G3 V" because of radius 1.1 Rsol WARNING: Star "HAT-P-22/HD 233731" spectral class "G5" changed to "G5 V" because of radius 1.04 Rsol WARNING: Star "HAT-P-23" spectral class "G5" changed to "G5 V" because of radius 1.2 Rsol WARNING: Star "HAT-P-24" spectral class "F8" changed to "F8 V" because of radius 1.32 Rsol WARNING: Star "HAT-P-25" spectral class "G5" changed to "G5 V" because of radius 0.96 Rsol WARNING: Star "HAT-P-26" spectral class "K1" changed to "K1 V" because of radius 0.79 Rsol WARNING: Star "HAT-P-27/WASP-40" spectral class "G8" changed to "G8 V" because of radius 0.9 Rsol WARNING: Star "HAT-P-28" spectral class "G3" changed to "G3 V" because of radius 1.1 Rsol WARNING: Star "HAT-P-29" spectral class "F8" changed to "F8 V" because of radius 1.22 Rsol WARNING: Star "HAT-P-30/WASP-51" spectral class "F" changed to "F V" because of radius 1.22 Rsol WARNING: Star "HAT-P-31" spectral class "F9 V" assumed for temperature 6065K WARNING: Star "HAT-P-33" spectral class "F" changed to "F V" because of radius 1.64 Rsol WARNING: Star "HAT-P-34/HD 351766" spectral class "F4 V" assumed for temperature 6442K WARNING: Star "HAT-P-35" spectral class "F9 V" assumed for temperature 6096K WARNING: Star "HAT-P-36" spectral class "G8 V" assumed for temperature 5560K WARNING: Star "HAT-P-37" spectral class "G8 V" assumed for temperature 5500K WARNING: Star "HAT-P-38" spectral class "G" changed to "G V" because of radius 0.92 Rsol WARNING: Star "HAT-P-39" spectral class "F5 V" assumed for temperature 6430K WARNING: Star "HAT-P-40" spectral class "F9 V" assumed for temperature 6080K WARNING: Star "HAT-P-41" spectral class "F5 V" assumed for temperature 6390K WARNING: Star "HAT-P-42" spectral class "G5 V" assumed for temperature 5743K WARNING: Star "HAT-P-43" spectral class "G6 V" assumed for temperature 5645K WARNING: Star "HAT-P-44" spectral class "G9 V" assumed for temperature 5295K WARNING: Star "HAT-P-45" spectral class "F6 V" assumed for temperature 6330K WARNING: Star "HAT-P-46" spectral class "F8 V" assumed for temperature 6120K WARNING: Star "HAT-P-5" spectral class "G0 V" assumed for temperature 5960K WARNING: Star "HAT-P-6" spectral class "F" changed to "F V" because of radius 1.46 Rsol WARNING: Star "HAT-P-7" spectral class "F6 V" assumed for temperature 6350K WARNING: Star "HAT-P-8" spectral class "F8 V" assumed for temperature 6200K WARNING: Star "HAT-P-9" spectral class "F" changed to "F V" because of radius 1.32 Rsol WARNING: Star "HATS-1" spectral class "G1 V" assumed for temperature 5870K WARNING: Star "HATS-2" spectral class "K" changed to "K V" because of radius 0.898 Rsol WARNING: Star "HATS-3" spectral class "F" changed to "F V" because of radius 1.404 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 100655/HIP 56508" spectral class "K0" changed to "K0 III" because of radius 9.3 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 102272/HIP 57428" spectral class "K2" changed to "K2 III" because of radius 10.1 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 102956/HIP 57820" spectral class "G5" changed to "G5 III" because of radius 4.4 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 104985/HIP 58952" spectral class "K0" changed to "K0 III" because of radius 10.87 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 106252/HIP 59610" spectral class "G0" changed to "G0 V" because of radius 1.09 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 106515 A/HIP 59743 A" spectral class "G5" changed to "G5 III" because of radius 1.62 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 10697/HIP 8159" spectral class "G5" changed to "G5 III" because of radius 1.72 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 108863/HIP 61020" spectral class "K0" changed to "K0 III" because of radius 5.6 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 108874/HIP 61028" spectral class "G5" changed to "G5 V" because of radius 1.22 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 109246/HIP 61177" spectral class "G0" changed to "G0 V" because of radius 1.02 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 114762/HIP 64426" spectral class "F8" changed to "F8 V" because of radius 1.24 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 116029/HIP 65117" spectral class "K0" changed to "K0 III" because of radius 4.6 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 118203/HIP 66192" spectral class "K0" changed to "K0 V" because of luminosity 3.90637 WARNING: Star "HD 12661/HIP 9683" spectral class "K0" changed to "K0 V" because of radius 1.12 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 131496/HIP 72845" spectral class "K0" changed to "K0 III" because of radius 4.6 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 13189/HIP 10085" spectral class "K2" changed to "K2 Ia" because of radius 50.39 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 132406/HIP 73146" spectral class "G0" changed to "G0 V" because of luminosity 1.71929 WARNING: Star "HD 136418/HIP 74961" spectral class "G5" changed to "G5 III" because of radius 3.4 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 13931/HIP 10626" spectral class "G0" changed to "G0 V" because of radius 1.23 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 139357/HIP 76311" spectral class "K0" changed to "K0 III" because of radius 11.47 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 142245/HIP 77783" spectral class "K0" changed to "K0 III" because of radius 5.2 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 145457/HIP 79219" spectral class "K0" changed to "K0 III" because of radius 9.9 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 149026/HIP 80838" spectral class "G0" changed to "G0 V" because of radius 1.54 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 1502/HIP 1547" spectral class "K0" changed to "K0 III" because of radius 4.5 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 150706" spectral class "G0" changed to "G0 V" because of radius 0.87 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 152581/HIP 82651" spectral class "K0" changed to "K0 III" because of radius 4.8 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 154345/HIP 83389" spectral class "G0" changed to "G0 V" because of luminosity 0.531907 WARNING: Star "HD 155358/HIP 83949" spectral class "G0" changed to "G0 V" because of luminosity 1.93633 WARNING: Star "HD 156279/HIP 84171" spectral class "K0" changed to "K0 V" because of luminosity 0.611604 WARNING: Star "HD 158038/HIP 85294" spectral class "K0" changed to "K0 III" because of radius 4.8 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 16175/HIP 12191" spectral class "G0" changed to "G0 V" because of radius 1.87 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 163607/HIP 87601" spectral class "G5" changed to "G5 III" because of radius 1.63 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 164604/HIP 88414" spectral class "K2" changed to "K2 V" because of luminosity 0.140705 WARNING: Star "HD 167042/HIP 89047" spectral class "K0" changed to "K0 III" because of radius 4.3 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 16760/HIP 12638" spectral class "G5" changed to "G5 V" because of luminosity 0.653223 WARNING: Star "HD 170469/HIP 90593" spectral class "G5" changed to "G5 V" because of radius 1.22 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 17092" spectral class "K0" changed to "K0 III" because of luminosity 7.98092 WARNING: Star "HD 171028" spectral class "G0" changed to "G0 V" because of radius 1.95 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 17156/HIP 13192" spectral class "G5" changed to "G5 V" because of radius 1.5 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 173416/HIP 91852" spectral class "K0" changed to "K0 III" because of radius 13.5 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 177830/HIP 93746" spectral class "K0" changed to "K0 III" because of radius 2.99 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 