Star Wars: Imperial Ship Pack addon for SpaceEngine v0.9.7.1 by HarbingerDawn - v1.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an addon pack containing multiple Imperial ships from the Star Wars universe for SpaceEngine v0.9.7.1. Models and textures from a variety of sources (see credits below), with some edits and additions by me. Please note: this pack is not all that I plan to release for Star Wars ships. I hope to add many more ships in the future, with the ultimate goal of having a well-rounded Alliance pack, pre-Empire pack, and Miscellaneous pack. If there is any particular ship you would like to see added, just make a request on the forum thread linked below and I'll make it a priority. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To install, simply extract the folders from the archive into your SpaceEngine directory and merge with the existing folders. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: Death Star: Source - Original by Matt Pfingsten/Jedi Knight Toren Depor Lambda Shuttle: Fabio Allamandri TIE Defender (high poly): Staffan Norling (Squapper_Stuffe) TIE Advanced x1: Jeremy Kincaid TIE Avenger (TIE Advanced) high poly: Tom Grays TIE Bomber (high poly): Dr. Jones TIE Fighter (high poly): James R. Bassett TIE Interceptor (high poly): Kehlan All other models are from the Star Wars: Warlords mod for Homeworld 2 A few of the meshes have been altered by me (mostly minor changes), and the textures/materials of almost every ship have either been altered or expanded upon by me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Included ships... ***Starfighters*** TIE Fighter - high and low res versions TIE Bomber - high and low res versions TIE Interceptor - high and low res versions TIE Avenger (a.k.a. TIE Advanced) - high res version (based on XvT model), and low res version TIE Defender - high and low res versions Assault Gunboat Missile Boat TIE Advanced x1 (Darth Vader's TIE) ***Combat Transports*** Gamma-class Assault Shuttle ATR-6 Assault Transport DX-9 Stormtrooper Transport Delta-class Escort Shuttle ETR-3 Escort Transport Lambda-class Shuttle Sentinel-class Landing Craft ***Light Warships*** Corellian Corvette IPV-1 Syetem Patrol Craft ***Medium Warships*** Carrack Cruiser Escort Carrier Lancer-class Frigate Loronar Strike Cruiser Immobilizer 418 Interdictor Cruiser Nebulon B2 frigate ("Modified Frigate") Dreadnaught - canon design and TIE Figher design Vindicator-class Cruiser ***Heavy Warships*** Venator-class Star Destroyer Victory I-class Star Destroyer Victory II-class Star Destroyer Imperial II-class Star Destroyer ***Captial Ships*** Executor-class Star Dreadnaught Eclipse-class Star Dreadnaught Death Star I ***Space Stations*** X7 Factory XQ5 Platform ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Changelog: v1.0 - Initial release ----------------------------------------------------------------------- HarbingerDawn - 28 December 2013