178911 B/HIP 94075 B" spectral class "G5" changed to "G5 V" because of radius 1.14 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 180314/HIP 94576" spectral class "K0" changed to "K0 III" because of radius 9.2 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 183263/HIP 95740" spectral class "G5" changed to "G5 V" because of radius 1.21 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 185269/HIP 96507" spectral class "G0" changed to "G0 V" because of radius 1.88 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 187123/HIP 97336" spectral class "G5" changed to "G5 V" because of radius 1.17 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 188015/HIP 97769" spectral class "G5" changed to "G5 V" because of radius 1.1 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 190228/HIP 98714" spectral class "G5" changed to "G5 V" because of luminosity 3.87189 WARNING: Star "HD 195019/HIP 100970" spectral class "G5" changed to "G5 V" because of radius 1.38 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 197037/HIP 101948" spectral class "G0" changed to "G0 V" because of luminosity 1.68788 WARNING: Star "HD 20367/HIP 15323" spectral class "G0" changed to "G0 V" because of radius 1.18 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 209458/HIP 108859" spectral class "F8" changed to "F8 V" because of radius 1.16 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 210702/HIP 109577" spectral class "K0" changed to "K0 III" because of radius 5.1 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 219415" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "HD 219415" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 21.4783 assumed for spectral class "K0 III" WARNING: Star "HD 219415" distance 97.7687 assumed for apparent magnitude 6.421 and luminosity 21.4783 WARNING: Star "HD 219828/HIP 115100" spectral class "G0" changed to "G0 V" because of radius 1.7 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 220773/HIP 115697" spectral class "G0" changed to "G0 V" because of luminosity 2.83028 WARNING: Star "HD 22781/HIP 17187" spectral class "K0" changed to "K0 V" because of luminosity 0.261927 WARNING: Star "HD 231701/HIP 96078" spectral class "G0" changed to "G0 V" because of radius 1.35 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 233604" spectral class "K5" changed to "K5 III" because of radius 10.9 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 233604" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "HD 233604" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 42.8548 assumed for spectral class "K5 III" WARNING: Star "HD 233604" distance 283.009 assumed for apparent magnitude 7.979 and luminosity 42.8548 WARNING: Star "HD 23596/HIP 17747" spectral class "F8" changed to "F8 V" because of radius 2.09 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 240237/HIP 114840" spectral class "K2" changed to "K2 III" because of radius 32 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 285968/HIP 21932" spectral class "M2" changed to "M2 V" because of luminosity 0.00751799 WARNING: Star "HD 290327/HIP 25191" spectral class "G0" changed to "G0 V" because of radius 1 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 31253/HIP 22826" spectral class "F8" changed to "F8 V" because of radius 1.71 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 32518/HIP 24003" spectral class "K0" changed to "K0 III" because of radius 10.22 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 330075/HIP 77517" spectral class "G5" changed to "G5 V" because of luminosity 0.387086 WARNING: Star "HD 34445/HIP 24681" spectral class "G0" changed to "G0 V" because of radius 1.38 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 37124/HIP 26381" spectral class "G0" changed to "G0 V" because of radius 0.82 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 40979/HIP 28767" spectral class "F8" changed to "F8 V" because of radius 1.21 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 4203/HIP 3502" spectral class "G5" changed to "G5 V" because of radius 1.33 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 4313/HIP 3574" spectral class "G5" changed to "G5 III" because of radius 4.9 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 43691/HIP 30057" spectral class "G0" changed to "G0 V" because of luminosity 4.45894 WARNING: Star "HD 45350/HIP 30860" spectral class "G5" changed to "G5 V" because of radius 1.27 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 45652/HIP 30905" spectral class "K5" changed to "K5 V" because of luminosity 0.609784 WARNING: Star "HD 49674/HIP 32916" spectral class "G0" changed to "G0 V" because of radius 0.94 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 50554/HIP 33212" spectral class "F8" changed to "F8 V" because of radius 1.11 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 5608/HIP 4552" spectral class "K0" changed to "K0 III" because of radius 5.5 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 5891/HIP 4715" spectral class "G5" changed to "G5 III" because of radius 8.7 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 59686/HIP 36616" spectral class "K0" changed to "K0 III" because of radius 11.62 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 68988/HIP 40687" spectral class "G0" changed to "G0 V" because of radius 1.14 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 73534/HIP 42446" spectral class "G5" changed to "G5 III" because of radius 2.65 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 75898/HIP 43674" spectral class "G0" changed to "G0 V" because of radius 1.6 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 7924/HIP 6379" spectral class "K0" changed to "K0 V" because of radius 0.78 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 79498/HIP 45406" spectral class "G5" changed to "G5 V" because of luminosity 1.21895 WARNING: Star "HD 80606/HIP 45982" spectral class "G5" changed to "G5 V" because of radius 0.98 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 81040/HIP 46076" spectral class "G0" changed to "G0 V" because of radius 0.86 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 81688/HIP 46471" spectral class "G5" changed to "G5 Ia" because of radius 13 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 82886/HIP 47087" spectral class "G0" changed to "G0 Ia" because of radius 4.8 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 8574/HIP 6643" spectral class "F8" changed to "F8 V" because of radius 1.37 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 8673/HIP 6702" spectral class "F5" changed to "F5 V" because of radius 1.54 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 88133/HIP 49813" spectral class "G5" changed to "G5 III" because of radius 1.93 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 89307/HIP 50473" spectral class "G0" changed to "G0 V" because of radius 1.05 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 9446/HIP 7245" spectral class "G5" changed to "G5 V" because of radius 1 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 96127/HIP 54232" spectral class "K2" changed to "K2 III" because of radius 35 Rsol WARNING: Star "HD 99706/HIP 55994" spectral class "K0" changed to "K0 III" because of radius 5.4 Rsol WARNING: Star "HIP 13044" spectral class "F2" changed to "F2 Ia" because of radius 6.7 Rsol WARNING: Star "HIP 14810" spectral class "G5" changed to "G5 V" because of radius 1 Rsol WARNING: Star "HIP 57050" spectral class "M4" changed to "M4 V" because of radius 0.4 Rsol WARNING: Star "HIP 63242/HD 112410" spectral class "G8" changed to "G8 Ia" because of luminosity 27.0562 WARNING: Star "HIP 63510" spectral class "M0" changed to "M0 V" because of luminosity 0.0140635 WARNING: Star "HIP 77900" have no distance and AppMagn value, random distance value 554.693 assumed WARNING: Star "HIP 77900" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 135.519 assumed for spectral class "B6" WARNING: Star "HIP 77900" spectral class "B6" changed to "B6 III" because of luminosity 135.519 WARNING: Star "HR 228" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "HR 228" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 21.4783 assumed for spectral class "K0 III" WARNING: Star "HR 228" distance 76.6655 assumed for apparent magnitude 5.893 and luminosity 21.4783 WARNING: Star "KELT-1" spectral class "F4 V" assumed for temperature 6518K WARNING: Star "KELT-2 A/HD 42176/HIP 29301" spectral class "F8" changed to "F8 V" because of radius 1.83 Rsol WARNING: Star "KELT-3" spectral class "F" changed to "F V" because of radius 1.47 Rsol WARNING: Star "KELT-6" spectral class "F" changed to "F V" because of radius 1.58 Rsol WARNING: Star "KELT-6" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "KELT-6" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 2.14783 assumed for spectral class "F V" WARNING: Star "KELT-6" distance 191.426 assumed for apparent magnitude 10.38 and luminosity 2.14783 WARNING: Star "KIC 10905746" spectral class "K5 V" assumed for temperature 4240K WARNING: Star "KIC 10905746" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "KIC 10905746" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.170608 assumed for spectral class "K5 V" WARNING: Star "KIC 10905746" distance 180.302 assumed for apparent magnitude 13 and luminosity 0.170608 WARNING: Star "KIC 4570949" spectral class "F" changed to "F V" because of radius 1.32 Rsol WARNING: Star "KIC 4570949" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "KIC 4570949" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 2.14783 assumed for spectral class "F V" WARNING: Star "KIC 4570949" distance 421.114 assumed for apparent magnitude 12.092 and luminosity 2.14783 WARNING: Star "KIC 6185331" spectral class "G7 V" assumed for temperature 5619K WARNING: Star "KIC 6185331" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "KIC 6185331" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.816582 assumed for spectral class "G7 V" WARNING: Star "KIC 6185331" distance 990.832 assumed for apparent magnitude 15 and luminosity 0.816582 WARNING: Star "KIC 8435766" spectral class "G" changed to "G V" because of radius 0.73 Rsol WARNING: Star "KIC 8435766" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "KIC 8435766" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.539511 assumed for spectral class "G V" WARNING: Star "KIC 8435766" distance 202.302 assumed for apparent magnitude 12 and luminosity 0.539511 WARNING: Star "KIC 8852719" spectral class "K0 V" assumed for temperature 5114K WARNING: Star "KIC 8852719" have no distance and AppMagn value, random distance value 698.009 assumed WARNING: Star "KIC 8852719" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.539511 assumed for spectral class "K0 V" WARNING: Star "KOI-127" spectral class "B" changed to "B V" because of radius 0.99 Rsol WARNING: Star "KOI-13" spectral class "A3 V" assumed for temperature 8511K WARNING: Star "KOI-13" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "KOI-13" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 35.6451 assumed for spectral class "A3 V" WARNING: Star "KOI-13" distance 502.343 assumed for apparent magnitude 9.425 and luminosity 35.6451 WARNING: Star "KOI-142" spectral class "B" changed to "B V" because of radius 0.961 Rsol WARNING: Star "KOI-1843" spectral class "M1 V" assumed for temperature 3584K WARNING: Star "KOI-1843" have no distance and AppMagn value, random distance value 555.056 assumed WARNING: Star "KOI-1843" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.0310456 assumed for spectral class "M1 V" WARNING: Star "KOI-202" spectral class "G1 V" assumed for temperature 5912K WARNING: Star "KOI-202" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "KOI-202" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 1.87068 assumed for spectral class "G1 V" WARNING: Star "KOI-202" distance 1191.24 assumed for apparent magnitude 14.5 and luminosity 1.87068 WARNING: Star "KOI-206" spectral class "G4 V" assumed for temperature 5771K WARNING: Star "KOI-206" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "KOI-206" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 1.23595 assumed for spectral class "G4 V" WARNING: Star "KOI-206" distance 968.278 assumed for apparent magnitude 14.5 and luminosity 1.23595 WARNING: Star "KOI-217" spectral class "G8 V" assumed for temperature 5545K WARNING: Star "KOI-254" spectral class "M" changed to "M III" because of radius 0.49 Rsol WARNING: Star "KOI-500" spectral class "K5 V" assumed for temperature 4250K WARNING: Star "KOI-500" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "KOI-500" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.170608 assumed for spectral class "K5 V" WARNING: Star "KOI-500" distance 452.898 assumed for apparent magnitude 15 and luminosity 0.170608 WARNING: Star "KOI-55" spectral class "B" changed to "B V" because of radius 0.2 Rsol WARNING: Star "KOI-680" spectral class "F9 V" assumed for temperature 6060K WARNING: Star "KOI-680" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "KOI-680" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 2.58226 assumed for spectral class "F9 V" WARNING: Star "KOI-680" distance 1111.73 assumed for apparent magnitude 14 and luminosity 2.58226 WARNING: Star "KOI-730" spectral class "G7 V" assumed for temperature 5590K WARNING: Star "KOI-730" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "KOI-730" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.816582 assumed for spectral class "G7 V" WARNING: Star "KOI-730" distance 990.832 assumed for apparent magnitude 15 and luminosity 0.816582 WARNING: Star "KOI-872" spectral class "K0 V" assumed for temperature 5155K WARNING: Star "KOI-94" spectral class "F8 V" assumed for temperature 6116K WARNING: Star "KOI-94" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "KOI-94" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 3.10456 assumed for spectral class "F8 V" WARNING: Star "KOI-94" distance 583.445 assumed for apparent magnitude 12.4 and luminosity 3.10456 WARNING: Star "KSI Aql/HD 188310/HIP 97938" spectral class "K0" changed to "K0 III" because of radius 12 Rsol WARNING: Star "Kepler-10" spectral class "G" changed to "G V" because of radius 1.06 Rsol WARNING: Star "Kepler-11" spectral class "G" changed to "G V" because of radius 1.1 Rsol WARNING: Star "Kepler-12" spectral class "G0" changed to "G0 V" because of radius 1.48 Rsol WARNING: Star "Kepler-14" spectral class "F" changed to "F V" because of radius 2.05 Rsol WARNING: Star "Kepler-15" spectral class "G8 V" assumed for temperature 5515K WARNING: Star "Kepler-15" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "Kepler-15" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.711214 assumed for spectral class "G8 V" WARNING: Star "Kepler-15" distance 256.567 assumed for apparent magnitude 12.216 and luminosity 0.711214 WARNING: Star "Kepler-18" spectral class "G9 V" assumed for temperature 5345K WARNING: Star "Kepler-18" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "Kepler-18" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.619441 assumed for spectral class "G9 V" WARNING: Star "Kepler-18" distance 193.731 assumed for apparent magnitude 11.756 and luminosity 0.619441 WARNING: Star "Kepler-19" spectral class "G8 V" assumed for temperature 5541K WARNING: Star "Kepler-20" spectral class "G8" changed to "G8 V" because of radius 0.94 Rsol WARNING: Star "Kepler-23" spectral class "G5 V" assumed for temperature 5760K WARNING: Star "Kepler-24" spectral class "G4 V" assumed for temperature 5800K WARNING: Star "Kepler-25" spectral class "F8 V" assumed for temperature 6190K WARNING: Star "Kepler-25" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "Kepler-25" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 3.10456 assumed for spectral class "F8 V" WARNING: Star "Kepler-25" distance 152.968 assumed for apparent magnitude 9.493 and luminosity 3.10456 WARNING: Star "Kepler-26" spectral class "K4 V" assumed for temperature 4500K WARNING: Star "Kepler-26" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "Kepler-26" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.214783 assumed for spectral class "K4 V" WARNING: Star "Kepler-26" distance 170.608 assumed for apparent magnitude 12.63 and luminosity 0.214783 WARNING: Star "Kepler-27" spectral class "G9 V" assumed for temperature 5400K WARNING: Star "Kepler-27" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "Kepler-27" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.619441 assumed for spectral class "G9 V" WARNING: Star "Kepler-27" distance 574.91 assumed for apparent magnitude 14.118 and luminosity 0.619441 WARNING: Star "Kepler-28" spectral class "K4 V" assumed for temperature 4590K WARNING: Star "Kepler-28" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "Kepler-28" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.214783 assumed for spectral class "K4 V" WARNING: Star "Kepler-28" distance 177.746 assumed for apparent magnitude 12.719 and luminosity 0.214783 WARNING: Star "Kepler-29" spectral class "G5 V" assumed for temperature 5750K WARNING: Star "Kepler-30" spectral class "G8 V" assumed for temperature 5498K WARNING: Star "Kepler-31" spectral class "F6 V" assumed for temperature 6340K WARNING: Star "Kepler-33" spectral class "G1 V" assumed for temperature 5904K WARNING: Star "Kepler-33" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "Kepler-33" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 1.87068 assumed for spectral class "G1 V" WARNING: Star "Kepler-33" distance 494.538 assumed for apparent magnitude 12.591 and luminosity 1.87068 WARNING: Star "Kepler-36" spectral class "G1 V" assumed for temperature 5911K WARNING: Star "Kepler-37" spectral class "G8 V" assumed for temperature 5417K WARNING: Star "Kepler-4" spectral class "G0" changed to "G0 V" because of radius 1.49 Rsol WARNING: Star "Kepler-45" spectral class "M" changed to "M III" because of radius 0.55 Rsol WARNING: Star "Kepler-46" spectral class "K0 V" assumed for temperature 5155K WARNING: Star "Kepler-48" spectral class "K0 V" assumed for temperature 5190K WARNING: Star "Kepler-48" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "Kepler-48" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.539511 assumed for spectral class "K0 V" WARNING: Star "Kepler-48" distance 141.319 assumed for apparent magnitude 11.221 and luminosity 0.539511 WARNING: Star "Kepler-49" spectral class "K8 V" assumed for temperature 3974K WARNING: Star "Kepler-49" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "Kepler-49" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.0855067 assumed for spectral class "K8 V" WARNING: Star "Kepler-49" distance 96.0727 assumed for apparent magnitude 12.383 and luminosity 0.0855067 WARNING: Star "Kepler-5" spectral class "F6 V" assumed for temperature 6297K WARNING: Star "Kepler-5" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "Kepler-5" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 4.48745 assumed for spectral class "F6 V" WARNING: Star "Kepler-5" distance 524.566 assumed for apparent magnitude 11.769 and luminosity 4.48745 WARNING: Star "Kepler-50" spectral class "F9 V" assumed for temperature 6058K WARNING: Star "Kepler-50" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "Kepler-50" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 2.58226 assumed for spectral class "F9 V" WARNING: Star "Kepler-50" distance 121.731 assumed for apparent magnitude 9.197 and luminosity 2.58226 WARNING: Star "Kepler-51" spectral class "G3 V" assumed for temperature 5803K WARNING: Star "Kepler-51" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "Kepler-51" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 1.41906 assumed for spectral class "G3 V" WARNING: Star "Kepler-51" distance 569.377 assumed for apparent magnitude 13.197 and luminosity 1.41906 WARNING: Star "Kepler-52" spectral class "K6 V" assumed for temperature 4075K WARNING: Star "Kepler-52" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "Kepler-52" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.135519 assumed for spectral class "K6 V" WARNING: Star "Kepler-52" distance 119.674 assumed for apparent magnitude 12.36 and luminosity 0.135519 WARNING: Star "Kepler-53" spectral class "G2 V" assumed for temperature 5858K WARNING: Star "Kepler-53" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "Kepler-53" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 1.6293 assumed for spectral class "G2 V" WARNING: Star "Kepler-53" distance 807.979 assumed for apparent magnitude 13.807 and luminosity 1.6293 WARNING: Star "Kepler-54" spectral class "M1 V" assumed for temperature 3705K WARNING: Star "Kepler-54" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "Kepler-54" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.0310456 assumed for spectral class "M1 V" WARNING: Star "Kepler-54" distance 65.4033 assumed for apparent magnitude 12.648 and luminosity 0.0310456 WARNING: Star "Kepler-55" spectral class "K4 V" assumed for temperature 4362K WARNING: Star "Kepler-55" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "Kepler-55" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.214783 assumed for spectral class "K4 V" WARNING: Star "Kepler-55" distance 231.1 assumed for apparent magnitude 13.289 and luminosity 0.214783 WARNING: Star "Kepler-56" spectral class "K1 V" assumed for temperature 4931K WARNING: Star "Kepler-56" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "Kepler-56" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.428548 assumed for spectral class "K1 V" WARNING: Star "Kepler-56" distance 79.6893 assumed for apparent magnitude 10.227 and luminosity 0.428548 WARNING: Star "Kepler-57" spectral class "K0 V" assumed for temperature 5145K WARNING: Star "Kepler-57" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "Kepler-57" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.539511 assumed for spectral class "K0 V" WARNING: Star "Kepler-57" distance 305.774 assumed for apparent magnitude 12.897 and luminosity 0.539511 WARNING: Star "Kepler-58" spectral class "G2 V" assumed for temperature 5843K WARNING: Star "Kepler-58" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "Kepler-58" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 1.6293 assumed for spectral class "G2 V" WARNING: Star "Kepler-58" distance 634.746 assumed for apparent magnitude 13.283 and luminosity 1.6293 WARNING: Star "Kepler-59" spectral class "F9 V" assumed for temperature 6074K WARNING: Star "Kepler-59" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "Kepler-59" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 2.58226 assumed for spectral class "F9 V" WARNING: Star "Kepler-59" distance 678.578 assumed for apparent magnitude 12.928 and luminosity 2.58226 WARNING: Star "Kepler-6" spectral class "G6 V" assumed for temperature 5647K WARNING: Star "Kepler-6" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "Kepler-6" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.937562 assumed for spectral class "G6 V" WARNING: Star "Kepler-6" distance 225.32 assumed for apparent magnitude 11.634 and luminosity 0.937562 WARNING: Star "Kepler-60" spectral class "G1 V" assumed for temperature 5915K WARNING: Star "Kepler-60" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "Kepler-60" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 1.87068 assumed for spectral class "G1 V" WARNING: Star "Kepler-60" distance 477.749 assumed for apparent magnitude 12.516 and luminosity 1.87068 WARNING: Star "Kepler-61" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "Kepler-61" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.107647 assumed for spectral class "K7 V" WARNING: Star "Kepler-61" distance 102.424 assumed for apparent magnitude 12.272 and luminosity 0.107647 WARNING: Star "Kepler-63" spectral class "G7 V" assumed for temperature 5576K WARNING: Star "Kepler-65" spectral class "B" changed to "B V" because of radius 1.41 Rsol WARNING: Star "Kepler-65" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "Kepler-65" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 53.9511 assumed for spectral class "B V" WARNING: Star "Kepler-65" distance 736.546 assumed for apparent magnitude 9.806 and luminosity 53.9511 WARNING: Star "Kepler-68" spectral class "G4 V" assumed for temperature 5793K WARNING: Star "Kepler-69" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "Kepler-69" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 1.23595 assumed for spectral class "G4 V" WARNING: Star "Kepler-69" distance 341.036 assumed for apparent magnitude 12.234 and luminosity 1.23595 WARNING: Star "Kepler-7" spectral class "G1 V" assumed for temperature 5933K WARNING: Star "Kepler-7" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "Kepler-7" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 1.87068 assumed for spectral class "G1 V" WARNING: Star "Kepler-7" distance 304.088 assumed for apparent magnitude 11.535 and luminosity 1.87068 WARNING: Star "Kepler-76" spectral class "F6 V" assumed for temperature 6300K WARNING: Star "Kepler-76" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "Kepler-76" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 4.48745 assumed for spectral class "F6 V" WARNING: Star "Kepler-76" distance 1465.55 assumed for apparent magnitude 14 and luminosity 4.48745 WARNING: Star "Kepler-78" spectral class "G" changed to "G V" because of radius 0.74 Rsol WARNING: Star "Kepler-78" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "Kepler-78" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.539511 assumed for spectral class "G V" WARNING: Star "Kepler-78" distance 66.558 assumed for apparent magnitude 9.586 and luminosity 0.539511 WARNING: Star "Kepler-8" spectral class "F7 V" assumed for temperature 6213K WARNING: Star "Kepler-9" spectral class "G4 V" assumed for temperature 5777K WARNING: Star "Lupus-TR-3" spectral class "K1 V" assumed for temperature 5000K WARNING: Star "MOA-2007-BLG-192L" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.000214783 assumed for spectral class "M" WARNING: Star "MOA-2007-BLG-192L" spectral class "M" changed to "M V" because of luminosity 0.000214783 WARNING: Star "MOA-2007-BLG-400L" spectral class "M1 V" assumed for mass 0.35 Msol WARNING: Star "MOA-2007-BLG-400L" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.0310456 assumed for spectral class "M1 V" WARNING: Star "MOA-2008-BLG-310L" spectral class "K4 V" assumed for mass 0.67 Msol WARNING: Star "MOA-2008-BLG-310L" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.214783 assumed for spectral class "K4 V" WARNING: Star "MOA-2009-BLG-266L" spectral class "K7 V" assumed for mass 0.56 Msol WARNING: Star "MOA-2009-BLG-266L" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.107647 assumed for spectral class "K7 V" WARNING: Star "MOA-2009-BLG-319" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.0539511 assumed for spectral class "K" WARNING: Star "MOA-2009-BLG-319" spectral class "K" changed to "K V" because of luminosity 0.0539511 ERROR: Star "MOA-2009-BLG-319L" can't determine spectral class WARNING: Star "MOA-2009-BLG-319L" have no distance and AppMagn value, random distance value 354.564 assumed WARNING: Star "MOA-2009-BLG-319L" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 1.6293 assumed for spectral class "Unknown" WARNING: Star "MOA-2009-BLG-387L" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.000214783 assumed for spectral class "M" WARNING: Star "MOA-2009-BLG-387L" spectral class "M" changed to "M V" because of luminosity 0.000214783 WARNING: Star "MOA-2010-BLG-073L" spectral class "O5 V" assumed for radius 14.7 Rsol WARNING: Star "MOA-2010-BLG-073L" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 21478.3 assumed for spectral class "O5 V" WARNING: Star "MOA-2010-BLG-477L" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.0539511 assumed for spectral class "K" WARNING: Star "MOA-2010-BLG-477L" spectral class "K" changed to "K V" because of luminosity 0.0539511 WARNING: Star "MOA-2011-BLG-293L" spectral class "M0 V" assumed for mass 0.44 Msol WARNING: Star "MOA-2011-BLG-293L" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.0539511 assumed for spectral class "M0 V" WARNING: Star "MOA-bin-1" spectral class "K2 V" assumed for mass 0.75 Msol WARNING: Star "MOA-bin-1" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.340408 assumed for spectral class "K2 V" WARNING: Star "NGC 2423-3" spectral class "A6 V" assumed for mass 2.4 Msol WARNING: Star "NGC 4349-127" spectral class "B6 V" assumed for mass 3.9 Msol ERROR: Star "OGLE-2003-BLG-235L" can't determine spectral class WARNING: Star "OGLE-2003-BLG-235L" have no distance and AppMagn value, random distance value 780.97 assumed WARNING: Star "OGLE-2003-BLG-235L" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 1.6293 assumed for spectral class "Unknown" WARNING: Star "OGLE-2005-071L" spectral class "M0 V" assumed for mass 0.46 Msol WARNING: Star "OGLE-2005-071L" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.0539511 assumed for spectral class "M0 V" WARNING: Star "OGLE-2005-169L" spectral class "K9 V" assumed for mass 0.49 Msol WARNING: Star "OGLE-2005-169L" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.0679204 assumed for spectral class "K9 V" WARNING: Star "OGLE-2005-390L" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.000214783 assumed for spectral class "M" WARNING: Star "OGLE-2005-390L" spectral class "M" changed to "M V" because of luminosity 0.000214783 ERROR: Star "OGLE-2005-BLG-169L" can't determine spectral class WARNING: Star "OGLE-2005-BLG-169L" have no distance and AppMagn value, random distance value 432.151 assumed WARNING: Star "OGLE-2005-BLG-169L" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 1.6293 assumed for spectral class "Unknown" ERROR: Star "OGLE-2005-BLG-390L" can't determine spectral class WARNING: Star "OGLE-2005-BLG-390L" have no distance and AppMagn value, random distance value 688.695 assumed WARNING: Star "OGLE-2005-BLG-390L" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 1.6293 assumed for spectral class "Unknown" ERROR: Star "OGLE-2005-BLG-71L" can't determine spectral class WARNING: Star "OGLE-2005-BLG-71L" have no distance and AppMagn value, random distance value 624.43 assumed WARNING: Star "OGLE-2005-BLG-71L" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 1.6293 assumed for spectral class "Unknown" WARNING: Star "OGLE-2006-109L" spectral class "K9 V" assumed for mass 0.51 Msol WARNING: Star "OGLE-2006-109L" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.0679204 assumed for spectral class "K9 V" ERROR: Star "OGLE-2006-BLG-109L" can't determine spectral class WARNING: Star "OGLE-2006-BLG-109L" have no distance and AppMagn value, random distance value 147.022 assumed WARNING: Star "OGLE-2006-BLG-109L" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 1.6293 assumed for spectral class "Unknown" WARNING: Star "OGLE-2007-BLG-368L" spectral class "K5 V" assumed for mass 0.64 Msol WARNING: Star "OGLE-2007-BLG-368L" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.170608 assumed for spectral class "K5 V" WARNING: Star "OGLE-2009-BLG-151/MOA-2009-232" spectral class "T6 V" assumed for mass 0.018 Msol WARNING: Star "OGLE-2011-BLG-0251" spectral class "M0 V" assumed for mass 0.47 Msol WARNING: Star "OGLE-2011-BLG-0251" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.0539511 assumed for spectral class "M0 V" WARNING: Star "OGLE-2011-BLG-0420" spectral class "T2 V" assumed for mass 0.025 Msol WARNING: Star "OGLE-2011-BLG-251L" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.000214783 assumed for spectral class "M" WARNING: Star "OGLE-2011-BLG-251L" spectral class "M" changed to "M V" because of luminosity 0.000214783 WARNING: Star "OGLE-2012-BLG-0026L" spectral class "K0 V" assumed for mass 0.82 Msol WARNING: Star "OGLE-2012-BLG-0026L" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.539511 assumed for spectral class "K0 V" WARNING: Star "OGLE-2012-BLG-026L" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 1.07647 assumed for spectral class "G5 V" WARNING: Star "OGLE-2012-BLG-0358L" spectral class "T4 V" assumed for mass 0.022 Msol WARNING: Star "OGLE-2012-BLG-0358L" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 1.35519e-007 assumed for spectral class "T4 V" WARNING: Star "OGLE-2012-BLG-0406L" spectral class "K6 V" assumed for mass 0.59 Msol WARNING: Star "OGLE-2012-BLG-0406L" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.135519 assumed for spectral class "K6 V" WARNING: Star "OGLE-TR-056" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "OGLE-TR-056" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 3.10456 assumed for spectral class "F8 V" WARNING: Star "OGLE-TR-056" distance 2218.2 assumed for apparent magnitude 15.3 and luminosity 3.10456 WARNING: Star "OGLE-TR-182" spectral class "G1 V" assumed for temperature 5924K WARNING: Star "OGLE-TR-182" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "OGLE-TR-182" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 1.87068 assumed for spectral class "G1 V" WARNING: Star "OGLE-TR-182" distance 1328.62 assumed for apparent magnitude 14.737 and luminosity 1.87068 WARNING: Star "OGLE-TR-211" spectral class "F6 V" assumed for temperature 6325K WARNING: Star "OGLE-TR-211" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "OGLE-TR-211" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 4.48745 assumed for spectral class "F6 V" WARNING: Star "OGLE-TR-211" distance 1101.03 assumed for apparent magnitude 13.379 and luminosity 4.48745 WARNING: Star "OGLE-TR-56" spectral class "G" changed to "G V" because of radius 1.32 Rsol WARNING: Star "OGLE2-TR-L9" spectral class "F3" changed to "F3 V" because of radius 1.53 Rsol WARNING: Star "OGLE235-MOA53" spectral class "K5 V" assumed for mass 0.63 Msol WARNING: Star "OGLE235-MOA53" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.170608 assumed for spectral class "K5 V" WARNING: Star "OMI CrB/HD 136512/HIP 75049" spectral class "K0" changed to "K0 III" because of radius 10.5 Rsol WARNING: Star "Oph 11" spectral class "M9" changed to "M9 V" because of luminosity 0.0747371 WARNING: Star "Pr0201" spectral class "F7" changed to "F7 V" because of radius 1.17 Rsol WARNING: Star "Pr0201" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "Pr0201" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 3.7325 assumed for spectral class "F7 V" WARNING: Star "Pr0201" distance 142.692 assumed for apparent magnitude 9.142 and luminosity 3.7325 WARNING: Star "Pr0211" spectral class "G9 V" assumed for temperature 5326K WARNING: Star "Pr0211" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "Pr0211" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.619441 assumed for spectral class "G9 V" WARNING: Star "Pr0211" distance 93.4545 assumed for apparent magnitude 10.173 and luminosity 0.619441 WARNING: Star "Qatar-1" spectral class "K" changed to "K V" because of radius 0.82 Rsol WARNING: Star "Qatar-1" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "Qatar-1" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.0539511 assumed for spectral class "K V" WARNING: Star "Qatar-1" distance 30.7468 assumed for apparent magnitude 10.409 and luminosity 0.0539511 WARNING: Star "Qatar-2" spectral class "K" changed to "K V" because of radius 0.71 Rsol WARNING: Star "Qatar-2" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "Qatar-2" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.0539511 assumed for spectral class "K V" WARNING: Star "Qatar-2" distance 33.8688 assumed for apparent magnitude 10.619 and luminosity 0.0539511 WARNING: Star "SWEEPS-04" spectral class "G3 V" assumed for radius 1.18 Rsol WARNING: Star "SWEEPS-11" spectral class "F9 V" assumed for radius 1.45 Rsol WARNING: Star "SWEEPS-4" spectral class "G3 V" assumed for radius 1.18 Rsol WARNING: Star "SWEEPS-4" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 1.41906 assumed for spectral class "G3 V" WARNING: Star "TAU Boo/HD 120136/HIP 67275" spectral class "F5" changed to "F5 V" because of radius 1.331 Rsol WARNING: Star "TYC 3550-458-1" spectral class "G7 V" assumed for temperature 5576K WARNING: Star "TrES-5" spectral class "K0 V" assumed for temperature 5171K WARNING: Star "UPS And/HD 9826/HIP 7513" spectral class "G0" changed to "G0 V" because of radius 1.631 Rsol WARNING: Star "USco1602-2401" have no distance and AppMagn value, random distance value 529.419 assumed WARNING: Star "USco1602-2401" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.214783 assumed for spectral class "K4" WARNING: Star "USco1602-2401" spectral class "K4" changed to "K4 V" because of luminosity 0.214783 WARNING: Star "USco1610-1913" have no distance and AppMagn value, random distance value 676.362 assumed WARNING: Star "USco1610-1913" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.107647 assumed for spectral class "K7" WARNING: Star "USco1610-1913" spectral class "K7" changed to "K7 V" because of luminosity 0.107647 WARNING: Star "USco1612-1800" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "USco1612-1800" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.0102802 assumed for spectral class "M3" WARNING: Star "USco1612-1800" distance 48.5288 assumed for apparent magnitude 13.2 and luminosity 0.0102802 WARNING: Star "USco1612-1800" spectral class "M3" changed to "M3 V" because of luminosity 0.0102802 WARNING: Star "UScoCTIO 108" spectral class "M7" changed to "M7 V" because of luminosity 0.173754 WARNING: Star "WASP-10" spectral class "K5" changed to "K5 V" because of radius 0.7 Rsol WARNING: Star "WASP-12" spectral class "G0" changed to "G0 V" because of radius 1.57 Rsol WARNING: Star "WASP-15" spectral class "F7" changed to "F7 V" because of radius 1.48 Rsol WARNING: Star "WASP-16" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "WASP-16" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 1.41906 assumed for spectral class "G3 V" WARNING: Star "WASP-16" distance 108.094 assumed for apparent magnitude 9.589 and luminosity 1.41906 WARNING: Star "WASP-17" spectral class "F4" changed to "F4 V" because of radius 1.38 Rsol ERROR: Star "WASP-20" can't determine spectral class WARNING: Star "WASP-20" have no distance and AppMagn value, random distance value 182.533 assumed WARNING: Star "WASP-20" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 1.6293 assumed for spectral class "Unknown" WARNING: Star "WASP-22" spectral class "G0 V" assumed for temperature 5958K WARNING: Star "WASP-23" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "WASP-23" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.428548 assumed for spectral class "K1 V" WARNING: Star "WASP-23" distance 88.308 assumed for apparent magnitude 10.45 and luminosity 0.428548 WARNING: Star "WASP-24" spectral class "F8" changed to "F8 V" because of radius 1.33 Rsol WARNING: Star "WASP-25" spectral class "G4" changed to "G4 V" because of radius 0.92 Rsol WARNING: Star "WASP-26" spectral class "G0" changed to "G0 V" because of radius 1.3 Rsol WARNING: Star "WASP-28" spectral class "F9" changed to "F9 V" because of radius 1.05 Rsol WARNING: Star "WASP-31" spectral class "F" changed to "F V" because of radius 1.25 Rsol WARNING: Star "WASP-32" spectral class "G" changed to "G V" because of radius 1.11 Rsol WARNING: Star "WASP-32" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "WASP-32" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.539511 assumed for spectral class "G V" WARNING: Star "WASP-32" distance 86.7361 assumed for apparent magnitude 10.161 and luminosity 0.539511 WARNING: Star "WASP-33/HD 15082/HIP 11397" spectral class "A5" changed to "A5 V" because of radius 1.44 Rsol WARNING: Star "WASP-34" spectral class "G5" changed to "G5 V" because of radius 0.93 Rsol WARNING: Star "WASP-35" spectral class "G0 V" assumed for temperature 5990K WARNING: Star "WASP-35" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "WASP-35" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 2.14783 assumed for spectral class "G0 V" WARNING: Star "WASP-35" distance 129.122 assumed for apparent magnitude 9.525 and luminosity 2.14783 WARNING: Star "WASP-36" spectral class "G2" changed to "G2 V" because of radius 0.95 Rsol WARNING: Star "WASP-37" spectral class "G2" changed to "G2 V" because of radius 1 Rsol WARNING: Star "WASP-38/HD 146389" spectral class "F8" changed to "F8 V" because of radius 1.33 Rsol WARNING: Star "WASP-39" spectral class "G8" changed to "G8 V" because of radius 0.9 Rsol WARNING: Star "WASP-4" spectral class "G8" changed to "G8 V" because of radius 0.91 Rsol WARNING: Star "WASP-42" spectral class "K0 V" assumed for temperature 5200K WARNING: Star "WASP-44" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "WASP-44" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.711214 assumed for spectral class "G8 V" WARNING: Star "WASP-44" distance 171.475 assumed for apparent magnitude 11.341 and luminosity 0.711214 WARNING: Star "WASP-45" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "WASP-45" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.340408 assumed for spectral class "K2 V" WARNING: Star "WASP-45" distance 73.2487 assumed for apparent magnitude 10.294 and luminosity 0.340408 WARNING: Star "WASP-46" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "WASP-46" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.937562 assumed for spectral class "G6 V" WARNING: Star "WASP-46" distance 202.395 assumed for apparent magnitude 11.401 and luminosity 0.937562 WARNING: Star "WASP-48" spectral class "G1 V" assumed for temperature 5920K WARNING: Star "WASP-48" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "WASP-48" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 1.87068 assumed for spectral class "G1 V" WARNING: Star "WASP-48" distance 177.992 assumed for apparent magnitude 10.372 and luminosity 1.87068 WARNING: Star "WASP-49" spectral class "G7 V" assumed for temperature 5600K WARNING: Star "WASP-5" spectral class "G5" changed to "G5 V" because of radius 1.08 Rsol WARNING: Star "WASP-50" spectral class "G9" changed to "G9 V" because of radius 0.84 Rsol ERROR: Star "WASP-53" can't determine spectral class WARNING: Star "WASP-53" have no distance and AppMagn value, random distance value 252.054 assumed WARNING: Star "WASP-53" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 1.6293 assumed for spectral class "Unknown" WARNING: Star "WASP-54" spectral class "F9" changed to "F9 V" because of radius 1.83 Rsol WARNING: Star "WASP-55" spectral class "G0 V" assumed for temperature 5960K WARNING: Star "WASP-56" spectral class "G6" changed to "G6 V" because of radius 1.11 Rsol WARNING: Star "WASP-57" spectral class "G6" changed to "G6 V" because of radius 0.84 Rsol WARNING: Star "WASP-6" spectral class "G8" changed to "G8 V" because of radius 0.87 Rsol WARNING: Star "WASP-61" spectral class "F7" changed to "F7 V" because of radius 1.36 Rsol WARNING: Star "WASP-62" spectral class "F7" changed to "F7 V" because of radius 1.28 Rsol WARNING: Star "WASP-63" spectral class "G8" changed to "G8 III" because of radius 1.88 Rsol WARNING: Star "WASP-64" spectral class "G7" changed to "G7 V" because of radius 1.06 Rsol WARNING: Star "WASP-65" spectral class "G6" changed to "G6 V" because of luminosity 1.38907 WARNING: Star "WASP-66" spectral class "F4" changed to "F4 V" because of radius 1.75 Rsol ERROR: Star "WASP-68" can't determine spectral class WARNING: Star "WASP-68" have no distance and AppMagn value, random distance value 308.122 assumed WARNING: Star "WASP-68" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 1.6293 assumed for spectral class "Unknown" ERROR: Star "WASP-69" can't determine spectral class WARNING: Star "WASP-69" have no distance and AppMagn value, random distance value 134.758 assumed WARNING: Star "WASP-69" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 1.6293 assumed for spectral class "Unknown" ERROR: Star "WASP-70" can't determine spectral class WARNING: Star "WASP-70" have no distance and AppMagn value, random distance value 150.342 assumed WARNING: Star "WASP-70" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 1.6293 assumed for spectral class "Unknown" WARNING: Star "WASP-71" spectral class "F8" changed to "F8 V" because of radius 2.26 Rsol WARNING: Star "WASP-72" spectral class "F7" changed to "F7 V" because of radius 1.98 Rsol WARNING: Star "WASP-75" spectral class "F9" changed to "F9 V" because of luminosity 1.47893 WARNING: Star "WASP-78" spectral class "F8" changed to "F8 V" because of radius 1.6 Rsol WARNING: Star "WASP-79" spectral class "F3" changed to "F3 V" because of radius 1.53 Rsol WARNING: Star "WASP-8" spectral class "G6" changed to "G6 V" because of radius 0.94 Rsol WARNING: Star "WD 0806-661 B" have no appMagn/absMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 4.09261e-005 assumed for spectral class "DQ" WARNING: Star "R136a1 barycenter" spectral class "WN5" changed to "WN5 Ia" because of luminosity 15897.7 WARNING: Star "ETA Car" spectral class "WN8" changed to "WN8 Ia" because of luminosity 15406.1 WARNING: Star "2MASS J03393521-3525440" spectral class "M9" changed to "M9 V" because of luminosity 8.27828e-007 WARNING: Star "WISEP J1541-2250" spectral class "L0" changed to "L0 Ia" because of radius 72206.9 Rsol WARNING: Star "Wolf 424/FL Vir/LHS 333" spectral class "M6" changed to "M6 V" because of luminosity 8.33545e-005 WARNING: Star "DENIS 0255-4700" spectral class "L8" changed to "L8 V" because of luminosity 1.39545e-008 WARNING: Star "2MASS J10481463-3956062" spectral class "L0" changed to "L0 V" because of luminosity 1.48855e-006 WARNING: Star "DP Leo" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "DP Leo" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.00337287 assumed for spectral class "DA1" WARNING: Star "DP Leo" distance 201.372 assumed for apparent magnitude 17.5 and luminosity 0.00337287 WARNING: Star "HD 176051/HIP 93017" spectral class "G0" changed to "G0 V" because of luminosity 1.44485 WARNING: Star "HU Aqr" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "HU Aqr" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.000591562 assumed for spectral class "DA" WARNING: Star "HU Aqr" distance 26.6686 assumed for apparent magnitude 15 and luminosity 0.000591562 WARNING: Star "Kepler-16" spectral class "K" changed to "K V" because of radius 0.65 Rsol WARNING: Star "Kepler-34" spectral class "G" changed to "G V" because of radius 1.16 Rsol WARNING: Star "Kepler-35" spectral class "G" changed to "G V" because of radius 1.03 Rsol WARNING: Star "Kepler-42" spectral class "M" changed to "M III" because of radius 0.17 Rsol WARNING: Star "NY Vir" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "NY Vir" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.737904 assumed for spectral class "B3 VI" WARNING: Star "NY Vir" distance 796.159 assumed for apparent magnitude 14.635 and luminosity 0.737904 WARNING: Star "RR Cae" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "RR Cae" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.000591562 assumed for spectral class "DA" WARNING: Star "RR Cae" distance 20.2302 assumed for apparent magnitude 14.4 and luminosity 0.000591562 WARNING: Star "UZ For" have no distance value, performing calculation: WARNING: Star "UZ For" have no AbsMagn/Luminosity value, luminosity 0.00337287 assumed for spectral class "DA1" WARNING: Star "UZ For" distance 277.971 assumed for apparent magnitude 18.2 and luminosity 0.00337287 Loading star catalog "catalogs/stars/stars120k.dat" Binary catalog: 112524 stars Text catalog(s): 817 stars Total: 113341 stars Loading script "catalogs/stars/stars120k.cfg" Removing duplicate stars Duplicate stars: 419 Removed stars: 12 Building stars octree DONE LOADING PLANETS Loading image "textures/common/aurora_part.png" Loading shader "system/shaders/corona_plane.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/comet_tail.glsl" Loading shader "system/shaders/aurora.glsl" Loading planets catalogs Loading script "catalogs/planets/" Loading script "catalogs/planets/" Loading script "catalogs/planets/" Loading script "catalogs/planets/" Loading script "catalogs/planets/" Loading script "catalogs/planets/" Loading script "catalogs/planets/" Loading script "catalogs/planets/" Loading script "catalogs/planets/" Loading script "catalogs/planets/" WARNING: Star "HW Vir A" have no magnitude/luminosity value, luminosity 0.711214 assumed for spectral class "B5 VI" WARNING: Star "HW Vir B" have no magnitude/luminosity value, luminosity 0.00195884 assumed for spectral class "M6 V" WARNING: Star "NY Vir A" have no magnitude/luminosity value, luminosity 0.000591562 assumed for spectral class "DA" WARNING: Star "NY Vir B" have no magnitude/luminosity value, luminosity 0.00591562 assumed for spectral class "M4 V" WARNING: Star "SR 12 A" have no magnitude/luminosity value, luminosity 0.214783 assumed for spectral class "K4 V" WARNING: Star "SR 12 B" have no magnitude/luminosity value, luminosity 0.0178649 assumed for spectral class "M2 V" WARNING: Star "Kepler-16 A" have no magnitude/luminosity value, luminosity 0.0539511 assumed for spectral class "K" WARNING: Star "Kepler-16 A" spectral class "K" changed to "K V" because of luminosity 0.0539511 WARNING: Star "Kepler-16 B" have no magnitude/luminosity value, luminosity 0.000214783 assumed for spectral class "M" WARNING: Star "Kepler-16 B" spectral class "M" changed to "M V" because of luminosity 0.000214783 WARNING: Star "Kepler-34 A" have no magnitude/luminosity value, luminosity 2.14783 assumed for spectral class "G0 V" WARNING: Star "Kepler-34 B" have no magnitude/luminosity value, luminosity 2.14783 assumed for spectral class "G0 V" WARNING: Star "Kepler-35 A" have no magnitude/luminosity value, luminosity 0.539511 assumed for spectral class "G" WARNING: Star "Kepler-35 A" spectral class "G" changed to "G V" because of luminosity 0.539511 WARNING: Star "Kepler-35 B" have no magnitude/luminosity value, luminosity 0.539511 assumed for spectral class "G" WARNING: Star "Kepler-35 B" spectral class "G" changed to "G V" because of luminosity 0.539511 WARNING: Star "Kepler-38 A" have no magnitude/luminosity value, luminosity 0.539511 assumed for spectral class "G" WARNING: Star "Kepler-38 A" spectral class "G" changed to "G V" because of luminosity 0.539511 WARNING: Star "Kepler-38 B" have no magnitude/luminosity value, luminosity 0.000214783 assumed for spectral class "M" WARNING: Star "Kepler-38 B" spectral class "M" changed to "M V" because of luminosity 0.000214783 WARNING: Star "Kepler-47 A" spectral class "G" changed to "G V" because of luminosity 0.84 WARNING: Star "Kepler-47 B" spectral class "M" changed to "M V" because of luminosity 0.014 WARNING: Star "Kepler-64 AA" have no magnitude/luminosity value, luminosity 7.7983 assumed for spectral class "F8 IV" WARNING: Star "Kepler-64 AB" have no magnitude/luminosity value, luminosity 0.000214783 assumed for spectral class "M" WARNING: Star "Kepler-64 AB" spectral class "M" changed to "M V" because of luminosity 0.000214783 WARNING: Star "Kepler-64 BA" have no magnitude/luminosity value, luminosity 1.41906 assumed for spectral class "G3 V" WARNING: Star "Kepler-64 BB" have no magnitude/luminosity value, luminosity 0.000214783 assumed for spectral class "M" WARNING: Star "Kepler-64 BB" spectral class "M" changed to "M V" because of luminosity 0.000214783 WARNING: Star "RR Cae A" have no magnitude/luminosity value, luminosity 0.000870964 assumed for spectral class "DA8" WARNING: Star "RR Cae B" have no magnitude/luminosity value, luminosity 0.00591562 assumed for spectral class "M4 V" WARNING: Star "Ross 458 A" have no magnitude/luminosity value, luminosity 0.0539511 assumed for spectral class "M0 V" WARNING: Star "Ross 458 B" have no magnitude/luminosity value, luminosity 0.0011272 assumed for spectral class "M7 V" WARNING: Star "Oph 1622 A" have no magnitude/luminosity value, luminosity 0.000123595 assumed for spectral class "L1 V" WARNING: Star "Oph 1622 B" have no magnitude/luminosity value, luminosity 4.09261e-005 assumed for spectral class "L3 V" WARNING: Star "HD 132563 AB" have no magnitude/luminosity value, luminosity 0.000214783 assumed for spectral class "M" WARNING: Star "HD 132563 AB" spectral class "M" changed to "M V" because of luminosity 0.000214783 WARNING: Star "16 Cyg C" have no magnitude/luminosity value, luminosity 0.000214783 assumed for spectral class "M V" WARNING: Star "2MASS J01033563-5515561 A/2M 0103 A" have no magnitude/luminosity value, luminosity 0.000648634 assumed for spectral class "M8 V" WARNING: Star "2MASS J01033563-5515561 B/2M 0103 B" have no magnitude/luminosity value, luminosity 0.000648634 assumed for spectral class "M8 V" WARNING: Star "KOI-961" spectral class "M" changed to "M III" because of radius 0.17 Rsol WARNING: Star "KOI-1422 star" have no magnitude/luminosity value, luminosity 0.0102802 assumed for spectral class "M3 V" WARNING: Star "R136a1" spectral class "WN5" changed to "WN5 V" because of radius 66.9519 Rsol WARNING: Star "ETA Carinae" spectral class "WN8" changed to "WN8 V" because of radius 139.899 Rsol WARNING: Star "OTS 44" have no magnitude/luminosity value, luminosity 0.000214783 assumed for spectral class "L0 V" WARNING: Star "Teide 1" have no magnitude/luminosity value, luminosity 0.000648634 assumed for spectral class "M8 V" WARNING: Star "DEN 0255-4700" spectral class "L8" changed to "L8 V" because of radius -1.43678e+032 Rsol WARNING: Star "LP 944-020" spectral class "L0" changed to "L0 V" because of radius -1.43678e+032 Rsol WARNING: Star "WISE 1541-2250/WISEPA J154151.66-225025.2" spectral class "L0" changed to "L0 V" because of radius 0.106827 Rsol WARNING: Star "Wolf 424 A" spectral class "M6" changed to "M6 V" because of radius -1.43678e+032 Rsol WARNING: Star "Wolf 424 B" spectral class "M6" changed to "M6 V" because of radius -1.43678e+032 Rsol WARNING: Star "61 Cyg B" have no magnitude/luminosity value, luminosity 0.107647 assumed for spectral class "K7 V" WARNING: Star "SCR 1845-6357 B" have no magnitude/luminosity value, luminosity 5.3951e-008 assumed for spectral class "T6" WARNING: Star "SCR 1845-6357 B" spectral class "T6" changed to "T6 V" because of luminosity 5.3951e-008 WARNING: Star "HATS-2" spectral class "K" changed to "K V" because of luminosity 0.54 WARNING: Star "Bastet" have no magnitude/luminosity value, luminosity 0.0855067 assumed for spectral class "K8 V" DONE LOADING SPACECRAFTS Loading script "config/spacecrafts.cfg" ERROR: Script::Load(): The file "config/spacecrafts.cfg" is corrupted or empty Loading materials Loading script "textures/spacecrafts/addons/Conceptual/EntIXS.sml" Loading script "textures/spacecrafts/addons/ID4/AlienAttacker.sml" Loading script "textures/spacecrafts/addons/ID4/AlienAttackerCaptured.sml" Loading script "textures/spacecrafts/addons/ID4/CityDestroyerClosed.sml" Loading script "textures/spacecrafts/addons/ID4/CityDestroyerOpen.sml" Loading script "textures/spacecrafts/default/Dragonfly/fire_dragonfly.sml" Loading script "textures/spacecrafts/default/AmS.sml" Loading script "textures/spacecrafts/default/Mef.sml" Loading script "textures/spacecrafts/default/Shuttle.sml" Loading script "textures/spacecrafts/default/Skylone.sml" Loading script "textures/spacecrafts/modules/SHW.sml" Loading aero models DONE BUILDING DATABASE Loading local database Loading script "locale/eng-db.cfg" DONE INITIALIZING CLUSTERS Initializing catalog clusters parameters Initializing clusters models Loading shader "system/shaders/cluster_particle.glsl" DONE INITIALIZING NEBULAE